Astonishing Thing About Hidden Yoga Traditions
Jyoti Kumari
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Yoga, originating over 5,000 years ago in northern India, predates organized religions. The Rigveda, among the oldest texts, mentions "yoga," marking its deep roots in ancient Indian thought, later developed in the Upanishads by sages. Shiva, considered the first yogi, imparted knowledge to the Saptarishis, spreading yoga worldwide. The Sanskrit root "yuj" gives "yoga" its meaning of joining individual and universal consciousness, akin to "yoke." Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, compiled in the early Common Era, detail yoga's principles of concentration and mindfulness. Evolving into a spiritual practice within Hinduism, yoga aims for self-realization and alleviating suffering, blending with Hatha yoga's physical aspects. This history illustrates yoga's enduring global significance for wellness and mindfulness.
"Yoga is not just a practice; it is a profound journey of self-discovery and unity with the universe, echoing through millennia to guide us towards holistic well-being and inner peace."
Here are some lesser-known facts about the history, etymology, and origins of yoga:
Harappan Influence: Archaeological findings from the Indus Valley Civilization, such as seals depicting figures in meditative postures, suggest that yoga-like practices may have been prevalent in this ancient society, indicating that yoga's roots could be even older than traditionally believed.
Tantric Roots: Many of the practices associated with Hatha yoga, such as asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises), have their origins in Tantric traditions, which are often more mystical and esoteric compared to the mainstream Vedantic and Vedic yoga practices.
Buddhist and Jain Contributions: Both Buddhism and Jainism, which originated around the same time as classical Hinduism, have significantly influenced the development of yoga. Buddhist texts like the Pali Canon and Jain texts like the Tattvartha Sutra include references to meditation and physical postures that are integral to yoga.
Early Textual Mentions: Beyond the Rigveda, yoga is also mentioned in the Atharvaveda and the Brahmanas, ancient texts that predate the Upanishads. These references indicate that yoga practices were integrated into early Vedic rituals and philosophies.
Yoga as Therapy: Ancient yogic texts, such as the Yoga Yajnavalkya, mention the therapeutic benefits of yoga practices, including specific postures and breathing techniques used to cure ailments, long before yoga became popular in the West as a form of physical exercise and stress relief.
Gender Inclusivity: While modern yoga often portrays a balance of male and female practitioners, historical yoga was predominantly a male practice. However, certain texts and traditions highlight the contributions of women yogis, or yoginis, who were respected and revered in their own right.
Cultural Exchange: The spread of yoga from India to the rest of the world was facilitated by interactions with other cultures. For example, Alexander the Great's invasion of India in the 4th century BCE and subsequent Greek documentation of Indian practices introduced yoga to the Western world.
Silent Traditions: Some yogic traditions, like the Kashmiri Shaivism, emphasize the practice of silence (mauna) as a crucial aspect of yoga, which is often overlooked in mainstream yoga practice today.
Yogic Superpowers: Ancient yogic texts, such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, mention siddhis or supernatural powers that can be attained through advanced yoga practice. These include abilities like levitation, telepathy, and invincibility, which are rarely discussed in contemporary yoga contexts.
Yoga and Diet: The Sattvic diet, which is considered ideal for yogis, emphasizes foods that promote purity, calmness, and clarity of mind. This diet avoids stimulants like caffeine and focuses on fresh, organic, and plant-based foods, reflecting the holistic approach of yoga towards health and well-being.
In tracing its origins over 5,000 years ago to ancient India, yoga emerges not just as a practice but as a profound philosophy that unites individual consciousness with universal truths. From its roots in the Rigveda to the expansive wisdom of the Upanishads and the timeless principles of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, yoga has evolved as a pathway to self-realization and a tool for alleviating suffering. Beyond its spiritual dimensions, yoga's journey intertwines with diverse cultures and traditions, spreading from the Indus Valley to influence Buddhism, Jainism, and beyond.
As we explore its lesser-known facets—from its Harappan origins and Tantric roots to its therapeutic applications and gender inclusivity—yoga emerges not just as a physical discipline but as a testament to the enduring quest for inner peace and holistic well-being. Its teachings on silence, diet, and even the potential for extraordinary abilities challenge us to rethink our connection to mind, body, and spirit. In a world increasingly seeking balance and mindfulness, yoga's timeless wisdom continues to resonate, offering a transformative path towards harmony and health.
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