The Athletes Relationship Peek Performance Handbook
I am a marriage counselor, mediator, and relationship coach. My areas of expertise are communication, conflict resolution, and anger management. My goal is to help couples develop, repair and restore their love relationships in order to become highly happy. Communication is tougher than it should be. Relationships are more fragile than we expect.
I've created a Couples Tabletop Playbook. Now I'm designing this peek performance relationship guide, especially with athletes in mind. I will explain the communication diamond and the lst base, 2nd base, 3rd base, and home plate of love relationships.
I'm looking for a softball-baseball couple in uniform to place on the cover of this Peek Performance Handbook. Anyone in my athlete community, collegiate or professional who would like to volunteer to provide me with a picture of them standing together in uniform? Or, maybe you know a couple who would be interested. This photo needs to be high quality since it will be on the cover of the book.
Thanks. Call or text me at 920-527-1990.