Dear Mrs Meloni

I appreciate your way of approaching the direction of Italian and international politics but I don't approve, or at least I don't see your continuous representation trips as fruitful, which smack so much of shows or of attracting intentions but not of arriving at true intentions, especially on the 'Africa and ways to curb migration.

Up until now, everything was easy. The Swiss woman made a mistake from the start by proposing herself as your opponent and by not presenting any valid project or program to address Italy's problems.

But what has been said is part of the Italian political habit which is created only to make the two opposing political camps fight, enhance Mr. Tomasi di Lampedusa and create media interest.

We are tired of seeing all this. Us refers to the over 60s who, together with their fathers, made up the post-war rebirth of this country

The fact that the war is not over yet since we are still under secular masters and therefore lost our economy and having joined Europe with the penalizing value of the old lira against the euro has practically killed us. (see UK)

I warmly congratulate you because, as an Italian citizen residing abroad for several years and having returned home, I find an old Italy covered with a future but without real objectives that oblige you, as your recent predecessors have obligated and will oblige your subsequent roles (hopefully late) to invent, day by day, the political agenda dictated by events to be discussed rather than by real commitments to be pursued.

I am writing this letter to refer to the useless contacts with Africa and with the Piani Mattei or other bad propositions which are heralded as solutions but which in reality, as they would like to be achieved, will only be defeats which could be fatal in the future.

Mass migration is fought only with economic development to be pursued with Territorial Development Programs in the African areas concerned, that is almost all.

Dialogue with Africa is not easy if you do not know well the identity of the nations, their culture and politics.

Today the race to replenish the coalitions of USA or Russia and Co. is in the direction of Africa and this ongoing world bipolarity risks creating more harm than good.

I didn't want to do it, I don't trust Italian politicians, but being convinced that until the moment of my life Italy is mine too, I am forced to offer the work of a lifetime so that they really propose TERRITORIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS to the Nations African.

I reassure you about the acquisition of the necessary funds, too many for Italy and useless if not well acquired.

I offer my collaboration on condition that I have contacts only with competent institutional parties eager for an interview and not sufficient demonstrations.

Why this letter of mine?

The enemy or relative is always warned before acting, the Over 60s could wake up from their torpor!

How can I act otherwise?

??Proposing to others, first Americ and then the Vatican, what I am offering today. For them, in addition to an enormous international approval rating and development for companies interested in executing projects, a new social action to be proposed to the world, which has been longed for but badly achieved.

This my security? Lots of experience.


Flavio Guadalupi -Linkedin


