Astropolitics has landed
Mattias Hansson
If You're Gonna Play In Texas (You Gotta Have a Fiddle in the Band).
Just when you thought AI and inflation took up all the space on your brain's hard drive, you need to tilt your neck like a satellite dish and look way up, past the dark clouds.
A new space race is in full swing and both states and companies need to care about the new astropolitics. Space entrepreneur Mattias Hansson explains why.
(Note: This is an extended version of article publiced in Swedish business daily Dagens Industri. A version in Swedish will follow below).
The air was damp and sickly in central Sweden that day. It was Swedish time 2.33pm on Wednesday 23 August 2023 when I came out to the coffee room and realized that a new pot needed to be put on. And that there was only oat milk left. You know how it can be.
But it didn't matter. Because right then one of the year's, perhaps the decade's, so far biggest events happened in a completely different part of the universe. India landed on the moon. And it might make sense for you to check yourself what you were doing at that time - history might demand you answer (like around the time of the first moon landing, the Palme assassination - or the day one of the national teams won bronze).
The event itself was not only a big step for the respect of India as a space nation (Indian space stocks RUSHED!) but also for the entire humanity. This was more physical proof that the new space race is indeed underway. And it will only become more and more.
"This success belongs to all mankind and it will help other countries' lunar missions in the future," Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a speech after the landing. "I am convinced that every country in the world, including those from the Global South, is capable of achieving such feats. We can all aspire to the moon and beyond."
Yes, maybe all countries CAN. But do you really WANT? And SHOULD one even? Space is far away – and expensive to reach.
Instead, one of the most exciting reasons for the attention to India's bravura is the fact that Russia failed in its attempts the week before. And this puts the entire space hegemony on edge because India, which previously relied heavily on technical help from, among other things, Russia, has now shown its muscles inside the space ring. All the while Russia has to limp back to the drawing board in shame, ignored and mocked as they already are by large parts of the free world.
The other major space nations, the United States and China, are standing behind the scenes, ready to pull back the curtain and shine with astonishing new programs of extraterrestrial discovery with research projects that will save the planet we live on today, while preparing for the colonization of other planets with control far beyond their own country's borders.
"Exploration of the moon is the exploration of the economy of the future. The moon will become a new economic zone," European Space Agency ESA chief Josef Aschbacher told CNN in connection with India's moon landing.
And there is much to be gained here. For a seemingly insignificant effort. Costs for space programs have fallen drastically in recent years, in step with technological development and the entry of commercial actors. The Financial Times reports that the Indian Chandrayaan-3 mission cost $73 million (about SEK 875 million), which is a fraction of the budget for previous landings. The cost can be compared to that of the new bathhouse in small town Kiruna, Sweden (which SvT Nyheter writes) has reached an incredible SEK 880 million (so far!). Very few of us who were alive at the time of the first moon landing in 1969 thought we would still be on earth the day it became cheaper to land on the moon than the cost of building a swimming pool in inner Lapland. But now we are here. It was clear last Wednesday, at 2:33 p.m.
The possible outcome of the effort on the moon can also be assumed to be very large. Research shows that the south pole of the moon contains water and has other important properties that make that particular part suitable for establishing and installing a future lunar base, which in turn can bring great benefits to its holder; in a booming lunar economy and as a sub-station for further journeys into the infinity of the universe with all its possible possibilities. A clear advantage, then.
And now more and more people want to join. This is not science fiction. We call it astropolitics.
Several countries are working to bribe their place(s) in the universe. USA, Russia and China of course. Japan and the United Arab Emirates. India is now a potential space superpower. ESA gathers its European forces in various collaborations. And so on, because: pretty much everyone wants to join.
The problem so far is, just like with AI, that technological development is going faster than the world establishment has time to regulate it all. We have so far failed to establish universally agreed rules to regulate this competition on a deeper level. And without laws governing human activity in space, it is set up for constant disagreement.
“Space is the new front, a wild and lawless place that is already central to our economy, communications, military strategies and international relations here on Earth. And which is now also a potential arena for both progress and new versions of the conflicts we already have on our own planet", writes Tim Marshall in his new acclaimed book "The Future of Geography (How power and politics in space will change the world )” (Elliot & Thompson, 2023). Marshall believes that we earthlings must act as a united planet when we now seriously begin to colonize space, there is no room for worldly conflicts. But it is easy to see the difficulties in how humanity will be able to agree on the enormous space when we can hardly even agree on regulatory crap on Earth. But we must try. This is humanity's first and biggest chance to seriously do something together - for real, without national borders. Or do we need to take the territorial boundaries from the planet Earth with us in order to be able to coexist (but surely also war) out in Space?
Since the Outer Space Treaty was signed at the UN in 1967, developments geopolitically, and not least technologically, have changed at breakneck speed. Attempts to develop and modernize the treaty have proved largely fruitless (for example, the nebulous Moon Treaty of 1979). According to the Outer Space Treaty, no nation can lay claim to territories in space, but the need for strengthened and modernized regulation is now urgent as the reduced cost of space travel increases activities in space with each passing week. And the private initiatives are multiplying right now. Morgan Stanley predicts that the total turnover in the space industry will reach one (1) trillion USD by the year 2040. Astropolitics needs to keep up.
So. What is Sweden doing? With regard to India in particular, the then Prime Minister Stefan L?fven already concluded an agreement with India's counterpart, Narendra Modi, in 2018, that our countries should cooperate on all kinds of space issues, in the so-called Sweden-India Joint Action Plan. What this gives concretely remains to be seen, but we can state that it was well-timed, when we now stand by the fact that India is a significant space nation and an astropolitical giant with the muscle to carry out what was hitherto only hoped for.
The Swedish government has determined that the Ministry of Education finances the Swedish Space Agency, which essentially: "...has the task of promoting the development of Swedish space activities and space research. The authority must work to ensure that space activities and space research contribute to the knowledge society and to industry's innovation and competitiveness, and satisfy society's needs in areas such as transport, communication, environment and climate. In its activities, the authority must take into account Sweden's foreign, security and defense policy interests." (paragraph 1 of the Regulatory Letter).
The Swedish Minister of Space is now Mats Persson (who is also the Minister of Education) and that is probably a good thing, even if there are many of us (and growing!) who think that space issues should be raised significantly on the political agenda.
The universe is not waiting for Sweden. Last this weekend, the ISS received four new astronauts, from the USA, Japan, Russia – and Denmark, in Team Huginn.
In 2018, the Swedish Government presented "A strategy for Swedish space operations" and it clearly states that "Space operations should be conducted from a holistic perspective where the benefit to society is at the center while ensuring Sweden's security. The business should be based on a strong space industry and high-quality space research so that Sweden can continue to be a strong space nation." Furthermore, we can read: "Swedish space operations should be conducted in a long-term sustainable way and space should be kept free of conflicts. This should contribute to securing Swedish access to space.?
Since then, development has exploded. Last year, the Swedish Armed Forces appointed the country's first military space chief. The recently inaugurated expanded capacity at Esrange outside Kiruna gives Europe for the first time independent access to space from European soil. And a new Swedish astronaut, Marcus Wandt, is part of Team Muninn and will most likely be installed on the international space station ISS already within six months (thanks to quick and powerful action by ESA, the Swedish state and the private business community; among other things via The Swedish aerospace company SSC, Saab and the industrial group FAM). A lot is happening right now, but is it enough?
Curiosity and the joy of discovery are among humanity's greatest driving forces. And instead of sitting down here and talking about other people's discoveries and exploits, we should invest in becoming the Vikings of space - there is so much more to discover out there than ever before.
"To limit our attention to only earthly matters would be to limit all humanity," said the blessed Stephen Hawking. Best make sure we have someone responsible for Swedish astropolitics. And it should probably be a Prime Minister.
Until then, we have to take responsibility ourselves. The entire business world should shape itself. The race is in full swing. Note where you were when you first read this.
Mattias Hansson is a space entrepreneur in the International Space Asset Acceleration Company (I.S.A.A.C.) and helps companies on Earth take advantage of space.
Astropolitiken har landat
Precis n?r du tyckte att AI och inflation tog all plats p? din hj?rnas h?rddisk, beh?ver du tilta nacken likt en satellit-antenn och blicka l?ngt h?gre upp, f?rbi de m?rka molnen. Ett nytt rymd-race p?g?r f?r fullt och b?de stater och f?retag beh?ver bry sig om den nya astropolitiken. Rymdentrepren?ren Mattias Hansson f?rklarar varf?r.
(Detta ?r en ut?kad version av text publicerad p? Dagens Industri Debatt 230829).
Luften var fuktigt kvalmig i Mellansverige den dagen. Klockan var 14.33 onsdag den 23 augusti 2023 n?r jag kom ut i kafferummet och ins?g att det beh?vde s?ttas p? en ny kanna. Samt att det endast fanns havremj?lk kvar. Du vet hur det kan vara.
Men det gjorde inget. F?r just d? h?nde en av ?rets, kanske decenniets, ?nnu s? l?nge st?rsta h?ndelser i en helt annan del av universum. Indien landade p? m?nen. Och det kan vara vettigt att du sj?lv kollar vad du gjorde just d? – historien kan komma att avkr?va dig svar (som ungef?r vid tidpunkten f?r f?rsta m?nlandningen, Palme-mordet - eller dagen n?r n?got av landslagen tog brons).
H?ndelsen i sig var inte bara ett stort steg f?r respekten av Indien som rymdnation (Indiska rymdaktier RUSADE!) utan ?ven f?r hela m?nskligheten. Detta var ett mer fysiskt bevis p? att det nya rymd-racet verkligen p?g?r. Och det kommer bara att bli mer och mer.
"Denna framg?ng tillh?r hela m?nskligheten och den kommer att hj?lpa andra l?nders m?nuppdrag i framtiden", sa Indiens premi?rminister Narendra Modi i ett tal efter landningen. "Jag ?r ?vertygad om att alla l?nder i v?rlden, inklusive de fr?n den globala s?dern, ?r kapabla att uppn? s?dana bedrifter. Vi kan alla str?va efter m?nen och bortom den."
Ja, alla l?nder kanske KAN. Men VILL en verkligen? Och B?R en ens? Rymden ?r l?ngt bort – och dyr att n?.
En av de mest sp?nnande anledningarna till uppm?rksamheten kring Indiens bravur ?r ist?llet det faktum att Ryssland misslyckades i sina f?rs?k veckan innan. Och detta st?ller hela rymdherrav?ldet p? kant eftersom Indien, som tidigare i mycket f?rlitat sig p? teknisk hj?lp fr?n bland annat just Ryssland, nu visat musklerna inne i rymdringen. Alltmedan Ryssland skamset f?r lomma hem till ritbordet igen, hunsade och h?nade som de redan ?r av stora delar av den fria v?rlden.
De andra stora rymdnationerna, USA och Kina, st?r i kulisserna, redo att dra undan skynket och gl?nsa med nya h?pnadsv?ckande program f?r utomplanet?ra uppt?ckter med forskningsprojekt som ska r?dda planeten vi bor p? i dag, samtidigt som de f?rbereder f?r kolonisation av andra planeter med kontroll l?ngt bortom egna landets gr?nser.
”Utforskning av m?nen ?r utforskningen av framtidens ekonomi. M?nen kommer att bli en ny ekonomisk zon”, sa h?gste chefen f?r europeiska rymdorganisationen ESA, Josef Aschbacher, till CNN i anslutning till Indiens m?nlandning.?
Och h?r finns mycket att vinna. F?r en, som det verkar, ringa insats. Kostnader f?r rymdprogram har sjunkit drastiskt senaste ?ren, i takt med teknikutvecklingen och int?get av kommersiella akt?rer. Financial Times rapporterar att det indiska Chandrayaan-3-uppdraget kostade 73 miljoner dollar (cirka 875 miljoner svenska kronor), vilket ?r en br?kdel av budgeten f?r tidigare landningar. Kostnaden kan j?mf?ras med den f?r det nya badhuset i Kiruna (som SvT Nyheter skriver) har stuckit i v?g till otroliga 880 miljoner kronor (?n s? l?nge!). Mycket f? av oss som levde vid f?rsta m?nlandningen 1969 trodde vi skulle vara kvar p? jorden den dag det blev billigare att landa p? m?nen ?n kostnaden f?r att bygga en simhall i inre Lappland. Men nu ?r vi h?r. Det stod klart f?rra onsdagen, klockan 14.33.
M?jliga utkomsten av insatsen p? m?nen kan ocks? antagas bli mycket stor. Forskning visar att m?nens sydpol inneh?ller vatten och har andra viktiga egenskaper som g?r just den delen l?mpad f?r att uppr?tta och installera en framtida m?nbas, som i sin tur kan ge dess innehavare stora f?rdelar; i en boomande m?n-ekonomi och som en del-station f?r vidare f?rder ut i universums o?ndlighet med alla sina m?jliga m?jligheter. En klar f?rdel allts?.
Och nu vill fler och fler vara med. Det h?r ?r inte science fiction. Vi kallar det astropolitik.
Flera l?nder jobbar med att muta in sin(a) plats(er) i universum. USA, Ryssland och Kina s?klart. Japan och F?renade Arabemiraten. Indien ?r nu en potentiell rymd-supermakt. ESA samlar sina europeiska krafter i diverse samarbeten. Och s? vidare, f?r: i stort sett alla vill vara med.
Problemet ?n s? l?nge ?r, precis som med AI, att den tekniska utvecklingen g?r snabbare ?n vad v?rlds-etablissemanget hinner med att reglera det hela. Vi har hittills misslyckats med att uppr?tta allm?nt ?verenskomna regler f?r att reglera denna t?vling p? ett djupare plan. Och utan lagar som styr m?nsklig aktivitet i rymden ?r det uppgjort f?r st?ndiga meningsskiljaktigheter.
“Rymden ?r den nya fronten, ett vilt och lagl?st st?lle som redan ?r centralt betydande f?r v?r ekonomi, kommunikation, milit?rstrategier och internationella relationer h?r p? Jorden. Och som nu ocks? ?r en potentiell arena f?r b?de framsteg och nya versioner av de konflikter vi redan har p? v?r egen planet”, skriver Tim Marshall i sin nya uppm?rksammade bok ”The Future of Geography (How power and politics in space will change the world)” (Elliot & Thompson, 2023). Marshall menar att vi jordbor m?ste agera som en samlad planet n?r vi nu p? allvar b?rjar kolonisera rymden, d?r finns inga utrymmen f?r v?rldsliga konflikter. Men det ?r l?tt att inse sv?righeterna i hur m?nskligheten ska kunna enas om den enorma rymden n?r vi knappt ens kan komma ?verens om tillsynes skitsaker p? Jorden. Men vi m?ste f?rs?ka. Detta ?r m?nsklighetens f?rsta och st?rsta chans att p? allvar g?ra n?got tillsammans – p? riktigt, utan landsgr?nser. Eller beh?ver vi ta med oss territorialgr?nserna fr?n planeten Jorden f?r att kunna samsas (men s?kert d? ocks? kriga) ute i Rymden?
Sedan Rymdf?rdraget (Outer Space Treaty) undertecknades i FN ?r 1967 har utvecklingen geopolitiskt, och inte minst tekniskt, f?r?ndrats i en rasande fart. F?rs?k att utveckla och modernisera f?rdraget har visats sig i huvudsak fruktl?sa (exempelvis det dimmiga M?nf?rdraget fr?n 1979). Enligt Rymdf?rdraget f?r ingen nation g?ra anspr?k p? territorier i rymden, men behoven av f?rst?rkt och moderniserad reglering ?r nu akuta d? de s?nkta kostnaderna f?r rymdfart ?kar aktiviteterna i rymden f?r varje vecka som g?r. Och de privata initiativen m?ngdubblas just nu. Morgan Stanley sp?r att den totala oms?ttningen i rymdindustrin n?r en (1) trillion USD till ?r 2040. Astropolitiken beh?ver h?nga med.
S?. Vad g?r Sverige? Avseende just Indien s? sl?t d?varande statsminister Stefan L?fven redan 2018 avtal med Indiens motsvarande, Narendra Modi, om att v?ra l?nder ska samarbeta i allehanda rymdfr?gor, i den s? kallade Sweden-India Joint Action Plan. Vad detta konkret ger ?terst?r att se, men vi kan konstatera att det var v?ltajmat, n?r vi nu st?r vid det faktum att Indien ?r en betydande rymd-nation och en astropolitisk j?tte med muskler att genomf?ra det dittills endast f?rhoppade.
Den svenska regeringen har fastslagit att Utbildningsdepartementet finansierar Rymdstyrelsen som i huvudsak: ”…har till uppgift att fr?mja utvecklingen av svensk rymdverksamhet och rymdforskning.?Myndigheten ska verka f?r att rymdverksamhet och rymdforskning bidrar till kunskapssamh?llet och till industrins innovations- och konkurrenskraft samt tillfredsst?ller samh?llets behov inom bland annat transport, kommunikation, milj? och klimat. Myndigheten ska i sin verksamhet beakta Sveriges utrikes-, s?kerhets- och f?rsvarspolitiska intressen.” (paragraf 1 i Regleringsbrevet).
Svensk Rymdminister ?r nu Mats Persson (som ?ven ?r Utbildningsminister) och det ?r s?kert gott s?, ?ven om vi ?r m?nga (och blir fler!) som tycker rymdfr?gorna borde lyftas rej?lt p? den politiska agendan.
Universum v?ntar inte p? Sverige. Senast denna helg tog ISS emot fyra nya astronauter, fr?n USA, Japan, Ryssland – och Danmark, i Team Huginn.
Den svenska Regeringen presenterade 2018 ”En strategi f?r svensk rymdverksamhet” och i den st?r det klart och tydligt att ”Rymdverksamhet b?r bedrivas utifr?n ett helhetsperspektiv d?r nyttan f?r samh?llet st?r i centrum samtidigt som Sveriges s?kerhet s?kerst?lls. Verksamheten b?r baseras p? en stark rymdindustri och rymdforskning av h?g kvalitet s? att Sverige kan forts?tta vara en stark rymdnation.” Vidare kan vi l?sa: ”Svensk rymdverksamhet b?r bedrivas p? ett l?ngsiktigt h?llbart s?tt och rymden b?r h?llas fri fr?n konflikter. Detta b?r bidra till att svensk tillg?ng till rymden s?kras.”
Sedan dess har utvecklingen exploderat. Den svenska F?rsvarsmakten uts?g i fjol landets f?rsta milit?ra rymdchef. Den nyligen invigda ut?kade kapaciteten p? Esrange utanf?r Kiruna ger f?r f?rsta g?ngen Europa ett oberoende tilltr?de till rymden fr?n europeisk mark. Och en ny svensk astronaut, Marcus Wandt, ing?r i Team Muninn och kommer med st?rsta sannolikhet att vara installerad p? internationella rymdstationen ISS redan inom ett halv?r (tack vara ett snabbt och kraftfullt agerande fr?n ESA, svenska staten och det privata n?ringslivet; bland annat via Svenska rymdaktiebolaget SSC, Saab och industrigruppen FAM). Mycket h?nder just nu, men ?r det tillr?ckligt?
Nyfikenhet och uppt?ckargl?dje tillh?r m?nsklighetens st?rsta drivkrafter. Och i st?llet f?r att sitta h?r nere och tala om andras uppt?ckter och bedrifter borde vi satsa p? att bli rymdens Vikingar – det finns s? mycket mer att uppt?cka d?rute, ?n n?nsin f?rut.
”Att begr?nsa v?r uppm?rksamhet till endast jordiska fr?gor skulle vara att begr?nsa hela m?nskligheten”, sa salig Stephen Hawking. B?st se till att vi har en ansvarig f?r den svenska astropolitiken. Och det borde antagligen vara en Statsminister.
Till dess f?r vi ta ansvar sj?lv. Hela n?ringslivet b?r formera sig. Racet ?r i full g?ng. Notera var du befann dig n?r du l?ste detta f?rsta g?ngen.
Mattias Hansson ?r rymdentrepren?r i International Space Asset Acceleration Company (I.S.A.A.C.) och hj?lper f?retag p? jorden dra nytta av rymden.