Astrology at Work: Pluto and the Power to transform.
Troy Michael Gonsalves
Confidential Executive Search (Travel ?? )+ Career Strategist + Brander & Marketer + Astrologer for High Preforming Purpose-Driven Professionals and Companies. #CheckinwithTroy #AstrologyatWork
In Astrology, Pluto represents transformation, regeneration, death + rebirth, power, destruction + rebuilding. It is widely recognized as thee most powerful planet in astrology. And you can be assured that wherever Pluto lies in your birth chart, that area of your life is "under (re) construction".
Over the course of one's life, Pluto will only make it through 4 or 5 of our 12 astrological houses. It takes the planet roughly 248 years to fully circumnavigate the sun and hence you will not get to experience its full power in all areas of your life.
So, let's take a look at Pluto through the houses, and as you read them, perhaps you can deduce where Pluto has been in your life, where it is, and where it's going.
Pluto transiting your First house is all about the transformation of your self-image, self-worth, perhaps your body, and thus how others see and experience you. Your personal values will re-align often through significant or multiple struggles - these are internal battles often fuelled by external forces. You will re-emerge from this transit a more confident, self-assured, and stronger person.
Pluto transiting your Second house is all about redefining your relationship with money and material possessions. This transit will see someone experience a cleansing of material things and with that cleansing will emerge a new approach to how you spend your resources. This transit can start off quite turbulent but over time will reveal the lessons you need to learn to build a more solid financial foundation.
Pluto transiting the Third House will fundamentally change how you communicate and engage with the world around you. Coming off the heels of a 2nd house transit, the 3rd house is where your realignment of values with the material world is put to the test. How you spend your time, whom you spend your time with, and what activities do you spend time on will also undergo a massive shakeup.
Pluto Transiting your Fourth House is a time when you're focused on developing and expanding relationships and understanding with and of your closest family. You might feel compelled to research ancestry and go very deep into learning more about who your parents were as people, and how that impacted you. Often this can be a time of healing ancestral trauma and exploring the darker side of who you are and where you've come from.
Pluto Transiting your Fifth house will bring a renewed outlook on love, children, and anything a person is capable of creating. New relationships that begin during this transit are intensely passionate and transformational for all involved, for better or for worse. Having children and or reshaping your relationships with them is a major theme during this time. Think of kids going off to college and becoming adults. An intimate relationship that makes it through this transit is indestructible.
Pluto transiting your Sixth house is a time when you feel incredibly inspired to serve others for the sake of serving. That can apply to your friends, family, and or society at large. The challenging aspect about this is ensuring it's out of altruism and not self-interest. This transit is also a time to ensure you focus on regenerating your body to stave off health issues. one cannot pour from an empty or broken cup.
Pluto Transiting your Seventh house will highlight and bring to your conscious awareness the deficits and potential within all of your relationships, including work, friendships, partnerships, or intimate relationships. You will be prone to shedding who is not right for you while also attracting those relationships that are beneficial. If you missed your chance for partnership during the 5th house transit, the 7th will deliver.
Pluto transiting your Eighth house often opens up an individual to better awareness and understanding of the hidden energies of our world that influence them. This process can be triggered by the loss of someone close, loss of identity, or loss of ego. Either way one emerges from this transit with a new and more profound perspective on life that inspires deeper explorations of topics that are taboo or hidden. This house can also transform a person's relation to debt (gaining/losing) and shared resources (inheritance, finances), as a result of the loss.
Pluto Transiting the Ninth house comes off the heels of a deep exploration of hidden energies within and without, and so it makes sense this transit will see an individual transform their belief system as it applies to religion, cultural experiences, or education. This is a time when you pursue higher education, again or take a long journey to open yourself up to other cultural experiences that will forever shape your perspective on the world. Your spirituality and relationship to the spiritual can deepen or emerge depending on your established beliefs.
Pluto Transiting your Tenth house impacts your career, public life, and purpose. It's possible you will undergo a disruption at work, being promoted into a position of power or conflict arising between authority figures at work leading to a change of path. Ultimately, you will gain greater clarity at the end of this transit as to what you should be doing in your career and how you can realize your true potential and purpose here on earth.
Pluto transiting your Eleventh house means you will experience a transformation of your friend groups and associations. People or groups who will help you with your professional/public path might emerge at the right time to provide you with the support you need. Conversely, you will lose and shed people and groups that no longer serve your higher purpose at work and in the world.
Pluto transiting your Twelfth house will transform your subconscious mind. This is a purely unseen and deeply psychological experience that will unearth the hidden traumas and buried memories that influences our behaviours and attitudes. Although painful, emerging on the other end of this transit will shape you into a mentally strong and hyper-aware individual who can then use that power to help others transform themselves.
So, where do you see the path of Pluto in your life?
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Technical Writer at Wyman Ink
1 个月This could not be more prescient…even more than it was in March of 2023. Nice synopsis, great on-boarder for those who feel the jolt of today’s Pluto-Sun Cazimi.