Farcaster produces many events during a swap to inform status and ask for user intervention. We could expose them in our API so they can be consumed by the wallet using AtomicSwap.
We are finding them to know what we need to implement in the API. We need to know when something is happening to show it in the wallet, but we don’t know yet and we don’t see it in the logs. We are looking at the interaction diagrams to understand the theoretical aspect of this, there is also information in the UI designs (about required data from Farcaster).
For this matter, we have created a list of Farcaster swap events. When we have more pieces of MVP together, we will create a ticket for each event to be added to the API server.
Also, Farcaster daemons produce events that can be listened to (eg. syncer block confirmation). We can select 1 event and write the code which allows listening for the event.