Allen Walker
PMI MEMBER, PMP Certified / CPM Certified / CSM ScrumMaster Certified / Electrical Consultant / Quality Agent*Non-profit* (NUAD) Neighborhood United Against Drugs Philadelphia Pennsylvania
I’m truly not sure why our Africentric scholars have 1) not become aware of this fundamental fact, and/or 2) not made this fact known to all of us, but even just a small amount of research will reveal this fact to be obviously true. The western cape of Africa, the giant bulge that sticks out of the West side of Africa into the “Atlantic” ocean, was referred to by many Greek scholars including Plato, Herodotus, and Diodorus Siculus as “Atlantis,” and the people of this region, today called “West Africans,” were referred to as the "Atlanteans" - the people who lived in the region of Atlantis (Atlas.) Cheik Anta Diop, Dr. Yosef Benjachanaan, Dr. Henrik Clarke, and many others have made it clear to us that the Europeans have attempted to erase the Black African history of Kemet (Egypt,) but our scholars have yet to give serious attention and study to the real history of West Africa (Atlantis,) and have therefore neglected to aid us in identifying a more potent and distinct ethnic and cultural identity for the Black American. There is simply a mountain of easily researchable evidence indicating the fact that we are indeed the Atlanteans that Plato, Diodorus Siculus, and others have spoken of, and I will be adding more and more evident as we go along. The simple fact is THAT EUROPEANS HAVE DONE MORE TO HIDE THE FACT THAT BLACK AMERICANS ARE ATLANTEANS THAN THEY HAVE TO HIDE THE FACT THAT EGYPT WAS “BLACK,” because of they, of course, realize that this specific kind of self-knowledge is even more powerful, and I will begin to show you why.
Fact 1:
The terms “Atlantis” and “Atlantic” are derived from the name “Atlas,” and are referring to the Atlas Mountain Range in Northwestern Africa. This fact is common knowledge and any quick search from any source (encyclopedia, Wikipedia, libraries, etc.) will tell you this simple fact. The Atlas Mountains were deified by the Ancient Greeks as being the physical symbol of the god “Atlas,” the big strong Greek god that carries the world on his shoulders. Because Atlas was the Greek god of navigation and astronomy, we get the word “Atlas” today, which refers to a collection of maps. The Merriam Webster Dictionary will tell you that the words “Atlantis” or “Atlantean” were derived from the word “Atlas,” and the Encyclopedia Britannica will tell you that the Greek god “Atlas” was commonly associated with the Atlas Mountain Range in Northwestern Africa. Atlanteans are referred to as the people who live in the vicinity of Atlas (the Atlas Mountain Range in northwestern Africa.) Even the History channel admits in a roundabout way that Atlas was associated with Africa by depicting the god Atlas who holds the world on his shoulders as a black man in their recent video about Hercules. [You can find Black Atlas on the History Channel’s “Clash of the Gods - Episode 2 – Hercules” at minute 37:25 on Youtube.]
Fact 2:
Ancient Greek maps of the world made by historians and geographers like Herodotus (485 – 425 BC,) Posidonius (135 – 51 BC,) and Dionysius Periegetes (117–138 AD) all indicate Atlantis (spelled “Atlantes") as being located in the Western portion of Africa. The ancient Greeks did not have a very good idea of the geography of the entire world, and they did not know of North or South America, did not know of Australia, did not know of Europe north of Germany, and did not know of the Southern part of Africa. The ancient Greek maps are therefore shaped strangely, and indicate the regions of East and West Africa, but do not give an indication of the southern part of Africa. The ancient Greeks literally thought that the Western edge of the world was the coast of West Africa and that the Eastern edge of the world ended in India. Despite the fact that the ancient Greek maps give no indication of Southern Africa at all, the maps clearly indicate “Atlantes” as being located in the Western portion of Africa. I invite you to do a simple Google search of “ancient greek map of the world” and you will see the word “Atlantes” in the western portion of Africa on many of the maps. Understand however that ancient maps were made by many different people, and therefore some maps mention “Atlantes” by name, and others don’t. But on the maps that do specifically mention Atlantis by name, it is always located in the Western portion of Africa and never anywhere else. The location of Atlantes was common knowledge to the Ancient Greeks, and their maps will demonstrate this. Make sure to look through at least 7 or 8 ancient Greek maps and you will see the word “Atlantes” indicated on many of the maps, but not all of the maps. Make sure you look at the “funny” shaped ancient Greek maps because these are the ones made by ancient people. The “modern” looking maps will certainly fail to list any mention of Atlantis at all.
Fact: 3
Plato was the first Greek (European) to record a history of Atlantis, and in his writings he makes it specifically clear that Atlantis (West Africa) in ancient times was 1) the most wealthy and powerful imperial empire in the ancient world, and 2) specifically mentions that the empire of Atlantis (West Africa) had conquered much of Africa including parts of Libya and Egypt, and conquered much of Western Europe including Spain, Italy, and Greece.
Fact 4:
In his extensive writings about Atlantis, Plato specifically says that Atlantis (West Africa) was the wealthiest civilization in the world, and theorized that Atlantis (West Africa) was so incredibly wealthy that is was possibly even the wealthiest civilization that will ever exist. He even says specifically that the main reason for the Atlanteans’ (West African’s) unbelievable wealth was due to three things 1) fabulous metal wealth [gold, copper, etc.,] 2) extensive trade networks, and 3) an incredibly lush land full of every kind of edible plant, medicinal herb, and both tame and wild animals, also specifically mentioning that Atlantis (West Africa) had a very large supply of elephants. – To this day Atlantis (West Africa) is still like this, and the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai imperial empires of West Africa were as equally wealthy in trade and gold as Plato so accurately described. In fact, Mansu Musa, a famous West African (Atlantean) king of Mali in 1300 AD was recently identified by Forbes magazine as being the richest man who ever lived, with an estimated personal net worth $400 billion, far outstripping the current richest man in the world, Carlos Slim Helu, who is estimated to be worth $69 billion today. [And Mansa Musa is certainly not either the wealthiest or most powerful king in the history of Atlantis (West Africa.)]
Fact 5:
Plato specifically states that he is giving a history of the civilization of Atlantis (West Africa) as having existed in approximately 9,600 BC (9,000 years before the time of Solon - in Plato's own words.) I find this fact interesting because I have found in my personal research of the “history” of West Africa that the dates given for the empires and civilizations of West Africa are entirely inaccurate. For example, historians have universally acknowledged the Empire of Ghana as being the first major empire in West Africa, and date this empire at around 800 AD, but often admit that 1) there had been complex societies that existed in West Africa (Atlantis) thousands of years before this time, 2) 800 AD was not the beginning of the Empire of Ghana, but was simply the time period when Arab travelers discovered it, and 3) the Mende writing and language called the “Vai Syllabary” is a complex West African written script that has been found on the Olmec ruins in Mexico dating at least as far back as 1200 BC., and is also found on rock inscriptions all over the West African portion of the Sahara desert dating as far back as 3000 BC. [Racists Europeans linguists of today trying to hide the history of ancient African writing systems are even trying to say that this complex West African (Atlantean) writing system was only invented in the 1800’s, about 200 years ago!]
Fact 6:
Plato and Diodorus Siculus gave many landmarks and indicators (mountains, lakes, neighboring ethnic groups, cities, plant and animal species, etc.) that were specifically mentioned as having been located in the vicinity of Atlantis, and all of these landmarks and indicators are located in North and Western Africa. All of the following landmarks were mentioned by various ancient Greek writers as being in and around Atlantis, and a simple Google search will reveal that each and every one of them is in and around Western Africa:
1. The Pillars of Hercules (the two mountains known as the Straits of Gibraltar)
2. Lake Tritonis
3. The Atlas Mountain Range
4. The Garden of the Hesperides
5. The Western Ethiopians (another word for "Western Africans")
6. The Libyans
7.The Garamantes and the Nasamones
8. Gadeiros (Agadir)
9. The Atlantic Ocean
10. The Edge of Oceanus
11. Fabulous metal wealth (gold, copper, etc.)
12. A large supply of elephants
13. An extensive culture of horsemanship
14. Extravagant palaces
15. Magnificent walled cities
16. Erroneously thought to be a series of islands by the ancient Greeks
17. River and sea routes to the interior that were destroyed by a series of earthquakes
[All of these features and landmarks are found in and around West Africa, and many of these features and landmarks are found "only" in West Africa.]
Fact 7:
Pliny the Elder specifically indicates with precise geographical descriptions that the Western Cape of Africa, the large geographical "bulge" that sticks out to the west of the continent of Africa commonly called "West Africa,) was called Atlantis.
Fact 8:
In his writing, Plato says exactly how the story of the history of Atlantis was transferred to him. He states specifically that Egyptian priests living during the time of Solon (600 BC) transferred the story to Solon (the famous Greek Lawgiver who visited Egypt,) who then told the story to the great-grandfather of Critias (a contemporary of Plato,) who passed the story down to his great-grandson Critias, who then passed the story on to Plato. Even though the history of Atlantis had come down to Plato from so many earlier sources, Plato's accounts of Atlantis (Western Africa) are amazingly accurate, but there are indeed some mistakes in Plato’s account of Atlantis (West Africa.) The most glaring and obvious mistakes in Plato’s account of Atlantis are 1) that Atlantis was an island, and 2) that the civilization was sunken into the sea by a catastrophic earthquake. European researchers know fully well that Atlantis was not located on an island, and that it was not sunken into the sea by earthquakes. Studies about the Saharan region of Africa make it very clear what actually happened and how Plato naturally made this famous mistake, but they also do their best to keep this information from the general public. I will go into specific geological detail about Plato’s account of Atlantis being on an island and sunken into the sea by earthquakes at a later time.
Europeans have specifically tried to hide the real and actual history of West Africa (Atlantis) by 1) popularizing the aspects of Plato’s account of Atlantis that are known to be clearly mistaken, and 2) making Atlantis seem as if it were some sort of fictitious fantasy story. Thanks mainly to Hollywood and the internet, people of today think of Atlantis as some sort of fantasy place full of mermaids and sea monsters. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE stop letting these racist and oppressive people get away with this deliberate attempt to suppress our history and heritage. PLEASE take some time away from your studies about Egypt and the Hebrew Bible to focus on ATLANTIS – the part of Africa that indicates truly who and what we are. ATLANTIS (WESTERN AFRICA) WAS FAR MORE WEALTHY AND MILITARILY POWERFUL THAN EGYPT EVER WAS OR WILL BE. The architecture, trade systems, material wealth, writing systems, traditional cultures, cosmologies, and military power of the various civilizations of Atlantis (Western Africa) were absolutely remarkable, greater than Kemet (Egypt) even. Why do we spend so many times talking about the lesser parts of our heritage (Moorish, Hebrew, Egyptian) when our unquestionably dominant heritage (Atlantis) was probably greater and more impressive than any other lesser aspect of our African heritage?
We will set ourselves firmly on the road to “true” progress when we begin to properly identify and embrace our truest and greatest heritage and identity.
Holistic Therapist
7 年Thank you for the Light ????????????????