The ATS Protocol: Episode 3
What a week (in politics)
Well, they say a week is a long time in politics, and what a week! And it's been a busy (last) week with UNLEASH in Paris (I didn't go) and yet more events this week coming. Looks like things are back to how they "used to be" although with a lot less travel for me. Apart from this week.
IHR Live London
Today I'll be at IHR Live so if you're there, please come and say hello. If not, please enjoy this week's ATS Protocol.
Something random
Grass. Taken for granted but it can be the difference between winning and losing. Fit or injured. First or second. Think of your ATS as your hiring pitch, ignore it at your peril. Coming second in the hiring game = nothing.
Well worth a read even if you don't agree with the recruitment comparison.
Something old
I often see vendors state their age as a good thing:
"We've been an ATS for 20+ years, ain't that so great huh".
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It depends on how often they've changed the handle and the head. Just ask Trigger. #lookafteryourATS
Something new
Well Mr ATS is very new, this newsletter is only 3 weeks old, and there's a very long way to go. But 424 subscribers, thank you to everyone who is in that list. I know it's small compared to many others but I feel it's a great start. 1,000 by the end of the year maybe?
Moving on from subscribers, I wasn't sure if I should write about Mr ATS, how he came about, how I don't know all the answers, let people see the weakness in my plan, the fear in my eyes. But I (eventually) beat The Spine Race, so surely a little LinkedIn Article won't break Mr ATS? ?? ??
This post is as much about bikes as building a brand but hopefully worth reading.
And there's more to come!
This week's Tweet
I did delete the Twitter App a while ago and after the government debacle this week, the discussions I'm seeing on Twitter remind me why I spent a bit less time there. But, in amongst the muck, there's some good stuff to be found. I'll keep digging for the time being.
I do like a Ted Talk so did watch a few from this tweet. Some useful talks for these interesting times!
You are what you read
Reading The Dog Stars lead me onto a number of other Peter Heller books.
He is probably my (current) favourite author but having now read all of his books, even the one that is only available in print (no idea why), I have read The Dog Stars a second time.
If you like a good dystopian novel this one won't disappoint. Although his writing style is very quirky. But good. You'll get used to it.
Please share?This Newsletter
So that's it for this week, less is more, short and sweet.
If you know anyone who might find this newsletter useful please share it on LinkedIn or even Facebook or Twitter; it’s the best way to grow a system-agnostic ATS user community.
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