Atomic wallet: Changing the Dynamics of the Financial Sector.
Chika Nwaorgu
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While a lot of financial experts continue to predict a widespread adaptation of cryptocurrency, investors are not very keen on putting their money where the mouth of these supposed ‘experts’ are and for good reasons. There’s a lot of volatility in the market with cryptocurrency still struggling with a hemorrhage from last year. Yes, blockchain might be the next best thing after the Internet, but there’s a lot that will need to be done to establish this where it matters.
One of the challenges which have kept the crypto space spellbound is the lack of regulation. Like everything else, the absence of a check and balance will result in ruin in the shortest possible time. Digital kleptomaniacs are on the increase, and this makes some old fashioned regulatory institutions crucial to operations. Banking institutions would certainly fit the bill. But the divide between banks and the average crypto-enthusiast is gaping. Something has to give but what?
It’s not every day that you get to see apps connect different worlds – cryptocurrences and all their assest. The atomic wallet does this with astonishing ease. Investors can delve into the murky waters of cryptocurrency with the confident backing of strong financial institutions (atomic). The platform intends to make users assests in a much closer association with cryptocurrency than ever before. True, lots of cryptocurrency exchanges might be offering fiat incorporation but not with the convenience the atomic wallet delivers. And that’s not all; you are treated to the highest level of transparency you can think of. It’s no longer a case of being hoodwinked into making a flawed investment. Manipulations are at the barest minimum. Investors can make well-researched decisions without any forced conviction to proceed regardless.
In the world of investment, foresight is crucial, and atomic appears to have that in the bag. The project is aimed at bringing digital investment (all assets) under one roof without sacrificing the comfort of the end user. With such an arrangement, issues such as the volatility of cryptocurrency prices are handled more briskly. Investing in digital currencies shouldn’t be about rummaging in the dark, and atomic helps investors avoid plying that route.
Many people have trust issues with banks, and their reasons are not far-fetched. From exorbitant transfer fees to poor customer service, the issues are relatively cogent. Why haven’t the banks made the necessary changes? Perhaps the statement “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” captures their nonchalance towards these problems.
The atomic platform offers a sort of palliative for users as you can easily transact your assest without probelms. How potential and incredible this plaform is, they gave the community the access to have this done, to Buy, store and manage their crypto currencies assests together in just one wallet.
Withdraw funds in EUR, USD etc just snappy without glitch at anytime within the ecosystem.
Many of these services on atomic are offered for free to users and this is great as many banks would often attach a fee for most of these.
With the desire to make cryptocurrency adoption a reality, atomic intends to give those unfamiliar with cryptocurrency a feel of what it entails by putting the digital currencies within reach. This would definitely lead to a surge in the use of cryptocurrency in the nearest future.
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Author: Chika08
Bitcointalk username: Chika08
Bitcointalk profile URL:;u=2107609