The ATF application and how it's changed
It seems like only yesterday when the 1st MAHA ATF lane went in and how remarkably easy the whole process seemed. Provided you dealt with a professional company to supply the equipment and service package alongside the assistance with drawings and the application itself, It all went smoothly.
For the most part this has not changed, however, since the country is in most cases now showing good coverage, you are now required to submit additional information with your application to assist DVSA in their decision process
This information is a structured business plan/case of which the basic elements are below along with some questions which require addressing within it.
You will require a list of confirmed contracts who have agreed to use your ATF when it opens, along with a list of potential customers who are likely to use your ATF when it opens · This will also need to be split into Vehicle/trailer volumes for both of the above ·
Aspirations for the future i.e. one day testing a week or maybe 5 days per week· How many examiners would you like in the future? DVSA will start you off with one examiner but you can request multiple examiners if you have the facilities and work. ·
Start times - at present 8am start is available but earlier start times will be available in the future i.e. 6am. What would you like in the future? · How long do you want to test for? DVSA currently start all ATF's off on 1 day per week and test for 7hrs (made up of 2 x 3.5hr testing periods). Once established a 3rd 3.5hr session can be requested - Is this something that would fit with your business.
In the future evenings, nights and weekends will be available - Is this something your business would like to request when it is available?. As with all ATF applications DVSA need to manage staff resource effectively and therefore require applicants to be able to demonstrate in their business case where the work will be coming from and articulate the volumes going through the new site; as this may impact on other ATF's and how DVSA allocate staff resource.
Please bear in mind that even if you intend to take tests from a competitor ATF, this is fair competition should that be the route you want to take. You cannot have an application declined as a result of this. With several main dealers in one town in a lot of cases, none of which wanting their customer going to a competitor, make your business case strong.
We at MAHA UK are still available to assist with this when supplying a complete package.
For more information, please contact us on 01945 580061, or alternatively email us at [email protected]