Association of Professional Landscapers (APL) come to the South West next week.
Next week we have two great cluster meetings in the South West. Tuesday 12th September we are in Cornwall joining up with the local SGD group and Wednesday 13th we are in Somerset. Both events are free, Both are in conjunction with Landscape Plus. All are welcome that have an interest in this industry, members and non members landscapers and designers.
Tuesday 12th September 6 - 8pm
St Austell Printing Company St Austell Business Park St Austell PL25 4FD
Wednesday 13th Septe...mber 4pm -8pm ( we have a room and will follow the meeting with a meal)
The George and Plaine, High Street, Norton St Philip, Somerset , BL27AH.
The meetings will cover
1. Who Landscapeplus are and their product ranges, Lighting, Irrigation and Pond Supplies.
2. How they help dcontractors and designers choose their products for their gardens and how to make sure the contractor buys the correct products. (we don’t design systems but help get the correct fittings a designer requires)
2.5. Changes in the industry, Halogen & LED
3. Show the quality of lighting products, from Hunza, LuxR, Collingwood and our Trade range
4. Light output from Halogen to LED and Cool white v warm white
5. Remote control systems from simple switches to touch screens & Iphones
Whilst this is a Landscape Plus talk, I must stress it is not a sales pitch, it is more informative than sales.
We will also cover many other topics in true cluster fashion, such as marketing and Xyella.
I hope you can make one of these and I look forward to seeing you there. For more info or to book your space, Contact [email protected]