Atria~Thiol~ Sulfhydryl~Diabetes~Tetrandrine~Anti-Cancer~Isoquinoline~Gypsum~Allium~Cell Replacement~Chlorophyll-a~Butterfly Eyes~Catecholamines

Atria~Thiol~ Sulfhydryl~Diabetes~Tetrandrine~Anti-Cancer~Isoquinoline~Gypsum~Allium~Cell Replacement~Chlorophyll-a~Butterfly Eyes~Catecholamines

As, For Space Forming Thiol, As, Of “Human’s Ventricle” Or “Atrial Myosin”, As, For Space Forming And Star Forming Thiol’s Sulfhydryl Group, As, “An Antioxidant Defense Matrix”, As, For “Atria”, As, A “Bright Giant Star”, As, In “The Constellation Of “Triangulum Australe”, As, For “Human Heart’s Four Chambers”, As, For “Two Atria” And “Two Ventricles”, As, For “Atrium”, As, An Internal Chamber, As, In “Female Spiders”, As, For Human’s Diabetes Mellitus, As, For Body Changes May Cause “Human’s Atrial Fibrillation”, As, For Humans, As, To Drink 67oz Of Sugar Or Artificial Sweeteners Per Week, As, “High Risk Of “Human’s Irregular Heart Rhythm”, As, For “Radix Stephania Tetrandra” “Herbaceous Vine’s Dried Root”, As, For “Space Forming Tetrandrine”, As, For “Reduction Of Human Heart’s Arrhythmia”, As, For Space Forming Tetrandrine, As, A “Bisbenzyl Isoquinoline Alkaloid”, As, A “Star Forming Calcium Channel Blocker”, As, To “Treat Human’s Angina And Hypertension”, As, For Herbaceous Vine’s Space Forming Tetrandrine, As, A “Potent Smooth Muscle Relaxant”, As, For “Magnoliaceae Plant Family” Space Forming Isoquinoline Alkaloids, As, “Human’s Anti-Tumor”, As, For “Herbaceous Plant’s Human’s Anti-Inflammatory Isoquinoline Alkaloid, As, For Space Forming “Quinoline”, As, In “Rutaceae”, As, “Citrus Family Flowering Plants”, As, “Human’s Anti-Cancer”, As, For Oranges, Limes, Lemon’s Space Forming Chemical “Citral”, As, For “Citral” Space Forming Acyclic Monoterpene Aldehyde, As, For “Citral Antimicrobial”, As, For Space Forming Citral Citrus Fruit Peel Space Forming “Oil”, As, “Antioxidant Motions”, As, For “Human’s Diabetes Mellitus Type 2”, As, For Space Forming Citral Decreases Blood Glucose Levels, As, “Human’s Antihyperlipidemic”, As, For “Marine Cave’s Fine Grained Star Forming “Carbonates” And “Sulfate Minerals”, As, For Cryogenic, As, Star Forming Calcite, As, For “Gypsum”, As, For Cryogenic Cave Star Forming Carbonates, As, Of Cave Ice, As, For Space Forming Gypsum Crystal Form, As, For “Gypsum Star Forming “Sulfur”, As, Used For “Human’s Dental Prosthetics And “Limbs”, As, For Gypsum Polar Molecular Structure, As, For “Gypsum” Increases Growth And Crops Of “Almonds”, As, For “Human’s Medicinal Alliums”, As, For Gypsum Star Forming, As, To Increase “Growth Rates” And “Bulb Size”, As, For Alliums, As, “Onions”, Garlic And Scallion, As, For Allium Compounds In “Garlic Bulb”, As, To Lower Human’s Cancer Risk, As, For Plants And “Bulb Juice”, As, Against “Human’s Tuberculosis”,As, For Smashed Leaves And Stems, As, For “Human’s Wounds”, As, For “Allium Species Space Forming “Diallyl Disulfide”, As, An “Organosulfur”, As, For Space Forming “Thiol-Disulfides”, As, For “Human’s Skin Psoriasis”, As, For Gypsum Assists Soil, As, To Better Absorb “Water”, As, To Cut Down On Star Forming Phosphorus Motions From Soil, As, For Gypsum Formation, As, From “Aqueous Star Forming Calcium Sulfate”,As, For “Gypsum”, As, “On The Surface Of Mars”,As, For Gypsum, As, To Allow Plant Roots, As, To Penetrate Soil, As, For “Almonds”, As, To Reduce Human’s Risk, As, Of “Certain Cancers”, As, For “Almonds”, As, “High In Star Forming Sulfur”, As, For “Walnuts” And “Sesame Seeds”, As, For Nuts And Seeds, As, “High In Space Forming Sulfur Amino Acids”, As, For “Disequilibrium”, As, Between Space Forming “Thiol-Disulfide Pairs”, As, In “Humans With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”, As, For “Space Forming Aromatics”, As, Odor Of Garlic”, As, For “Space Forming Thiol Antioxidants”, As, For Thiol’s Star Forming Sulphur Molecules, As, In Wine, As, In “Rose”, As, In “Sauvignon”, As, For Thiol Molecules, As, Precursors, As, In “Grape”, As, For “Fermentation”, As, By “Yeast”, As, For “Human Anticancer Motions”, As, Of “Grape” And “Grape Skin Extract”, As, “Anti-Proliferative”, As, For “Cytotoxic Effects”, As, For “Grape Vine Fertilized”, As, For “Organic Nitrogen”, As, For “High In Space Forming Nitrogen”, As, For “Fertilizer’s “Complex Organic Molecules”, As, For Complex Organic Molecules, As, In “Low Mass Protostars”, As, For An Abundance Of Nitrogen, As, In Interstellar Medium, As, For “Cell Replacement”, As, For “Tissue Repair”, As, To Require “Nitrogen”, As, For “The Production Of New Cells”, As, For “Plant Cells Grow On Nitrate Alone”, As, For Space Forming Nitrogen And Amino Acids, As, In “Nectar”, As, To Increase Photosynthesis, As, For “Greener Plants”, As, For Nitrate’s Relationship With “Chlorophyll-a” And “Derivatives”, As, “Human’s Anti-Diabetic Motions”, As, For “Butterflies Dietary”, As, Of “Star Forming Nitrogen And Sodium”, As, For “Butterflies Evolution Of “Larger Eyes”, As, For Nectar’s Space Forming “Sugar”, As, “Butterflies High Energy”, As, For “Flying”, As, For “Black Raspberry”, As, “Rose Family”, As, For Black Raspberry Nectar, As, To Prevent “Human’s Lung Cancer”, As, For Human’s Higher Brain Function, As, For Perception And Reflection, As, “An Internal Sense”, As, Higher Order Perception, As, For Space Forming Catecholamines, As, In Human’s Brain, As, At Human’s Highest Levels Of “Human’s Mental Functions”, As, For Catecholamines, As Hormones, As, Produced By “Human Brain’s Nerve Tissues And “Adrenal Glands”, As, For Catecholamines, As, “Space Forming Biogenic Amines”, As For Catecholamines, As, “Human’s Functional Neurotransmitters And Hormones.” Thank-you.


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