Asthma in Cats

Asthma in Cats

What is Asthma??Is a disease of the lower airways, can affect 5% of cats, often caused by allergic reaction to something the cat breathes in. When a cat inhales allergen, the immune system may react and create inflammation. Inflammatory cells may develop in the airways and produce chemicals that create more inflammation. The airways become irritated and tighten and cause difficulty breathing.

What are the Common Causes??Is often triggered by an allergy or stress, which causes chronic inflammation of the small passageways in the lungs. Asthma in cats is an immunity related condition and attacks can often be brought on by an allergy or stress, suspected triggers are Pollen, Grass, Mould, Mildew, Dust Mites, Tobacco Smoke, some of the litters, Household cleaning products and even Foods, Candle Smoke, Aerosols, Essential Oil Diffusers.

Recognise Symptoms.?Wheezing, difficulty breathing and a persistent cough it is incurable, but the condition is manageable with the right care, like humans, asthma in cats is a chronic inflammation of the small passageways in the lungs and is generally manageable with the correct care cats can lead a happy active live.

What is the common age the condition develops??Between the ages of two and eight years old, with a slightly higher prevalence in female cats. Certain breeds are more acceptable like Siamese and Himalayan cats.

What are the signs??Wheezing, Rapid or Difficulty Breathing, or increased effort to breathe, Frothy Mucus while coughing Difficulty Breathing after Exertion, keeping mouth open while Breathing, Neck Extended upwards and Gasping for Breath, Blue Lips and Gums, Increased swallowing, Throat Gurgling, squatting with shoulders Hunched, and Neck Extended and Low to the Ground.

Therefore, if your cat has any type of cough seek advice their lungs could be inflamed, and they could be at risk of developing permanent scars.

Similar Conditions:?Heart Disease, Heartworm, Lungworm, and?respiratory infections.

How do I limit Asthma Attacks?

  1. Using a low dust, fragrance-free?cat
  2. Not using perfumes or heavily scented products around?your cat.
  3. Changing?your air filters on a regular basis.
  4. Not using aerosols, sprays, or harsh chemicals around?your cat.
  5. Keeping?your home clean to avoid dust build-up.
  6. Not smoking around?your cat.


How do I Treat my Cat?

There are two types of medications used to treat cat asthma: corticosteroids and bronchodilators.

Herbal Treatment

Raw Honey – small amount


