Asterfusion has introduced an official Ansible plugin for its Enterprise SONiC NOS to better embrace NetDevOps.
Network O&M engineers are working with a constantly changing technological landscape. They must handle a huge workload thanks to increased network complexity, cloud computing, and virtualization. As a result, they face a mountain of new work every day. Even better, technology changes constantly and makes their daily work more difficult. A major concern for maintenance and operations teams led to the creation of the NetDevOps movement.
In 2014, this trend inspired new ways for both individuals and organizations to create and improve their network maintenance and operation through automation. New Python tools and open-source software helped automate tasks from the ground up.
What Is NetDevOps
Enhancing the efficiency of daily management, operations and maintenance by leveraging commercial solutions and open-source tools increases the effectiveness of net ops and maintenance personnel's process and methodology called NetDevOps. This increases the automation in their operations and maintenance processes, allowing for a higher level of maintenance to be performed with less staff.
What Is Ansible
Ansible is a popular network automation operation and maintenance tool nowadays. It is developed based on Python and integrates the advantages of many operation and maintenance tools (puppet, cfengine, chef, func, fabric, SaltStack). Its automation is mainly reflected in the integration of rich modules and Functional components can complete a series of operations through one command, thereby reducing repetitive work and maintenance costs, and improving work efficiency.
What is SONiC ?
SONiC (Software for Open Networking in the Cloud) is a free and open network operating system based on Linux and developed by Microsoft which nowadays has attracted a large number of industrial chain partners, forming a comprehensive SONiC ecosystem.
What is AsterNOS?
AsterNOS is an enterprise-level SONiC distribution self-develop by Asterfusion, which is stable and compatible with almost all mainstream commercial switching chips, with tens of thousands of commercial deployments around the globe. Compared to the community version, the commercial SONiC-based AsterNOS provides a wider variety of features, simpler usability, and can be used right away. As a new-generation NOS for the cloud computing era, AsterNOS is open source and business-oriented, and absolutely conforms to the NetDevOps concept, making it more useful and engaging.
Asterfusion has introduced an official Ansible plugin for its Enterprise SONiC NOS to better embrace NetDevOps. This plugin will enable organizations to automate network management and operations, with the aim of reducing manual errors. With this plugin, customers can use Ansible playbooks to configure and manage their networks in an efficient manner. This plugin also provides an easy-to-use interface for users and helps them quickly deploy new applications on their networks. By using the plugin, customers can ensure that their networks are secure and up-to-date with the latest technologies. The official Ansible Plugin from Asterfusion will help organizations embrace NetDevOps more effectively and efficiently than ever before.