ASTM F88 (Seal Strength Test)
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Testing Standard: ASTM F88: Test Method for Seal Strength of Flexible Barrier Materials
Standard Number: ASTM F88
Standard Title: Test Method for Seal Strength of Flexible Barrier Materials
ASTM F88 is a test method that covers the measurement of the strength of seals in flexible barrier materials. Can also be conducted on seals between a flexible material and a rigid material. This test method measures the force required to separate a seal and determines the mode of specimen failure. Purple Diamond Testing offers ASTM F88 Testing as part of our packaging compliance and validation services.
ASTM F88 – Test Method for Seal Strength of Flexible Barrier Materials. It’s intended to be used as a quantitative measurement for process validation, capability, and process control. Seal strength data is not only relevant to opening force and package integrity, but consistency of the seals. This test method is commonly utilized for validation methods for porous and non-porous heat-sealed medical pouches. Although the maximum seal force is important information, the average seal force and the mode specimen failure data could be quite useful.
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