The Asset That Gets No Respect
Karl Schilling
Karl Schilling is Author of Middle Class Millioniare... helping financial services professionals build 7 Figure incomes.
Have you ever heard the adage of do as I say not as I do? The secret is to do what the financial institutions DO,?not what they tell investors to do. The financial media, mega guru's and radio talking heads all are critical of permanent dividend paying Life Insurance. It appears they simply are lacking awareness of the magic of this asset, but when you see the foundational financial institutions directly contradicting the advice of these financial geniuses, you need to pay close attention.
Banks have placed 100's of billions of dollars into permanent high cash value Life Insurance. It's called BOLI, and corporations large and small also have 10's of billions in the same asset that gets no respect.
Banks and corporations have learned the same benefit of strengthen a balance sheet, bringing stability, protection, long-term gains, and favorable taxation. And yet this secret is maintained by the wealthy, the banks and the corporations. All the time the financial media and brilliant advisors tell you to buy term and invest the rest as if short term gains are the magical portion for financial independence.
My role in life is to help make people who have been prejudiced against Life Insurance by the misinformation gurus, be aware of the real value of this unique asset. It's good enough for the banks, the corporations and the top 1% of earners in the world.
So here is the real deal, dividend paying life insurance is a unique asset that will create tax free liquidity in times of financial need, or for leveraged investment opportunities. It will provide tax free retirement income if that is what you prioritize. It creates generational wealth which is how the wealthy have continued their dynasties. The other little recognized benefit is tax free liquidity for the uncertainty of critical, chronic and terminal illness. When the policy is set up correctly these are substantial sums of money for any type of illness that might arise. All these benefits have been hidden from the middle class. Why you ask. Well, the financial professionals are taught that life insurance for the middle class is reduced to single needs such as income replacement, mortgage protection and final expenses. This is why the talking heads will always pitch you on term insurance. But the truth is that any middle-class earner can use life insurance just as the Banks, corporations and wealthy do. It's all about a unique strategy called Check it out and schedule a consultation. It is 30 minutes of your time and I promise you will leave with far more knowledge on creating financial independence then you came with.