Harendra Pasi
Founder - Orbit Careers ? HR Consultant & Recruiter? Master Resume & LinkedIn Profile Writer ? Elevating Careers for 15+ Years
This document clarifies the process of sending the Monthly Attendance for processing the Payroll.
Section 1: How and When Attendance is submitted.
Compiling monthly attendance is the HR Head’s responsibility in the prescribed format to the Finance for processing the payroll. HR Dept. to cross check and verify the electronic attendance data collected from the attendance machine where employees are required to punch their Identity cum Attendance card on a daily basis.
However, in case of any variations in the attendance data, the HR Dept. to cross check the same and verify the Card Forgotten & Outdoor Duty Form duly approved by the Immediate Supervisor.
The HR Dept. collects the attendance data, compiles the same and sends to Finance Dept. on 25th of every month for processing the payroll. The payroll attendance cycle is 26th of previous month to 25th of current month.
Section 2: Card Forgotten
In the event an employee forgets the Identity Card, the concerned employee needs to fill up the Card Forgotten Form available at the HR Department and submit the same to HR Dept. duly approved by the Immediate Supervisor for manually updating the attendance.
Section 3: Outdoor duty Form
In the event an employee is out on official work, the concerned employee needs to intimate the same to the HR by filling the “Out Door Duty Form” or sending by e-mail. Alternatively, the Immediate Superior shall approve of the absence from office and intimate the same to the HR who will record the same in the attendance register.
Section 4: Leave Maintenance System
HR Department has provided individual Leave Card for employees for managing and recording the leaves. It’s the responsibility of an individual employee to collect the Leave Card from the HR Department whenever he/she wants to avail leave. Employee to enter the leave data in the Leave Card, get it approved from Immediate Supervisor and/or the Functional Head and then forward to HR for updating.
The leave eligibility is as defined in the HR Policy.
Section 5: Cost Centre & Project Recognition
The cost centre and project identification against each employee has to be done by HR in co-ordination with Operations.
If any employee has to be transferred from either a cost centre to another or from any project in the same cost centre to another, a transfer form has to be designed which should be duly requested for and approved by the respective cost centre head / project lead with the date of the transfer. The same has to be approved by the HR head before the actual date of transfer.
Once the same is decided and finalized the signed Transfer Form has to be submitted to the Accounts Department.
Section 6: Adding Leave in the Payroll Master
Updating the Payroll master (including confirmation, date of leaving, freezing employee salary, etc.) is responsibility of HR Head. Whenever a new employee joins, the cost centre and project has to be identified by the HR in co-ordination with the Operations.