The Asylum- Part 2
Shaun Hervey
Founder Arkham Talent | VC Backed GTM Recruiting | Terrible Marketing, Good Recruiting
Holy shit, you people are actually insane – over 3,500 of you signed up for this dumpster fire of a newsletter after last week's maiden voyages. I'm equal parts grateful and concerned for your mental well-being. I'm thinking we should probably diversify our content a bit this week. Don't worry, there will still be plenty of nonsensical ramblings, but maybe throw in some actually useful stuff for those of you who subscribed hoping for legitimate business insights.
Let's go right in.
Early Morning Parent,
We see you. Not just the bloodshot-eyed reflection in your coffee-stained mug at 5:30 AM, but the warrior beneath. We hear you – the deep breaths you take before opening that bedroom door, knowing chaos and utter hellfire that awaits you on the other side.
Let's be real: this shit is hard. Not just regular hard – it's next-level, soul-testing hard. Day after day, you rise before the sun to wrangle tiny humans whose love for yogurt is matched only by their religious devotion to Bluey. You're not just a parent; you're a solo orchestrator of morning madness and sometimes, a hostage negotiator to unreasonable terrorists who refuse to wear anything but that one specific Godzilla shirt that's definitely in the wash.
The mental drain is real. It's like running a marathon while solving differential equations and trying to keep a hurricane contained within four walls. Some days are hard. Some days make those hard days look like a vacation. By 7 AM, you've already navigated more crises than a UN peacekeeping mission, and your day hasn't even officially begun.
You're not just managing kids you're trying to contain wild, overly aggressive honey badgers with the energy of a thousand suns and the reasoning capacity of a sleep-deprived goldfish. Getting them fed, dressed, and out the door should absolutely be an Olympic sport – and let's be honest, it would be a much better watch than break dancing...
Here's the truth you need to hear: You're doing a fucking phenomenal job. Not just good – phenomenal. Even on the days when you feel like you're failing, even when the morning derails faster than the 2017 Falcons in the Super Bowl, you're still showing up. Still trying. Still loving.
You might wish you were calmer. You might wish you yelled less. You might look at Instagram parents with their color-coded lunch boxes and perfectly coordinated outfits and wonder what kind of dark magic they're wielding. But here's the thing: you're a work in progress, and that's exactly what you're supposed to be. Your kids aren't finished products either – they're beautiful, chaotic works in progress, just like you.
You signed up for all of it. The sweet morning cuddles and the nuclear-level meltdowns over the wrong spoon. The proud moments of independence and the mysterious paw prints on every surface you just cleaned. The bedtime stories and the stress-fueled arguments with your partner about who was supposed to pack the gym clothes.
One day – and this will happen faster than we can imagine – we're going to blink, and it'll be over. These tiny terrorists will become teenagers, then adults, and we'll look back at these chaos-filled moments and wish we had them back. Fuck, I miss them and start looking at pictures of them now when they're asleep. If your 80-year-old self could time travel back to this moment, they wouldn't see the mess or hear the screaming. They'd see the magic in the mayhem, the beauty in the ugly and the love in the lunacy.
So keep going.
When you're knuckle-deep in yogurt cleanup, breaking up the third sibling battle before breakfast, or silently crying into your cold coffee – remember this: You're not just surviving these mornings, you're building humans.
You're doing holy work, even if it feels like holy hell.
Keep going. We see you. We hear you. We are you.
And when this morning's battle is done, join us in our time-honored tradition of talking shit about recruiters in this week's Arkham News Segment. Because even warriors need to blow off some steam.
With solidarity and cold coffee,
Your Fellow Morning Crew Member, Herv
Arkham News-
Super Serious and not at all satirical stories you wont see on Linkedin
San Francisco, CA -
Another recruiter has officially lost their mind this week after her 11th post about the ATS in three days.
Talent acquisition specialist Samantha Gordon's severly unhinged obsession with dopamine and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) has pushed her colleagues and feline roommates to the brink.
Gordon, who works for, an AI-powered fly lamp that kills bugs humanely, has recently gained notoriety on LinkedIn for her incessant posts about ATS. Her follower count has skyrocketed, but at what cost?"
All she does in our team meetings is talk about her fights with random LinkedIn people," said Peter Jacobs, a visibly exhausted coworker. "It's like she's become a walking, talking ATS bot herself.
”When confronted about her obsession, Gordon defended herself, stating, "I'm just very passionate." However, sources close to the situation suggest that her "passion" involves regurgitating the same information about ATS-proof resumes in increasingly convoluted ways, multiple times a day.
Talent Director Tasha Brown expressed concern for her once-close friend. "We used to be so close, but then she became kind of LinkedIn famous. Now she spends all her time doing webinars and hanging out with other recruiter celebrities like Joel Lalgee. It's like she's joined a cult, but instead of worshipping a charismatic leader, they worship an algorithm.
"The situation has escalated to the point where Gordon's roommates, Cleo and Binky, are considering breaking their lease. An anonymous source close to the felines stated, "If I have to hear her babble about ATS bots or take shots at career coaches again, I'm going to lose my shit."
Attempts to reach Cleo and Binky for comment were unsuccessful, likely due to their lack of opposable thumbs and general disinterest in human affairs.
OK, time to talk about some sales stuff. If you're not in sales and don't feel like hearing me babble about getting sales jobs, feel free to skip.
Cut the BS: Why Sales Pros Need to Sell Themselves Like They Sell Their Product
Let's get real for a minute. You're a sales pro. You know how to hit quota. You know how to close deals. So why the hell are you sitting around waiting for some HR person to find your perfectly polished LinkedIn profile?
Wake Up Call: You're the Product Now
Look, I'm going to give it to you straight: if you're sitting there refreshing your inbox after applying through some corporate careers page, you're doing it wrong. Dead wrong. You wouldn't wait around hoping leads magically appear in your pipeline, would you? Hell no. So why are you doing exactly that with your job search?
Skip the BS, Go Straight to the Source
Here's something HR and talent acquisition folks won't tell you: Sales managers actually respect the hustle of a direct approach. I've never – and I mean never – heard a sales manager complain about getting a cold call from a candidate who's got their shit together. Will you get ignored sometimes? Yeah, probably, especially if you're not a 100% fit. But you know what's worse? Sitting around like a goon hoping and praying someone notices your application.
Think about it: what shows more sales DNA?
Real Talk About Networking in 2024
Let's address the elephant in the room: networking isn't what it used to be. That whole "let's hop on a quick intro call" thing? Dead as disco. People are burned out on it. Nobody's looking to "help out" just because. Welcome to the real world.
Want Someone's Time? Bring Something to the Table
Here's how you need to think about it:
The days of "Hey, I'd love to pick your brain" are over. You need to come correct with actual value, not just another request for someone's time.
Being Relentless (Without Being a Creep)
Listen up: you've got to be absolutely relentless in chasing what you want. I'm talking professionally relentless, not restraining-order relentless. You know exactly what I mean.
What this looks like:
Here's Your Game Plan
Bottom line: You're in sales, so sell yourself like you'd sell your product. Stop hiding behind applications and LinkedIn posts. Get out there and hunt your next role like you hunt deals.
And for God's sake, stop waiting for permission. The same hustle that makes you crush your quota is exactly what you need to land your next gig. Nobody's going to hand you anything – you've got to go take it.
Just keep it professional. Nobody likes a stalker.
The Flag Story
Look, I don't want to tell this story, but with another dumb election just three weeks away, it feels important. This is about political assumptions and why they're dangerous as hell – I don't care who you vote for or which idiot you pledge your allegiance to, discriminating based on assumed political views is pretty damn stupid.
So here's what went down. During the 2020 election cycle, I was doing contract work internally for this tech company. We were building their GTM team and needed a really strong AE who could sell this complicated no-code SaaS solution into banks and healthcare. After searching for a while, we found an absolute stud of a candidate.
This guy went through the entire process with flying colors. Everyone loved him – straight up, he was perfect. The final step was just a presentation, and being the recruiter, I hopped on a few minutes early to make sure he was good to go, comfortable with the material, feeling solid, all that stuff.
While he's setting up his screens, I notice he's got two backgrounds showing as he's moving stuff around. One's just a landscape photo, the other's the American Flag. No big deal, right? He's just getting his setup straight, and within like a minute, he's ready to present.
Dude absolutely crushes his presentation. Everyone's going around afterward saying "yes, let's get him in here ASAP" – until we get to the last hiring manager, who would've been his boss.
This is where it gets wild. She starts going off about how she logged in early and saw his American flag background. Started questioning his "decision-making skills" and his logic, like "why would he have that up if he's trying to make an impression" and "would he do this in front of a client?" Just absolutely ridiculous stuff.
Everyone else is confused as hell because they either didn't see it or couldn't give two shits. It was the American Flag for christ's sake. Not a Trump flag. Not a "Don't Tread on Me" flag. Not a Confederate flag. And even if it was any of those, people have the right to their views. Plus, it was on screen for maybe a minute tops while he was just getting set up.
I didn't even know she was there early, and I tried everything to deescalate the situation. But unfortunately, she was the HM and had the final call, despite everyone else wanting this guy to join. Having to reject him was really fucking hard, but what else was I supposed to do? HR talked to her about it, but that was that.
Here's the kicker that makes this whole thing even more absurd: she was completely off base. Turns out, they were actually politically aligned. The guy had a brother who served overseas and a close friend who died in Iraq. That's why he had the flag up – pure respect, nothing else. Man, you should've seen her face when I told her that.
I bounced from that company not long after. The whole thing just showed me how people can be so quick to make these stupid assumptions about others based on absolutely nothing. One minute of seeing an American flag, and this manager made up a whole narrative in her head about who this guy was and what he believed.
Sometimes people just need to chill the hell out and stop seeing political conspiracies everywhere they look. A flag can just be a flag, you know?
Our TOP Performing email
Let's get real for a minute about this whole recruiting thing and feeling like you're not crushing it like you thought you would. Because honestly? This shit is hard. I've been SUPER fortune to be in a position where I've seen some huge wins this year.
The Market's a Beast Right Now
First off, let's talk about how recruiting is just flat-out brutal these days, especially for newbs. It's like every company out there decided to play follow-the-leader with downsizing. Everyone's running super lean, cutting headcount left and right, which makes our job about 10 times harder than it already was. Show yourself a bit of grace.
That Comparison BS We All Do
Here's where many of us struggle: Looking at these recruiters who've been in the game for 15+ years and feeling like "screw this t, I can do that too." You see them dropping all these client stories and wins, and your brain starts playing tricks on you.
But then you have to check yourself real quick. Like, hold up – these people have been building relationships and crushing it for over a decade. They've got 14+ years of connections, track records, and renewal business that you can't just magically copy-paste into your own career. It's a hard pill to swallow, but it's facts.
The Skills I Didn't Know I Didn't Have
Looking back, I was straight-up clueless about what actually goes into BD. Like, completely took for granted how many different skills you need to make this work. My bad on that one – seriously underestimated the whole thing. I deadass thought I could just coast on the network I built over 8+ years. Like, yeah, I'll just hit up my contacts, rack up some major wins, and watch that referral train keep rolling.
Keeping It Real About Where I'm At
Here's the deal though – I'm still in this thing, learning every single day. Still getting hung up on sometimes, still working on mastering my pitch. But I'm putting in that work – one hour a day, no excuses.
Will I catch up to those veterans eventually? Yeah, probably. But it's gonna be slow and steady for now, and I'm finally starting to be okay with that.
The Bottom Line
Look, some days this job makes you feel like you're absolutely terrible at it. But maybe that's not the worst thing? Because at least now I know what I'm actually dealing with, and I can stop being so damn hard on myself about not being where I thought I'd be.
For now, I'm just gonna keep grinding, keep learning, and keep reminding myself that everyone who's crushing it now probably felt exactly like this at some point too.
And hey, if you're feeling the same way? At least you know you're not the only one out here struggling with this shit.
Sadly this is real. I couldn't make this up if I tried. You will have to stop and read it for yourself.
Everyone has been through hell and back when it comes to interviews, recruiters too.
IF RECRUITING HAD A 1980's Action Movie About Getting Revenge on VC's for over-hiring
As we look ahead to 2025, remember: you don't want to get stuck working with a recruiting partner you want to kick in the throat. We might seem a bit off our rocker, and we get it. We don't take ourselves too seriously, but we take your trust and business goals very seriously.
Whether you need hourly, retained, or contingent services, we're here to help you build out your GTM teams. We offer a fresh approach to recruiting that might just be what you're looking for.
Arkham Talent is the most profitable & successful GTM recruiting firm named after a fictional insane asylum in 2024 ( we sit down with Forbes next week)
Seriously though, we build "go to market" teams for high growth start ups from seed- series c. Our bread and butter as of late has been in health tech and app development. Companies work with us because they are tired of: