Association of Professional Landscapers Cluster Meeting Bristol / Somerset.
It has long been our goal to start and have more regular meetings in the South West of the region, so I have managed to organise a room that we can use in Somerset.
This meeting is open to all designers and landscapers, members and non members. If you know of anyone else who may be interested, please invite along.
As discussed at our last meet, I have made this a late afternoon session, with an evening meal to follow.
Paul Willavoys of Landscape Plus has kindly offered to come along and give a presentation on Lighting.
The afternoon will cover
1. Who Landscapeplus are and our product ranges, Lighting, Irrigation and Pond Supplies.
2. How we help designers choose their products for their gardens and how to make sure the contractor buys the correct products. (we don’t design systems but help get the correct fittings a designer requires)
3. Changes in the industry, Halogen & LED
3. Show the quality of lighting products, from Hunza, LuxR, Collingwood and our Trade range
4. Light output from Halogen to LED and Cool white v warm white
5. Remote control systems from simple switches to touch screens & Iphones
Whilst this is a Landscape Plus talk, I must stress it is not a sales pitch, it is more informative than sales. Many of you may know Paul but just in case
Paul Willavoys is New Business Manager at Landscape Plus, having been with the company from its early stages and developing through the sales team. He is now a well-known figure within the landscaping industry, having suggested lighting on many RHS Show gardens with great success. He has a desire to educate people through talks nationwide to groups wanting to know more about the effects and control of lighting and the development from halogen to LED at such a crucial time along with taking the fear out of installation, and how the company can help designers and contractors with their plans. He is also very passionate about developing products fit for purpose within the garden, ensuring lighting systems work and the clients get the system they deserve for their garden.
Whilst this will make up the majority of the meeting, in true APL cluster style, this meeting can be expanded to discuss other things and I welcome any input into any further discussions you may wish to have, as it will give me the opportunity to gather any information for you. One thing I would like to discuss is Xyella, which is a hot topic at the moment and one that I am sure members of Chew Valley Trees could contribute to.
The address of the meeting is
George Inn & Plaine
High Street
Norton St Phillip
Meet from 3.30pm with an aim to start at around 4pm, thus allowing you to get a mornings work done at least. After the meeting we have an opportunity to book a table for a meal from the pubs summer menu and continue with some excellent networking opportunities.
I hope you will welcome this opportunity and if the venue and timings work we will look to build on this to be a more regular thing.
I look forward to seeing you on the 13th September.