Are Attending Events Worth It?
Everywhere you look, someone is selling something and hoping you will be their next buyer. Some things, you don’t hesitate when purchasing. Six-dollar coffee from Starbucks? Swipe the card and collect the stars without even thinking twice about it. Happy hour drinks every Thursday are a must, right? But… it then tends to turn into dinner out and a hefty, unplanned, tab. I am not saying these things are bad or shouldn’t occur. After all, that venti latte is your “go-go” juice for the day and the drinks with the co-workers were great relationship-building. Why is it, though, that these are priorities in our lives but when we are offered a chance to invest in ourselves, it is almost considered taboo??
My goal today is to present a (mostly) unbiased examination of the benefits of attending conferences/events for professional development. Are they really worth it? That will be up to you to decide.?
A conference is a formal event that usually takes place over several days and tends to occur annually. It is a gathering of individuals with similar interests or ideas that consult together. People tend to have a wide range of opinions on their experiences of like-events. If forced to attend by their corporate company, it may have been viewed as dry, boring, or a waste of time. When choosing, by choice, to go with an investment of one’s own money and time, the views tend to be on the opposite side of the spectrum - Inspirational, motivating, and wanting more.?
Maybe the thought of going somewhere new, on your own, and being surrounded by people you don’t know frightens you. If that is the case, a virtual event could be attractive to you. After all, you can enjoy the event in the comfort of your own home, save money on travel, and not have to put yourself out there. However, according to Michael Platt, Ph.D., “Human beings are wired to connect - and we have the most complex and interesting social behavior out of all animals.” There is no doubt that connecting in person is more effective than virtually (even if your comfy pajamas are saying differently).
As I said before in the definition of a conference, events attract people of similar interests. Sharing those interests with other like-minded individuals can lead to new ideas and innovations. Maybe you have had an idea for years but are just not sure how to execute it. Maybe you have the game plan but just need someone else to tell you that it is a good idea - giving you the confidence boost needed to go forward with it. Maybe you know that you have the mindset to be a successful entrepreneur but do not know where to start. Maybe… and the list goes on. That is when meeting the right person or people, at the right time, can be a Game. Changer.?
The initial investment in attending an event can be daunting. We all have bills to pay and other “priorities” in life (can’t forget about that morning latte from Starbucks). But what if paying the ticket price now has a return ten to even one hundred times greater? As I said earlier, all it takes is one person at the right time to change your life. Relationships that are created and experiences had are difficult to put a price tag on.
As Warren Buffet would say, “Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do. If you’ve got talents, no one can take them from you.”