Ataraxy Friday: Too busy, no space?
Nigel Donovan
Executive Stress Management > Executive Leadership Coach > Emotional Intelligence Coach > Executive Coaching
Recent client experience - can you relate?
A super busy guy in a national role in civil engineering. Highly motivated and productive.
A significant large project lands on his desk, which he has to take carriage of for a few months, whilst still doing his substantive role. Working ‘stupid’ hours per week.
He’s been a client of mine for a while, and we catch up generally once or twice a month.?
He stopped booking meetings.
I nudged. I nudged again.?
He booked a meeting, at which he explained the above precis I’ve just given you.
Over the 20-30 minute window, I watched as he visibly slowed and relaxed his mind-state.
He said, “I am amazed that these meetings make such a difference. All I’ve done is talk at you for 25 minutes about all the shit I’ve got going on.”
People who feel too busy to devote time to improving their mind-state and mental fitness do not understand how powerful and simple it can be.?
Having a safe, objective, and (I flatter myself) knowledgeable sounding board is a must-have for executives. There is too much at stake.
Going it alone is not bravado. It is simply a poor strategy that narrows your perspective and limits your potential.
And even during short periods of ‘stupid busy’, make sure you take the time to step back, calibrate, and find your focus.
Have an Ataraxic weekend.
PS Whenever you're ready for a conversation, click here to book a time that suits.