2022 Cargill?World Mycotoxin Report 2022 is based on the collection, collation and analysis of raw material samples from 48 countries worldwide, and 310,000 raw material sample tests conducted by Cargill global laboratories.

The report not only shows?mycotoxin contamination from various raw materials, including corn (and its by-products), cereals (wheat, barley, etc.), oilseeds (soybeans, rapeseed, cottonseed, etc.) and?silage, but also shares global and national mycotoxin trends and Cargill's mycotoxin control programs and experiences over the years.

Global Trend

There is a slight increase in mycotoxin contamination levels in 2022 and the trend will continue. Toxins with the highest increased risk included ZEN(+12%), T2(+8%) and AFL(+3%)?as well as DON and FUM.

The increased risk of toxins is due to seasonal weather changes, technological advances of toxin detection, increase?in?use of by-products and alternative feedstocks, and changes in agricultural production, such as crop rotation, reduced tillage and reduced use of fungicides.

We see some data trends from the 2022?report, including:

01 “Top 4”?Mycotoxins

In 2022, as in 2021, the data analysis showed that deoxynivalenol (DON; Vomitoxin)(81% contamination rate), zarealenone (ZEN)(80%), fumonitoxin (FUM)(74%), and Aflatoxin (AFL)(70%) are the global top four mycotoxins.


02 The detected quantity of mycotoxins increased

Of more than 310,000 analyses in 2022, 75% exceeded the mycotoxin detection limit. From 2021, detection rates have increased by 3%, with the largest increases in ZEN (+8%), T2(+7%) and AFL(+6%).


03 Mycotoxin symbiosis

More mycotoxins were discovered with more test. In 2022, 92% of the 135,000 raw material samples collected were contaminated with at least one mycotoxin. Of the samples tested for 3 mycotoxins, 85% were contaminated with 2 or 3 mycotoxins, and of the samples tested for 6 mycotoxins, 84% were contaminated with 4 or more mycotoxins.


How to control mycotoxins?

From feed materials to storage, we are faced with huge challenges. Mycotoxin binder, Moldics of Vegamax is strongly recommended to farms and feed mills with double effect of degradation and absorption.

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Modified montmorillonite

Medical grade, with remarkable ability to absorb toxins.

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Yeast cell wall

?Biosorptive materials are rich in growth promoting factors.

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Bacterial enzyme complex

?Microorganisms produce enzymes and degrade toxins.


Unique fungus mold complex

For the common AFB1, ZEN and DON in feed, Vegamax selects a variety of probiotics that can produce enzymes to decompose mycotoxins rapidly in the intestinal environment, so as to degrade mycotoxins in feed and significantly reduce the toxicity of mycotoxins.

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Moldics of Vegamax--Does not absorb nutrients
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Moldics, the effect is visible!
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AFB1 Degradation rate > 90%
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ZEN Degradation rate > 95%
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DON Degradation rate > 80%

?Vegamax Field Trials

Poultry: after 1 weeks, the incidence rate of glandular gastritis is reduced and egg production rate is increasing.

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??Unexplained death rate can be decreased by 70% with daily application of Modics in chicken farm!!

Pigs: after 1 week of use, the red and swollen vulva, gastric ulcer and dermatitis of the reserve sows were significantly reduced!

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Vegamax Application

High risk pollution: In summer, rainy season or high mycotoxin polluted area, add 1.5-2kg/t.

Low risk pollution: In dry season etc low mycotoxin risk area, add 0.5-1.0kg/t.

product detail (

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VEGA Academy




Since 2017, VEGA?Academy has cooperated with the National Academy of Green?Sciences Research?, found probiotics that can decompose various mycotoxins from hundreds of enzyme producing microorganisms in nature. With times of optimization, the best strain producing mycotoxin catabolic enzyme was optimized, and a unique mycotoxin degradation product with excellent performance was successfully developed.





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