ATA Insights Newsletter 2 Oct 2020
Virtual round of applause to congratulate our friend Luis Crespo, who recently received the prestigious Lifetime Award from SolarPACES for his dedication to the advancement Concentrated Solar Power and renewables ??
Denmark tenders 1 GW offshore wind project. The Thor project will be receiving offers from bidders until the 1st of December 2020. More info
Google commits to locally sourced Carbon-Free Electricity by 2030. This goes much further than just offsetting, find out how Google is planning on achieving this goal here
China: World’s largest solar plant goes online. The 2.2 GW PV project is backed by 202.8 MW/MWh of storage. Read on
“How Coal-Loving Australia Became the Leader in Rooftop Solar”. Hint: it’s to do with reducing energy builds. Read the full story
“Together we can Recover from the COVID-19 Economic Depression and Rebuild Better Share”. A vision for rebuilding the economy by investing in renewable energy by Jonathan Walters, former Director of the World Bank’s MENA department. Find out more
Finally, I’d like to invite you to join our webinar South Africa’s 2 GW tender – An opportunity for PV plus storage (More info here)
Our thanks to our sponsors Sterling and Wilson, SQM, Siemens and STI Norland, without them this newsletter wouldn’t possible.
That’s all folks. Upwards and onwards!