Job Fit Assessments for Reduced Turnover - Manufacturing
Chemical Company
CHALLENGE: Recognizing that poor performance was due to being in the wrong job the challenge is to identify the optimal role for the employee to realize their full potential for the good of the employee and the company.
SOLUTION: The company uses the PXT with individual contributors in operations roles, with team managers, and with executive-level management. The assessment’s placement reports dovetail perfectly with the client’s goals by giving leaders an assessment of the employee’s thinking style, behavioral traits, and occupational interests, along with a percentage match to the company’s top performers in a similar role.
RESULTS: The company, experienced at using different assessments and integrating them for its needs, sees the improvement curve rising with their use—especially at the convergence of assessments.
Because of its values, the company was no stranger to assessments. Our relationship with the client led leaders at the organization to look at our other assessment offerings, and they liked the strength of the assessment company’s base. The PXT helps the company’s executives identify talent within the organization: It tells new managers what their teams look like, whether to move an employee, and whether the move should be lateral or vertical. It also helps with talent identification within the company. Although they have a strong leadership pipeline, managers are interested in how they can help workers develop in their roles to take on additional responsibility. They also want to know if an employee is equipped to move up in the company.
The company uses the PXT with individual contributors in operations roles, with team managers, and with executive-level management. The assessment’s placement reports dovetail perfectly with the company’s goals by giving leaders an assessment of the employee’s thinking style, behavioral traits, and occupational interests, along with a percentage match to the company’s top performers. The report also suggests specific questions interviewers can ask to help determine a candidate’s suitability for a position. A coaching report serves as a guide for managers interested in helping their teams develop better work habits. Further, coaching guides suggest ways to improve employee performance and thus the productivity of top performers. An additional benefit is that the coaching reports can also give managers insight into developing their own leadership abilities.
The client’s performance consultant listed three specific ways that the PXT's placement tool benefited the organization in its quest to identify internal talent:
1.By providing a clear picture of the candidates interviewed. “That gives greater insight when the hiring managers do not know the people. If I know how to read the PXT data, I can tell a couple of key things about you, which gives me a good idea of how you are going to do a job and what your interests are. So we are just getting a better feel of who our candidates are.”
2.By helping the new hires to become effective immediately. For those chosen for a job, managers can use the assessment in coaching, developing, and onboarding, so that the manager and the employee learn how to work better together more quickly, and the employee can be more effective in his job sooner.
3.By helping all workers understand themselves. “That matches our culture. Because we use a lot of assessments and we know how to read that data and apply it to their jobs, they get a better fit. It’s like baseball… the assessment helps us prove our batting average, when the ‘bat’ is high-performing new hires.” Assessments help create a language of understanding, and “that language is pretty accepted in our organization,” the performance consultant added. “For example, a manager can understand that if someone is low on sociability, that person prefers to work on his own and not have as much contact. That helps minimize tension and improve working relationships.”
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