...Atmospheric Cloudiness... Convincing Climate Parameter ...Atmospheric Temperature... Confusing Climate Parameter  ...

...Atmospheric Cloudiness... Convincing Climate Parameter ...Atmospheric Temperature... Confusing Climate Parameter ...

Correct global warming is measured in W/m2="Watt per square meter" but temperature is easier among non-scientist to talk about their climatofobia ...

Cloudiness is not confusing :

  • Less cloudiness does increase earth out radiation
  • Less cloudiness does increase solar irradiation and does increase atmospheric temperature.

Over the past 40 years atmospheric temperature increase (=red curve) correlates perfectly with cloud cover (black curve) decrease.

Cloudiness controles radiation as well as temperature.

So the "trend reversal paradox" is not a paradox :

  • 1W/m2 less irradiation on 1361W/m2 is only 0,07% less irradiation.
  • 2% less cloudiness on 62% cloudiness makes 2% of (100%-62%)=0,76% more irradiance
  • +0,76-0,07%=+0,69% more irradiance as a result of 2% less cloudiness.

But :

  • Solar irradiance shines on the clouds top down with maximum reflexion back to space.
  • Earth out radiation shines on the clouds bottom up with maximum absorption in the cloudiness.

Clouds have a photon absorbing bottom layer and a photon reflecting top layer.

  • But rising temperature in the lower troposphere under the clouds, increases the long wave out radiation following the Stephan-Boltzmann 4th order radiation law so warming and evaporating the clouds for further cloudiness reduction and more lower troposphere warming now under the 60% clouds :

  • But what will happen when the cloud cover gets further reduced below 50% ?

  • Good question ...


In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...

But : Health & Climate & Energy are really very complicated and delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :

CCR="Climate Change Revival.


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