Asterfusion Bare Metal Programmable Switch X-T Series X532P-T: 32×100G/40G
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?Product Overview
The Asterfusion?X532P-T?is the?best-in-class, programmable switch bare metal that provides standards-based networking connectivity to meet the stringent requirements of high-performance enterprise and service provider data centers. It is a unique combination of a multi-core X86-based control/management?plane, an?Intel?Tofino programmable switching chip?based?data forwarding plane.?The?AsterfusionX532P-T?switch is optimized to?make the network more?open, flexible, programmable, and powerful.?
The?Asterfusion?X532P-T?switch?follows with OCP (Open Compute Project) standard. Community version of SONiC and Stratum can be installed with the pre-loaded white box install environment ONIE.?We also provide our production-ready enterprise SONiC distribution AsterNOS that provides complete quality assurance procedure, protocol and feature enhancement and control/management APIs?for quick integration with orchestration controller such as Openstack and etc., which greatly simplifies and eases customer’s application development and deployment with the Tofino switch.
After installing software,?X532P-T?can be deployed as a top-of-rack (ToR) and spine switch as?well as smart gateway such as traffic management, load balance and security processing because its ASIC level programmability?enables?the switch?to deal with?flexible network application scenarios. If more complex applications that need deep buffer, stateful processing or L7 processing, the pluggable DPU module can be chosen to provide high performance software data processing ability, where DPDK and VPP framework can be used to provide developer a quick start development environment as easy as it on intel X86.
System Hardware Feature Highlights
32 x 100G/40G?(QSFP28) Each port supports single-mode and multi-mode fibers (duplex or?MPO/MPT) and copper transceivers or cables
Each port can be configured as 4x 25GbE or 4x 10GbE via breakout cables.
?Multiple Software Choices
By default, we provide an enterprise distribution SONiC NOS with the features enhancement?and quality assurance procedure with complete code review and system testing. Current SONiC version is based on 202012 and SAI version 1.6.3
AsterNOS?Framework integrates P4Runtime into a reduced-SONiC version in a docker container. By re-using the maturity and flexibility for SONiC architecture,?developers can easily combine?powerful management and control plane?such as BSP, hardware driver, device management etc.?from SONiC with P4 data?plane programmability in a single software system.?
Community version of SONiC can be installed with pre-loaded ONIE.?
System?Architecture and Panel Illustration
System Architect
?Order Information
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