Attack Excellence
Kevin Fream
America's Cyberist Helping Financial & Professional Services Avoid Loss, Improve Business, and Eliminate Doubt
T - Minus 120 Days
I fell asleep to the TV series 1833 where only the toughest new immigrants with skills survived on the Oregon Trail - even though it was a free country.
It caught my eye this weekend that there are no top ranking Americans in tennis or chess, so we've lost our edge on individual sports and strategic thinking.
We're so comfortable and have so much that nearly half of the freedoms, opportunity, and abundance we created has been taken away from us in the last few years.
Worse yet very few have complained and those that did were silenced just like the historical fascism of leftists Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.
If you google "toughest man in the world" it's at least an American patriot who epitomizes leadership and excellence.
While you enjoy the day with family and friends, let's all remember that working for our Freedom is our strength.
Daily Mission:?Talk about your favorite patriots today.
For more thought leadership, follow?Kevin Fream.