Atria~Thiol~ Sulfhydryl~Diabetes~Tetrandrine~Anti-Cancer~Isoquinoline~Gypsum~Allium~Cell Replacement~Chlorophyll-a~Butterfly Eyes~Catecholamines
Anne Stanford
Corporate Assistant /CEO and CFO at Braintree Corporation Bioscience, Biomedical, Translational Research
As, For Space Forming Thiol, As, Of “Human’s Ventricle†Or “Atrial Myosinâ€, As, For Space Forming And Star Forming Thiol’s Sulfhydryl Group, As, “An Antioxidant Defense Matrixâ€, As, For “Atriaâ€, As, A “Bright Giant Starâ€, As, In “The Constellation Of “Triangulum Australeâ€, As, For “Human Heart’s Four Chambersâ€, As, For “Two Atria†And “Two Ventriclesâ€, As, For “Atriumâ€, As, An Internal Chamber, As, In “Female Spidersâ€, As, For Human’s Diabetes Mellitus, As, For Body Changes May Cause “Human’s Atrial Fibrillationâ€, As, For Humans, As, To Drink 67oz Of Sugar Or Artificial Sweeteners Per Week, As, “High Risk Of “Human’s Irregular Heart Rhythmâ€, As, For “Radix Stephania Tetrandra†“Herbaceous Vine’s Dried Rootâ€, As, For “Space Forming Tetrandrineâ€, As, For “Reduction Of Human Heart’s Arrhythmiaâ€, As, For Space Forming Tetrandrine, As, A “Bisbenzyl Isoquinoline Alkaloidâ€, As, A “Star Forming Calcium Channel Blockerâ€, As, To “Treat Human’s Angina And Hypertensionâ€, As, For Herbaceous Vine’s Space Forming Tetrandrine, As, A “Potent Smooth Muscle Relaxantâ€, As, For “Magnoliaceae Plant Family†Space Forming Isoquinoline Alkaloids, As, “Human’s Anti-Tumorâ€, As, For “Herbaceous Plant’s Human’s Anti-Inflammatory Isoquinoline Alkaloid, As, For Space Forming “Quinolineâ€, As, In “Rutaceaeâ€, As, “Citrus Family Flowering Plantsâ€, As, “Human’s Anti-Cancerâ€, As, For Oranges, Limes, Lemon’s Space Forming Chemical “Citralâ€, As, For “Citral†Space Forming Acyclic Monoterpene Aldehyde, As, For “Citral Antimicrobialâ€, As, For Space Forming Citral Citrus Fruit Peel Space Forming “Oilâ€, As, “Antioxidant Motionsâ€, As, For “Human’s Diabetes Mellitus Type 2â€, As, For Space Forming Citral Decreases Blood Glucose Levels, As, “Human’s Antihyperlipidemicâ€, As, For “Marine Cave’s Fine Grained Star Forming “Carbonates†And “Sulfate Mineralsâ€, As, For Cryogenic, As, Star Forming Calcite, As, For “Gypsumâ€, As, For Cryogenic Cave Star Forming Carbonates, As, Of Cave Ice, As, For Space Forming Gypsum Crystal Form, As, For “Gypsum Star Forming “Sulfurâ€, As, Used For “Human’s Dental Prosthetics And “Limbsâ€, As, For Gypsum Polar Molecular Structure, As, For “Gypsum†Increases Growth And Crops Of “Almondsâ€, As, For “Human’s Medicinal Alliumsâ€, As, For Gypsum Star Forming, As, To Increase “Growth Rates†And “Bulb Sizeâ€, As, For Alliums, As, “Onionsâ€, Garlic And Scallion, As, For Allium Compounds In “Garlic Bulbâ€, As, To Lower Human’s Cancer Risk, As, For Plants And “Bulb Juiceâ€, As, Against “Human’s Tuberculosisâ€,As, For Smashed Leaves And Stems, As, For “Human’s Woundsâ€, As, For “Allium Species Space Forming “Diallyl Disulfideâ€, As, An “Organosulfurâ€, As, For Space Forming “Thiol-Disulfidesâ€, As, For “Human’s Skin Psoriasisâ€, As, For Gypsum Assists Soil, As, To Better Absorb “Waterâ€, As, To Cut Down On Star Forming Phosphorus Motions From Soil, As, For Gypsum Formation, As, From “Aqueous Star Forming Calcium Sulfateâ€,As, For “Gypsumâ€, As, “On The Surface Of Marsâ€,As, For Gypsum, As, To Allow Plant Roots, As, To Penetrate Soil, As, For “Almondsâ€, As, To Reduce Human’s Risk, As, Of “Certain Cancersâ€, As, For “Almondsâ€, As, “High In Star Forming Sulfurâ€, As, For “Walnuts†And “Sesame Seedsâ€, As, For Nuts And Seeds, As, “High In Space Forming Sulfur Amino Acidsâ€, As, For “Disequilibriumâ€, As, Between Space Forming “Thiol-Disulfide Pairsâ€, As, In “Humans With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitusâ€, As, For “Space Forming Aromaticsâ€, As, Odor Of Garlicâ€, As, For “Space Forming Thiol Antioxidantsâ€, As, For Thiol’s Star Forming Sulphur Molecules, As, In Wine, As, In “Roseâ€, As, In “Sauvignonâ€, As, For Thiol Molecules, As, Precursors, As, In “Grapeâ€, As, For “Fermentationâ€, As, By “Yeastâ€, As, For “Human Anticancer Motionsâ€, As, Of “Grape†And “Grape Skin Extractâ€, As, “Anti-Proliferativeâ€, As, For “Cytotoxic Effectsâ€, As, For “Grape Vine Fertilizedâ€, As, For “Organic Nitrogenâ€, As, For “High In Space Forming Nitrogenâ€, As, For “Fertilizer’s “Complex Organic Moleculesâ€, As, For Complex Organic Molecules, As, In “Low Mass Protostarsâ€, As, For An Abundance Of Nitrogen, As, In Interstellar Medium, As, For “Cell Replacementâ€, As, For “Tissue Repairâ€, As, To Require “Nitrogenâ€, As, For “The Production Of New Cellsâ€, As, For “Plant Cells Grow On Nitrate Aloneâ€, As, For Space Forming Nitrogen And Amino Acids, As, In “Nectarâ€, As, To Increase Photosynthesis, As, For “Greener Plantsâ€, As, For Nitrate’s Relationship With “Chlorophyll-a†And “Derivativesâ€, As, “Human’s Anti-Diabetic Motionsâ€, As, For “Butterflies Dietaryâ€, As, Of “Star Forming Nitrogen And Sodiumâ€, As, For “Butterflies Evolution Of “Larger Eyesâ€, As, For Nectar’s Space Forming “Sugarâ€, As, “Butterflies High Energyâ€, As, For “Flyingâ€, As, For “Black Raspberryâ€, As, “Rose Familyâ€, As, For Black Raspberry Nectar, As, To Prevent “Human’s Lung Cancerâ€, As, For Human’s Higher Brain Function, As, For Perception And Reflection, As, “An Internal Senseâ€, As, Higher Order Perception, As, For Space Forming Catecholamines, As, In Human’s Brain, As, At Human’s Highest Levels Of “Human’s Mental Functionsâ€, As, For Catecholamines, As Hormones, As, Produced By “Human Brain’s Nerve Tissues And “Adrenal Glandsâ€, As, For Catecholamines, As, “Space Forming Biogenic Aminesâ€, As For Catecholamines, As, “Human’s Functional Neurotransmitters And Hormones.†Thank-you.