Astrological Analaysis of the Life,Mariage,Songs and Death of Elvis Presley

[i]ELVIS PRESLEY- A Vedic Astrological analysis of his Life

As The Snow Flies

On a cold and grey Chicago morning

A poor little baby child is born

In the ghetto

And his Mama cries

Cause if there is one thing

She dont need is another hungry

Mouth to feed,In the Ghetto

                        Elvis Presely-In the ghetto

 Elvis Aaron Presley was an American singer, musician, and actor. Regarded as one of the most

 significant cultural icons of the 20th century, he is often referred to as "the King of Rock and   Roll", or simply, "the King" Spouse Priscilla Presely (m. 1967–1973), Children:Lisa Marie Presely

Born:January 8, Date of birth 4:35am,Place:Tupelo,Missisipi,USA.

       Vedic Weekday:Monday

         Tithi Shukla Chaturthi(Vedic Calender Waxing moon 4th day)

        Nakshatra(Constellation/Lunar Mansion):Satabhishak(100                pyscians)(Aquarii)

      Constellation Lord:Dragon’s head(Rahu)

      Meaning of Navamsa: In Hindu Astrology, Navamsa means one-ninth part of a Zodiac Sign. Navamsa literally means the "Ninth Division". Thus, each navamsa measures 3 degrees and 20 minutes in longitude or one-quarter of a Nakshatra (Constellation).We will call it the D-9 Chart

The Natal Chart gives the position of the planet at birth and Navamsa its manifestation,hence both charts have tro be looked into for predictions,For example an exalted planet in Natal chart,looses its exaltion if it is debilated in Navamsa and vice-versa.Navamsa chart is of great importance in vedic astrology as it foretells about the 9th house(House of luck and destiny)



Musician and actor Elvis Aron Presley was born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi. (He later changed the spelling of his middle name to the biblical form of Aaron.) Presley was supposed to be a twin, but his brother, Jesse Garon (sometimes spelled Jessie) was stillborn. From very humble beginnings, Elvis Presley grew up to become one of the biggest names in rock 'n' roll.As per western Astrology he is a Capricorn, symbolic of a goat climbing a mountain till it reaches the top.Most successful Capricorns as per western Astrology start from a humble beginnings  till they reach the top from where their decent starts.


His natal chart shows Scorpio ascendant with Mars its lord in the 11th aspecting Sun 10th lord and mercury which are in the second house.His eyes were hynoptic,magnetic and beautiful,like the Scorpion personality.The aspect of ascendant lord Mars on Sun gives him good looks.The 10th aspect of Saturn is on the ascendant made  him a loner from his heart,introverted,eccentric to some extent and gives him a cold look,from outside which is not from the inside as scorpio ascendant people are very sensitive,and fight for the underdogs who respect them.Moreover Elvis was prone to drugs as Scorpio is rising and his Constellation  is Satabhisha (Aquarii)whose lord is Rahu(Dragon’s Head) which is prone to drinking and drugs,but he is  a fighter as well.Saturn and Moon in his 4th house show that he is cold hearted but his heart is like a coconut hard from outside and soft from inside.Such people hide their feelings,but do care a lot ofor the unprivileged without showing it.He is also suspicious by nature but very loyal.His marriage broke eventually because of his wife’s affair with another man whom she eventually married.

He has Rahu in his 3rd house which denied him of his twin brother who was still born(3rd house stands for younger brothers)


As he has a Scorpio ascendant and its lord well placed in the 11th,his health overall should be good and he would have powerful friends which were known as the Memphis mafia,people who indulged him in drinking and drugs.

His 4th house,house of the heart has Saturn and moon causing him heart problems.Eventually they say he died of a heart attack.

Songs and Rock-n-Roll

The birth lord Mars aspects Sun and Mercury in his 2nd house,the house of speech,which gives him a deep,fiery and great voice,making him a great singer

His 2nd lord Jupiter gave him prominence which started from 1949,and his rise started from 1950.In his Navamsa(D-9) chart he has Saggitarius ascendant whose lord Jupiter aspects 2nd house,the house of speech,singing.

His ascendant lord is in the 11th house which rules ankles and mars rules atheletics,hence he was great in his dancing style Rock-n-Roll.Mars gave him the energy being ascendant lord and aspecting 5th made him dramatic in his style of dancing.


If you look at his natal chart he has Sun and Mercury  Conjunctionin the 2nd house,and it indicates a Buddha-Aditya yoga(Mercury-Sun Conjunction)wherby the person is very intelligent in writing,hence if you look at his lyrics they have a deep meaning,with Venus and Rahu in the 3rd house of writing they are generally full of love and compassion.His 3rd lord Saturn is in the 4th house Aquarius its own sign along with the Moon thus making him exceptional in writing lyrics.3rd lord Saturn is with the Moon making his songs emotional.His 3rd lord is exalted in D-9 (Navamsa)chart.3rd house represents poetry,writing skills.

Elvis the Singer

If you look at his navamsa (D-9)chart he has Saggitarius ascendant and the lord of the second(throat,speech) and third(writing) ,Saturn is exalted in the 11th house,indicating income from them.If you look at his Navamsa(D-9) chart the ascendant lord is in the 6th Jupiter and is aspecting Sun in 12th house(foreign lands) thus indicating he will be famous in foreign countries as well.

Love and Marriage

In 1958-60 he was admitted to the army and had to go to Germany where he met his estranged wife Priscilla

He was running Jupiter Main period Venus sub period 1957-60 and Venus is with Rahu(foreigner),it is there where he fell in love.He got married on 1st May,1967,when Priscilla was running Saturn main period and Mercury(7th lord,spouse’s) period.Her chart shows Saturn and Rahu in the 7th house of spouse/partner hence marital break-up in Saturn’s main period.Priscilla’s chart shows aspect of Moon and Jupiter on 5th house of children,hence she was blessed with a girl child who stayed with her after the break-up.She eventually broke up in Saturn main period –Venus sub period as she was having an affair with a  Karate trainer,Venus with Mars(indicating an athelete/martial arts specialist)

Elvis Presely  rose from 1950- 1963 during his Jupiter period,Jupiter being 2nd and 9th lord for Scorpio ascendant,but during the last period of Jupiter(1963-65) where he was running Rahu sub period his fall started.He also started concentrating more on his Girl friend Priscilla.If you look at his natal vedic chart lord of the 5th house of children indicated his daughter would go away far  from him as it is placed in the 12th house,the house of loss.

Marital Discord

Elvis and Priscilla’s marriage took place on 1st May,1967,at Nevada,Las Vegas at approximately 12 noon.If you look at his marriage chart,he was running moon period for 1 year,after which his marriage chart shows retrograde Mars aspecting Saturn his 7th lord,house of partner indicating frequent quarrels eventually leading to breaking up of marriage in Mars-Venus period where his wife has an affair and subsequent marriage to his friend as Venus is in the 11th house of friends.

 Death and Everlasting Fame

From 1965 he started running the Saturn(shani) main period which is not good for Scorpio acsendants,and till he died he was running Saturn main period.He came back in 1968,but because of his personal problems with Priscilla his wife he couldn’t last at the top.Only a couple of albums managed to top the billboard charts.

During his death he was undergoing the dreaded sade-sati shani(7 and a half period of Saturn) which according to Vedic astrology is a dreaded period

In his Navamsa chart(D-9) as per vedic astrology he had an exalted Saturn which gave him everlasting fame and made him a legend.

Even todays millions of his fans pay homage to him ad visit Graceland,where his soul rests in peace.

Top Ten songs of Elvis

  1. Hound Dog
  2. Heart Break Hotel
  3. Jail House Rock
  4. All shook up
  5. Don’t be cruel
  6. Love me Tender
  7. Suspicious Minds
  8. Are you lonesome tonight
  9. Blue Suede Shoes
  10. Blue Hawai

Top 7 Singles

  1. Viva Las Vegas
  2. In the Ghetto
  3. Burning Love
  4. Its Now or Never
  5. Return to Sender
  6. A Little Less Conversation
  7. Don’t be Cruel


  1. Charts of Elvis Presely and Pricilla Presely(Date of birth,time of birth,place) from data)
  2. Marriage date,place from Wikipedia(dirty data as time not accurate)
  3. Death of Elvis Presely chart,date,place rough time from Wikepedia(dirty data)
  4. Biography some parts from Wikepedia of Elvis and Priscilla Presely
  5. Top Ten songs and Top 7 singles of Elvis Presely from

Meanings of Vedic words

1.Vedic:From ancient Indian texts like Rig veda etc or knowledge derived from Hindu sacred texts)

2.Navamsa: Hindu Astrology, Navamsa means one-ninth part of a Zodiac Sign. Navamsa literally means the "Ninth Division". Thus, each navamsa measures 3 degrees and 20 minutes in longitude or one-quarter of a Nakshatra (Constellation).We will call it the D-9 Chart


4.Name of Nakshatra:Name of Constellation(Lunar Mansion)

5.Tithi:Hindu Calender date(15 days waxing moon,15 days waning,Waxing called Shukla,waning called Krishna)

6.Mahadasha:Main period

7.Antardasha:Sub period

8.Sade-Sathi Shani:7 and half period of Saturn(12th fromm moon 2 and half years,Transitting Natal Moon 2 and half years,2nd house from Moon sign,2 and half yerars)

[i] Chart



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