Attention Corporate Leaders! COVID-19 Will Force You to Rethink Your Work Environment.

Attention Corporate Leaders! COVID-19 Will Force You to Rethink Your Work Environment.

COVID 19 has sent the world into a lock-down, stopped cruise ships in the middle of the oceans, tanked the market and forced American Corporate Leadership to send their employees to work from home. This has become the first global work-from-home experiment, as quoted by the BBC.

Today we face closed campuses, cancelled career fairs, postponed events, and limited personal interaction and travel. The chaos reminds me of the days right after 9/11, in 2001. Panic and uncertainty filled the air. Working from home was challenging because we had no access to today’s technologies but many were forced to do so. Yet, ever since Virtual Intelligence Providers (VIP-Global) has filled the gap between Corporate Emergencies and Critical Operations.  

Nineteen years ago and just two weeks after 9/11, when we created VIP Global, we knew we were standing up to help rebuild America. Just like we are here today, getting ready one more time to support our customers, employees and friends. At that time, we created our first digital recruiting strategy and virtual outsourcing campus. Today, we have helped over 300 corporations with thousands of virtualization and outsourcing tasks and processes, and we are proud to have pioneered a successful virtual company.

Our Emergency Plan for you:

  1. We make things simple. We are not going to ask you to put your requirements in our portal, nor are we here to interview you. All you need to do is call our CEO – Sonia Clayton- (281) 350-6862, for personalized help
  2. Build corporate trust for your employees, new-hires and customers -TRUST your leaders and employees. This type of corporate culture comes from the top.
  3. Expand your digital foot-print to virtual operations. Yes, much of what you are doing today can be done virtually. Consider American Outsourcing to VIP-Global or send your employees home. The outcome will be happier employees who value work-life balance.
  4. Hire more Macro Managers – These types of leaders promote trust and productivity, in virtual environments – and teach them how to manage a remote workforce.
  5. Choose the right virtualization technologies for your environment in compliance with Cloud Optimization Standards.

Please give us a call. We are here to help.

 Sonia Clayton

President & CEO

Virtual Intelligence Providers, LLC 

p:281-350-6862 | e:[email protected] 


a:11811 North Freeway, Suite 500 I Houston, TX 77060

VIP-Global - Our Story and Services!


