Asset Tokenization advancing quickly / Fintech start-up community Switzerland growing fast / AlgoTrader in the middle of it

This week we have been notified that Deutsche Boerse is partnering up with major partners in Switzerland to push the asset tokenization ahead. This is great news. It will help the market adopt further opportunity for innovation and easing processes in trading assets. AlgoTrader welcomes this move forward as it will open up the next chapter towards automation and algorithms for trading both crypto and traditional assets in a comparable fashion. Find the news here:

Also we see that a growing Fintech community in Switzerland has established operation in 2018. The same trend will for sure continue this year. Switzerland has always lived from innovation and people taking risks to try something disruptive and new. This is also good news for the world as many of these startups have established operation outside Switzerland as well. AlgoTrader was already founded before 2018 but surely is proud to be part of the growing startup-community. Here is an article on this, sorry in German:


