Atomic realism

Atomic realism

A space time of sorts is obtained in an atomic realism. The holographic 3D reality created through a 2D hexagon and the central atom time reversal system (time coded into its operation). The superposition of many states in the Faraday cage of the single atom operating within an aromatic ring. Frodo would be slipping that ring on to slip into the invisible realm of the imagination and going down into the singularity to peer through the round window. Play School. We see the 3D realm, created from a 2D ring. We have time to see both inward and outward orientations, but the conscious mind see both and experiences Deja Vue. Both are concepts created by our own biological processes operating within the mind and the house of the rising sun is located in the one ring to rule them all. A quantum location (single atom), and the place that gives and receives hydrogen for the creation of superposition states in the Faraday cage. A love of time travel and breaking open the ring to release memory. A stored record of the past that is able to be accessed when needed. A physics process of isotopes aligned to memory formation (new atoms created from the light observed) and the memory recall (isotope decays releasing neutrinos as the carriers of information from the past to the present moment). We have a photographic memory based on the minds ability to produce images from the decay of isotopes.

This helps explain what aspects of our biology are involved in the generation of time connected to the mind and the elements of vision at an atomic level It is the fundamental aspects of biology founded in unstable atoms. From the instability comes all possibilities. Quantum superposition is many states (spread out wavelength), then measure to get one state. How about considering the isotope physics landscape of superpositions for each atom as the superposition state and the single atom decay process leading to neutrino release giving the collapse of the wave function into a single stable state.

The features of light in the environment being able to shift the superposition isotope physics states into various geometries giving rise to the positional locations of the positron and electron nodes in the orbital layers, which conveys information to the atomic structure within the nucleus of the atom through quantum tunnelling and entanglement. Just like a cell in biology sensing its environment and changing its gene expression according to the environment there is an atomic process that parallels the cell in its environmental evolution process that leads to differentiation and an environmental selection pressure. The collapsed state (isotope decay) leading to a feedback mechanism whereby the environment is changed by the energy released by the atom as it decays. You see the dynamic reciprocity in effect and the quantum nature of atomic evolution in terms of the relationships between the atomic nucleus and the orbital geometries. Looking just like the gene expression changes in protein and the differentiation of a cell based on the environmental selective pressure of the external environment.

Controlling one's environment is critical to be in harmony. If the environment is constantly changing then the lowest energy state, a harmonic equilibrium between inside and outside cannot be found easily. Jump out of the rat race and see the wheel spinning without anyone on it. The system has churn without using energy. It operates without your energy. The entire universe is self-consistent with an ability to sustain life through breaking the bonds of entropy. The biological living system operates through quantum coherence to create cohesion and not chaos because single atom systems head towards balance and not towards greater entropy. The single atom system operates in a vacuum of dualism. Mirror x Mirror with the cross being the inversion in the inverse square law and the two sides make up the r x r = r^2. It is quite simple when one sees the laws in terms of harmony. If you measure you put energy into the system under investigation and the outcome is chaos. A disturbance of the original state that was in harmony. Consider doing nothing and conceptualize balance within the single state that is there when you do not interact. It conveys the outcome and the single solution to the quantum mechanical wave collapse problem. Measurement is the greatest flawed process in quantum mechanics. Observe and you see particles (the collapse has already happened). Note: remember your conscious mind is slow and the observation reflects the unconscious mind isotope physics processes that are responsible for you being able to make an observation.

Do not look and a wave is observed. The wave state is looking for the balanced of dualism in the atomic landscape and all the dance partners are paired. From this balance point a window into isotope physics is witnessed. Half-life timings and velocities based on binding energies is the observed reality. No wonder measurement is causing chaos. Too much energy being added and the organization of the system to cope with information overload. Step away. Get some quiet in your life. Obtain balance. Be in harmony. Choose you over the churn. Life gets to be very simple when you find a pathway out of a system that is not supportive to your health and wellbeing. To see the models under development go to and to understand the processes of regenerative healing using quantum foods go to

If you are what you eat and you are eating atomic foods then you can consider the enhancement of the cognitive functions that such regenerative technologies offer in terms of keeping one on the path of health. Prevention is always better than finding a cure and the approach taken here is to understand health in terms of quantum coherence and the unified field connection to the understanding of oneself. Free your mind from the materialistic enslavement of a physical external reality as that has nothing to do with the light generated by your mind. One's mind is a powerful quantum light generating super coherent system that uses atomic realism to understand the universe that you are creating within you. It is your doorway to liberation and freedom. It is your garden of Eden. The Adam and Eve story about returning back to the garden of Eden is to understand from whence you came.

The -1/2 spin state of the electron (720 degree) two rotations equates to the 120 degrees and 6 nodal positions of the hexagon (6 x 120 = 720). The minds eye, aromatic ring is a hydrogen quantum tunnelling and entanglement atom generating system. Biological vision is based on the minds single atom eye. Explore the new science of SUSY inversion and the quantum singularity model that shifts the foundations of science from materialism to atomic realism.

Ruud Bakker

Interested in mirror - symmetry related to physics and cosmology - Out of the box ideas | Unification | Higgs | pre-bigbang | Dark energy /matter | Black holes | Quantum entanglement | Evolution of life | conciousness

1 年

Interesting stuff

Jim Welsh

Esoteric Writing and insight to Awareness adaptation to Sustainability through the Human condition and its implications to Business and Holistic integration. Anthesis Designs.

1 年

It can only be measured at the time of the interaction as observation …. The inverse square law is exactly that It doesn’t matter if you slice, dice or entice it’s Quantum as a result depends on its correlation to its structure ….. Think about that ….. Cheers ??

David Thornton

Field Service Tech II

1 年

Impressive another great read thank you sir


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