Inherited property in a vedic horoscope is seen from the 8th house and if the 8th cuspal cuspal sublord ( as per KP vedic astrology ) signify 2 and 11th house then one is assure of getting the inherited property in destiny level only.
The assurance is only in the destiny level and still it fully do not confirm if the native will get the inherited property or not UNTILL the current ruling mahadasha of the planet also signify the same event in its ruling period.
If the current ruling mahadasha period on that time also signify the same event then one need to study the transit of the planet on that period of time and determine which transit of the planet will activate that event.
The mahadasha period is a long period which is divided and sub divided into its sub periods called antardasha and pratiantardasha. There are many more sub sub sub periods not discussed.
One need to study the mahadasha period and its sub and sub sub periods to determine which is the best period during which all the planets in mahadasha period and its sub period agree on the particular event and that period will be the time when the native will get the inherited property.