Is the Asset Finance Broker in decline...?

Is the Asset Finance Broker in decline...?

Well, its 2025 and for us Asset Finance Brokers, only 400 odd and counting, commission disclosure is in full swing (so pleased), but is the AF broker party spiralling out of control?

Now, I’m one of the more mature brokers, as many of you know and I’ve been doing this gig longer than any partner relationship I’ve had (26 years broking). So whilst I am certainly not an expert (not a word I use in my social media bio’s), I’ve picked up the odd thing on the way & getting older, means you say it as it is. Okay, I’ve always said it as it is…

Becoming an AF broker today is in reality well, easy. No qualifications necessary, no test to pass, little in terms of training (I know there is some really good training in the industry, but it’s not far reaching). A bundle of enthusiasm, a telesales script, a bunch of funders and ‘Roberts yer mothers brother’. LinkedIn & the UK here I come.

So, when I hear, as I seem to more and more these days that AN Other Broker has amongst other things said:

Promised me the lowest rate in the market regardless / based on what exactly?

Told me I can get a loan for £250k at an incredible rate, with little supporting information in 24-48 hours / and I’m a Dutchman

Any guarantees did you say? / Mumble incoherently, sorry the line is bad, I’ll call you back..

You are pre-approved on our system for £50k! / so you have blatantly proposed a deal without customer consent?

Have access to 19878 funders / now I’m Prince Harrys cousin

Will blow any rate out of the water! / Exactly who is witing your script?

Call XYX Funder Brenda, they’ll write the prop up for us / More fool the RM at the funder I say, you’re not helping the matter, your sticking a plaster on it

I know you’re buying a machine tool, but you really need is a term loan Mr Customer/ I give up..

Will put your through to our Senior Relationship Director / the fella that was working at WH Smith 6 months ago? (sorry bit facetious but you get the drift)

Then I hear we lost a deal, not to another broker late last year, or even to a direct sales force. Nope we lost the deal to a mainstream loan provider who is now broking deals off its enormous database, much of which was provided initially by….a broker! Brilliant! Is there anybody not broking out there?? My ex-window cleaner is now a broker, has 35 funding lines and he’s 16.

Now I’m rolling… I really do feel the general standards of AF broking is worse than it’s ever been if the stuff I see and I hear are remotely true. Its getting embarrassing. Funders whisper it themselves. They know. I do know some really fantastic brokers. Brokers that really know their stuff and provide a great service because they, like Percy do, really deliver to their customers. But what of our dear funders? How inefficient must it be to see prop after prop, with little or no supporting information and then, hey presto the deal gets proposed to AN Other Funder. Or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5…..etc. and Mr Funder are you that desperate for your targets (I know its yes in some cases) that you are prepared to take business from well, just about anywhere? Sadly, in many cases, this appears to be true. One senior underwriter at a funder known to most brokers told me ‘the general standard of proposal they saw, was truly abysmal’. Brilliant! So why deal with the broker? How many crap props, wasted time to find a few nuggets? Leading to poor service for the decent brokers. Other funders have given similar stories, which all leads back to the ‘Asset Finance Specialist/Expert/Top Banana’ knowing next to nothing yet is enabled to exist by the funder/broker current framework. Where are the minimum standards? Will anything be done about the lack of quality/professionalism? Why do good brokers get tarred with the bad ones? How can I, a broker, provide a great service if the funder service to me, its customer, is so poor? Is it so poor, because the inefficiencies are so poor at funder level? We used to get reports from funders around efficiencies. How many funders publish such reports today??

This is not all funders either. Some are really excellent still. The established brokers like us, know who they are and they get the levels of business they deserve. But they are in the minority. As another respected funder person said to me, it’s become like the ‘wild west’ yet this is a finance & banking sector!! Dual props, poor quality, lack of basic info, mandates prior to approval, under cutting each other, doing deals for nothing, saying just about anything whether it’s true or not, to win a deal etc. It’s a sad inditement of the times. But I feel very passionately about this and whilst not doubt many will disagree, after commission disclosure was railroaded in, funders are in a lovely position. No funder has compensated our business for the highly likely loss of income via comms disclosure (its natural), and have the funders dropped their margins? No doubt discussions around AI are in play and in time, flow-broker business will be gobbled up by technology. Don’t kid yourself it won't be.

Yes, I’m a dinosaur. It must be that. I’m exaggerating the problem. Fine. Do we always get it right? No. Do our proposals sometimes lack full details? Yes. But the vast majority of the time, we get it right. We do the basics within the compliance framework, we act professionally and we do the job to the best of our ability. Maybe I’m the only one with the balls to say this, because everybody I speak seems to agree with me. Will it change in general terms? Unlikely. So, we plod on and in some cases, mop up the mess of those that say they're broker's, when in reality they are not even close.

Brian Maguire

Director at DM Finance

2 天前

Can’t believe this has only appeared on my feed 4 weeks later… I wholeheartedly agree with the content of your article. I am very much new school but the amount of times I come across the Wild West Wolf of Wall Street style of brokering is unreal. A customer the other week said I was £600 dearer over the length of the term (on an advance of £45k). I then had to explain, I could smash that rate out the park but the profile of your business doesn’t fit that lender that can do those rates and they will decline it. Yesterday a good customer thought he would go via the car dealers broker as it would be easier…hes given up after a week as it’s so much hassle and back to me. There’s a popular haulier who now advertises trucks on behalf of customers for a fee. They also advertise finance, I very much doubt they will be an IAR to their broker and will be receiving commission for the introduction. Will they be getting a come disclosure form Signed? I highly doubt it. There needs to be more vetting on quality of brokers, especially since Fiduciary Duty is the same law(s) that govern relationships between Lawyers and clients, Doctors and their patients.

Ian Woodley

Co-Founder Finance Kitchen, Planet Eat TV presenter, industry podcaster, Founding Member of the Guild of Business Finance Professionals. Humbled to have 23,793 connections. Thank You

3 周

My view in the current state is that we all need to be aware of the march of technology and AI where it is inevitable that the simpler broker functions will be automated which will give borrowers direct access to lenders. The next generation of borrowers will also be more tech savvy and think nothing of jumping on an app to apply for credit. Therefore the future is in specialisation, the more complicated and messy a deal the harder it is to automate and the more value you can add. Im afraid I lost a lot of respect for a good number of lenders over the commission disclosure issues, they couldn't wait to throw brokers under the bus in their unjustified fear that someone was coming for their back book...The FLA and NACFB all of a sudden became the voice of the Asset Finance broker having shown very little interest previously. The future lies in control of the customer relationship and providing a service the customer cant perform themselves. Direct fees are in my opinion the way to go....take back control

Alan Hunt

Director at Percy Finance Ltd 30+ years experience in Asset & Commercial Finance.

3 周

Well 9000 views, so whatever your viewpoint, good to see folks taking some interest. I stand by the points I made. Only yesterday I came across a broker blasting a proposal around to all and sundry, reeking havoc and wasted time for many and ruining the customers credibility & credit file. Unsurprisingly, only one funder contacted me directly. Yet on a one-to-one, individually, they all tend to agree with me. Funny that.

Mark Jones

Bespoke funding for premise fit outs.

3 周

I can definitely relate,but not fully agree. I started broking in '88 when it was a somewhat marginal activity. Your CV was key to getting funding lines - fortunately Lloyds Bowmaker ticked a big box there. There were rogues, but they were slightly different from today - more Arthur Daley than spiky hair & white socks. The lenders tended to push them to the sidelines. A well-meaning branch manager of a bank-owned finance company sincerely advised me that I was making a huge mistake, that the banks had it all sewn up and that brokers had had their day. It's fair to say he was wrong. What I Agree with 100% is the steady drift in lenders from people and relationships to pure numbers - whether it's credit algos or keeping on rogue brokers just because they put the numbers through. Yes, there are still 'relationship' lenders, but they are a minority. Dodgy brokers are also a minority, albeit a significant & loud one.

Stephen Price

Managing Director at Ilsley Finance Ltd

3 周

I joined Mercantile Credit in 1979, Schroders in 1984, ran an in-house Leasing operation for a major equipment supplier from 88-95 - and then became a broker - largely at the suggestion of one of my bank contacts with whom I'd done millions. So 46 years in finance, of which 30 a broker. Anyone who knows me - both broker and funder - knows that I have long held the view that the training we received and the experience we gained are no longer apparent. I constantly come up against astonishingly poor levels of knowledge, some of it bordering on dangerous nonsense, yet the simple truth is that it's a numbers game for many and honesty, integrity and real understanding of the client/product take a very poor back seat to greed. I'm fortunate in having a high acceptance rate and a similar conversion rate. The scatter-gun proposal is not for me, nor is syndicating one large deal into multiple (and usually undisclosed) proposals. The Commission Disclosure rules are already being ignored by some or are easy to circumvent for own-book brokerages, and it's an increasingly frustrating market in which to operate. Funders are between a rock and hard place, in my view. I'm glad I'm this side of the fence.


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