Attention Parents! Your words and actions have a big impact on your child's relationship with money.

Attention Parents! Your words and actions have a big impact on your child's relationship with money.

From as young as three, children start developing a relationship with money that can shape their financial behaviours for years to come. As parents, it is crucial for us to be mindful of how we talk about money and take intentional steps to ensure our children develop a healthy relationship with it. Academic research has provided valuable insights into the factors that influence children's financial attitudes and behaviours. By understanding the most important research in this field, we can effectively guide our children towards financial success. In this article, we will explore practical strategies supported by key academic studies to empower children with the financial knowledge and skills they need for a prosperous future.

  1. Lead by Example: Children learn about money by observing their parents' financial behaviours. If we are constantly stressed or argue about finances, our children may develop a negative view of money. It is essential to model healthy financial behaviours and have open conversations about money in a positive and constructive manner.
  2. Encourage Financial Independence: Providing children with opportunities to manage their own money can be a valuable learning experience. Whether it's through an allowance or by earning money through chores, giving children a sense of financial responsibility helps them understand the value of money and fosters essential money management skills.
  3. Involve Children in Financial Decision-Making: As children grow older, involving them in financial decision-making can significantly contribute to their financial literacy. Let them participate in budgeting, saving for family expenses, and encourage them to set their own financial goals. This involvement helps them develop a sense of ownership and accountability.
  4. Teach the Power of Saving and Investing: Instilling the habit of saving and the concept of compound interest from an early age can have a profound impact on a child's financial well-being. Explain to them how their money can grow over time through saving and investing, and encourage them to start saving early on.
  5. Cultivate Generosity and Empathy: Encouraging children to give to charity or donate their time and resources to help others fosters a sense of generosity, gratitude, and social responsibility. It helps them understand that money can be a tool for positive change and empowers them to make a difference in the world.
  6. Counteract Media and Advertising Influence: In today's digital age, children are exposed to a barrage of persuasive messages from media and advertising. Talk to your child about these techniques and help them develop critical thinking skills when it comes to spending money. Teach them to make informed decisions based on their needs and values rather than falling prey to impulsive buying.
  7. Foster Continuous Learning: Developing a healthy relationship with money is an ongoing process. Be patient and supportive as your child learns about money. Encourage them to ask questions, seek out resources for financial education, and engage in discussions about personal finance. By nurturing their curiosity and providing access to relevant information, you can help them build a solid foundation for financial success.


As parents, we have a vital role to play in guiding our children towards a healthy and empowered relationship with money. By modelling positive financial behaviours, involving them in decision-making, teaching essential money skills, and fostering generosity and critical thinking, we can set our children on a path towards financial success. Remember, it's a journey that requires patience, support, and continuous learning. Together, let's equip our children with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the complex world of personal finance.

Matt OBryan

Founder; Squirrel ?? Abu Dhabi UAE ????

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Fantastic piece Ben Bolger. Not only should we be supporting and nurturing financial literacy at school but having it supported at home as well. The article goes beyond simple money management tips and addresses various aspects of developing a healthy relationship with money. It encourages parents to lead by example, involves children in decision-making, teaches saving and investing, promotes generosity and empathy, counteracts media influence, and fosters continuous learning. This comprehensive approach ensures a well-rounded financial education for children, equipping them with essential skills and values.



