?? Astonishing August Facts - Ready for a Mind-Blowing Ride?

?? Astonishing August Facts - Ready for a Mind-Blowing Ride?

Straight to the point about?August 2023?

The following information will make you feel superpowered, as it is a rare phenomenon, and I am happy that we are alive together to witness this amazing stuff.??

Witnessing this incredible phenomenon will make you feel like a superhero, and I am filled with joy that we get to experience it together, as it is a rare occurrence.

Embrace the feeling of having superpowers as we marvel at this amazing event that life has granted us the opportunity to witness.

This AUGUST 23, something special is happening in the planetary systems?

???On 25th August'23?is a day of?Zero shadow?- in some parts of the world the sun would be shining bright above your head and as a result its called as a?ZERO SHADOW day.??

Read here :?https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/new-updates/zero-shadow-day-in-bengaluru-time-date-reason-and-other-key-details/articleshow/99748431.cms?from=mdr

???On 27th August'23?- the planet?Saturn?will be closest to the earth.??

Here you can read for more reference:


???On 30th-31st?August'23??you would witness something called a super blue moon.??

Read more for reference here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2023/07/30/blue-moon-supermoons-august-2023/70461328007/

Go ahead and share to the world.?

And lets celebrate this life of awesomeness!

Stay tuned?


Thank you Amit Nath for sharing the information


