Attain Mastery
Nicoleta Mocanu, PCC
Certified Professional Coach | Psychologist | Talent Partner
?We live in a globalized technology world. Companies are outsourcing work to people at thousand miles away who produce high quality work $$$ for a fraction of the cost $. Artificial intelligence will be powerful enough to replace truck drivers, all language translators and any job that doesn’t require a high level of creativity. So how can we hope to survive in this market place and avoid having our work outsourced and automated?
There is one way: to Attain Mastery
With thousands of hours of intensely focused practice and work , with the guidance and feedback of experienced people , our brains will adapt and we will unlock Higher Intelligence and Creative Ability that will be hard to outsource and difficult to automate
So the question is How should we approach our careers so that we can ensure we take the most effective path toward mastery?
Mastery by Robert Greene is one book that is looking at how masters think and approach their career. Here are 3?insights/ mindsets:
1.?? Reconnect with our Primal Curiosity. Primal Curiosity is like your DNA, it’s unique to you but unfortunately we lose touch to it as we get older. Many schools kill curiosity, we forget what once captivated us. We need to go back to our roots and see what fascinated us before social pressure and feeling cool and conformed?
2.?? Value Learning Above all else. Sometimes the best opportunity to learn means taking lower pay, 0 recognition, facing harsh criticism
The GOAL of an apprenticeship is not money, is not a good position, a title of a diploma, but rather the transformation of your mind and character.
3.?? Gather skills and Combine skills in an unique way. Never lost touch with your childhood curiosities, gather related skills and create a niche field where you obtain mastery.
So let's use our reflection and think about how the 3 above mindsets can impact us and if there is one that best relies with you.