Astrology Newsletter March '25
From the Desk of Leslie Marlar, March '25
STAR Guild met on the 25th and discussed past events of Feb. and possibilities of events in March. The meeting in March will be on 25th.
In February, the main events seems to be the break neck pace of the new Administration. Mars was in Cancer in Sept, Oct, Jan, and Feb. It will continue to be there in March and until mid-April. This is very important because Trump has three planets, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. And the chart of the U.S. has Jupiter, Venus, the Sun, and Mercury in Cancer. So, this presence of Mars which energizes, it stimulating Trump and the country. Many government events have happened recently because of this stimulation.
By Feb 21st, all of his major appointees have been confirmed.
As to the relationship between Trump and Elon Musk, it can be easily explained. Trump is a Gemini Sun. Mercury disposes the Sun. His Mercury is in early/middle Cancer and this is where Musk's Sun, Ascendant, and Mercury are. Mercury with Mercury is a closeness of mind. The other night a pundit said that this is the first time a president has had a sidekick.
We are all wondering about the plane crashes. Extreme Pluto went into air and sky sign, Aquarius to stay for 20 years on Nov 19th. 1st we had the drone mystery and n ow plane mishaps.
The Pope continues to be sick with double pneumonia. He has Cancer rising; this sign represents his body. Infectious Mars is, has been, and will be for a while in Cancer. Mars also squares his Libra Mars. And he has Saturn in Pisces in his birth chart, where it is now. Saturn diminishes health.
In March we are looking at the following.
Mars will continue to be in Cancer and we will expect events like those mentioned above to continue.
In addition to Mars, the Mars ruled sign, Aries, is very active in March.
The Sun is in Aries in week 4, Mercury and Venus are in Aries for most of the month. Spring, Sun in Aries, starts on the 20th, Neptune goes into Aries on March 30th and stays for almost 7 months.
And there is a Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries on the 29th. The Moon will be in Aries later on the 28th , the 29th, and for much of the 30th. Early in the month it is there on the 1st and 2nd. So, people with important things in Aries will be affected.
We will be enthusiastic and active, but should control impulse, especially around the eclipse.
There is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th. The Moon is also in Virgo on the 12th and 13th. This affects us all, but especially Virgos and Pisces. We should rethink vision and mission.
Fairly good days in March are: 4, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 24, 25, 28, & 31.
The Astrology of Spacex Launches
I have been studying the horoscopes of Spacex launches and contrasting the condition of the planets between successful launches and attempted launches since 2014.
I pay particular attention to aspects between planets, luminaries and points, all called planets for convenience. Squares and oppositions a difficult and trines and sextiles are beneficial. The Ascendant, Moon and Sun are especially important representatives of the launch. The Ascendant and Moon move quickly and can show differences between short durations between attempt and success. There is also background noise or music of slower moving planets. At this writing Mars and Saturn are trine. We also have beneficial and detrimental planets; Saturn and Mars are difficult, and Venus and Jupiter are beneficial. And aspects move toward exactness and away from exactness. The former is stronger than the latter. The former is called applying and the later is called separating.
Here is a monthly look at my ongoing project.
Feb. '25
Feb. 3rd. Pad 40. No. Asc 23 Sagittarius square Saturn at 18 Pisces & Neptune at 28 Pisces, Moon at 19th Aries square Mars at 20 Aries.
Feb 4th Pad 40. Yes. Asc at 13 Capricorn. Moon at 4 Taurus 2 degrees past square Pluto at 2 Aquarius.
The 3 squares on the 3rd are much more numerous than the 1 square that is separating from exact on the 4th.
Feb. 3 Pad 39a. No. Asc 22 Leo square Uranus at 23 Taurus.
Feb 4th Pad 39a Yes. Asc 19 Leo square Uranus at 23 Taurus. Moon at 11.5 square Mercury at13 Aquarius.
The Ascendant/Uranus square is weaker on the 4th. The Moon squares Mercury on the 4th but it also sextiles good Jupiter.
Feb 7 Pad 40 No. Asc at 24 Gemini with Moon at 21 in Gemini square Saturn at 18 and Neptune at 28 Pisces. Sun at 19 Aquarius trine Moon at 21 Gemini.
Feb 8 Pad 40 Yes. Asc at 2 Cancer with Moon at 4.5 Cancer square Venus at 3 Aries.
The squares to Saturn and Neptune are worse than the square to mild Venus on the 8th.
Feb 11 '25 Yes Pad 40. Ascendant 28 Gemini trine Mercury at 25 Aquarius and Sun at 23 Aquarius, and square Neptune at 28 Pisces. Moon at 14 Leo sextile Jupiter at 11 Gemini. Sun square Uranus at 23.
The square to Neptune from the Ascendant is mitigated by the Ascendant trining the Sun and Mercury. The square between Sun and Mercury to Uranus is also mitigated by the Ascendant trining them, and the Moon sextile Jupiter brings help.
Feb 15 '25. No. Pad 40. Asc at 13.5 Scorpio. Moon at 26.5 Virgo oppose Saturn and Neptune.
Feb 16 '25 Yes Pad 40. Asc 29 Scorpio square Sun & trine Neptune & sextile Moon. Moon oppose Neptune & sextile Ascendant.
The trine to Neptune and the sextile to the Moon from the Ascendant is stronger than the Asc square Sun. And the sextile from Ascendant to Moon mitigates the Moon/Neptune opposition.
Feb 18 '25 No. Pad 40. Asc at 28 Leo oppose Sun at 0.5 Pisces. Moon trine Mercury.
Feb 18 '25 Yes. Pad 40. Asc 3 Virgo oppose Sun at o.5 Pisces. Moon trine Mercury.
The Ascendant is 2 degrees past the opposition.
Feb 21 '25 No. Asc at 24 Aquarius square Uranus at 23.5 Taurus. Moon at 11.5 Sagittarius square Mercury at 13 Pisces and oppose Jupiter at 11.5 Gemini.
Feb. 21 '25 Yes. Moon still oppose Jupiter and square Mercury. Asc sextile Mercury.
The Ascendant square to Uranus is gone and the sextile between the Ascendant and Mercury helps with the Moon oppose Jupiter square Mercury. And the exactness of the Moon, Mercury/Jupiter aspect is diminishing.
Feb 23 '25 No. 40. Asc 17 Scorpio sextile Moon, trine Mercury & Saturn & Mars, Moon oppose Mars & sextile Mercury, Mercury with Saturn.
The opposition of the Moon to Mars and the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn are strong difficult aspects with difficult planets that show problems.
Feb 24 '25 No. 40. Asc 14 Scorpio, Moon 29 Capricorn conjunct Pluto at 3 Aquarius sextile Neptune, Mercury with Saturn.
The Moon is with extreme Pluto and Mercury is still with Saturn.
Feb 25 '25 No. 40. Asc 17 Scorpio trine Saturn & Mars, Moon in Aquarius, Mercury with Saturn.
Mercury is still very close to Saturn.
Feb 26 '25 Yes. 40. Asc 5 Scorpio trine Sun and past square with Pluto, Moon 27 Aquarius, Mercury almost 3 degrees past Saturn.
The Sun trine is good and the Mercury/Saturn conjunction is passing , showing a past problem.
Feb 26 '25 Yes. 39a. Asc 21.5 Virgo oppose Saturn & Mercury & trine Uranus, Moon 25 Aquarius past square Uranus.
The trine of Ascendant to Uranus helps mitigate both the Asc opposition and the Moon square.
Consider checking out my site and STAR Guild. Call or email if you need services.
Astrologer Leslie Marlar PAI '77
Hermetician Church of Light '93, Honors Graduate, BGS, Rollins '90