Assessment is irrationality. Problems with innovation-business funds, DRAFT


  1. Innovation is what everyone uses daily, on what we live in and on. Thus, the innovation may bring billions in profit. In economical competition minor improvement may give leading position in global sales. Breaking through innovation is a totally new product/service, infrastructure or market.

2. Innovators are more skilled people. For example, most used programming languages and OS were written by a single skilled person or few friends. Thousands joined to improve and maintain. Hundreds millions to use.

3. It takes few hundreds words to describe billions worth innovation, or 10.000 words to write a project according UKRI template; but it arises from 1-4 degrees, i.e. 4-10 years of A-level studies, many years of work experience and independent research. There maybe 20y work unpaid or underpaid behind an idea.

4. Competition is harsh. Approx 1 of 10,000 innovations reaches commercial success. By giving 1 billion to 20,000 creative workers, one may reach 1-2 successful innovations annually giving > billion profit, maybe hundreds billions per year. Reality is that there are 19,998 losers.

5. The markets changes hourly.

6. Everybody uses the successful innovation, because it is quality improvement, problem solution or response to the need. Thus, the values of innovation is billions - millions.

7. Innovation funds deliver tax-payers money for SME, RO and other businesses to amounts up to millions.

8. This article describes the problem how less experienced, less educated and less skilled assessors discards billions worth innovations, and do not pay scrappy £800pm for the innovator having 20y unpaid and underpaid work.

9. Each lost billion affects approx 40,000 people destinies. Indeed, the specifics of technologies are that thousands of people work and study, one of them reaches billions worth innovation. Taking to the account 10 years unpaid work, 1 billion pays back only for 4000 people. The assessors are waged, they discard billions, and leave thousands of people in not skilled job, i.e. daily psychological torture, if billions relocate to different continents or third parties who do not pay back to the skilled people.

Logically it is irrationality to assess the innovations and the innovators.

  1. Any assessment mistake discards billions worth Intellectual property. There are a lot of steps to make a mistake []. I am limited in words, and the assessors are limited in time to assess , i.e. to look through links to resources describing the field. Words do not imply to assessors hundreds pages of text. Seems, assessors do not reason themselves about all project but write grades for parts of sentences which trigger them (see below, like they do not vote for high impact projects realistically targeting 100% market), do not know terms, do not pay enough attention and did not notice that questions are answered by writing 0 for not answering, and most importantly they write 0 when they do not understand which should had been opposite.
  2. Assessors are mush less skilled. If they are skilled, why then they do not go and do not make billions as businessman?
  3. Assessors do not have several degrees, and especially they do not have many years of independent research experience.

a) On 2019 there were approx 350 web-platforms globally making more than billion profit, most started by 1-few programmers. There are millions graduate programmers who do not have a clue. But, the assessors deciding from the comments did not distinguish web-platform from web-site and did not have any programming degree. It is not minor error of assessment, i.e. to give project for less experienced people. It took for me 3 years of independent research to arrive to code and understanding how to build web-platform; and I have 3 years of computational physics studies; and 6 years of various coding in physics, and my family members were math Olympics winners in former SSRS.

b) Urban agriculture projects assessors did not understand terms, because there are hundreds of pages of literature summarizing thousands of best research articles about urban agriculture, pollution, nutrition and global climate change relation. Project ideas and terms do not imply for the assessors these pages, they did not understand the impact, thus discarded the project realistically solving the global pollution, climate change, lack of food, and poor food nutrition problems.

c) Catering industry web-platform assessors most probably have no (i)medical degree and (ii)experience in restaurants back-end, and (iii)they are not web-platform programmers. They wrote 33% of 100%. I have 6y of A-level medicine 1997-2003, 6y experience as runner-waitress part-time in various London venues trough additional staffing agencies 2018-2023, and 3y computational physics with 6y modeling with various software and 6y independent code-research how to build web-platforms having 100% tech quality by the latest standards 2003-2023. If one study medicine at A-level in good university, one would answer that putting a leg on the plate equals to kill in months - years (infection becomes a disease in poor living conditions or after accidents when immunity is reduced); it derives that putting any dirtiness from the floor on the foor or tableware equals to kill. Many restaurant managers do not answer the same, because they are business masters, and they believe that dirtiness brings immunity, and they are army mentalities refusing to think, but requiring to obey. If one go working to restaurants, one would find a situation that there is no check of hygiene in action, and there are plenty of staff making unhygienic actions. There are training, but there is no check and penalties. I described 6y experience about various unhygienic actions i saw in approx 4000 words attachment, but the assessors do not believe. Maybe they write 0 because restaurant is sacrificial for them and they accepted the project as an abuse.

d) My project usually presents new devices-services concepts, enabling others to manufacture patentable innovations or other forms of Intellectual Property forms, like designs. The projects usually involve web-platform as an implementation mechanism to manage these innovation and to help to share resources. The assessors write that new devices concepts are plausible claims, and do not write 100% for the project which enables to create thousands new innovations. They do not understand the term innovation and the impact of the project to create innovations. But, UKRI competitions claim they provide money for the innovators, because the innovations assures leading global economical positions in democratic world. The value maybe billions and hundreds of billions. Assessors discard this.

4. Assessors do not participate in 1 of 10,000 competition. From my experience they do not understand the terms, have no experience in field they assess, and often they acknowledge this by writing " i do not understand" . By comments, they are triggered by project words; do not understand whole project. Seems, the funds are infiltrated by criminals who steal IP or tax-payers money, and maybe mentally sick people who write 0 grade for 100% grade projects.

5.Assessment creates enormous delays. If one reveals the idea, in few weeks one may meet hundred richer competitors with portfolios of examples, which is impossible to compete with, and who may damage the innovator as if thieves damage victim. There are business opportunities everywhere, but nobody see them. The hard-working person after 10y studies my identify millions worth market niches, the gov funds collect this for granted, discards and do not provide money in time, endangering to theft [].

6. I do not know how UKRI and other organisations protects innovations, i.e. billion? It is unfair to collect a billion arising after 20y of unpaid work in exchange to £300 - £100,000. My experience, that they do not pay £300 too, if i take out the waste of time created by any business and innovation scheme. If innovations are not described, nobody can understand them. The innovator carries them in the head. It is easy to steal the description of innovation, especially when it is shaped according the questionnaire.

7. I do not know how UKRI and other organisations protect themselves from mafia, KGB and other organisations, which may infiltrate and vote for themselve using keys, like project submission time and strong partner; or vote against strong project written by innovator bcs innovator is no the list of people to be persecuted. EU FP7-PEOPLE* projects had rules that innovator could pre-select the assessors, which i did not did, because it was against my understanding; thus organised KGB voting for themselves won and i lost; but, I was applying after 15 y of diligent research and studies with future opto-electronics projects. Assessors did not comment about future opto-electronics, they wrote that I was too young. Any assessment on paper works as if a game with rules, assessors, and other parties to take over tax-payers money. It is not the same as support of innovators and innovations to boost country living and economy.

8. Finally, if the assessor have the education, skills and experience, why then he does not make billions as more educated, skilled and experienced? Obviously, the assessors are tax-waged employer type metalities. They do not have billions worth innovations. The gov competitions are irrational, and create enormous damages to clever people (see below about damages).

9. This article implies, but does not describe the real innovation and business funds activities: lie, theft, other person property and tax-payers money trade/roulette game; and consequences: Hitler type genocide (500 billion patent loss affects 20,000,000 people destinies and living).

These project received low grades from the UK innovation funds:

UKRI project dated 27th-Sept-2023 was a web-platform for restaurants realistically targeting 100% catering industry globally, and solving one of main problems related to the hygiene. Hygiene is a strong catering industry risk which may lead to customers sickness or death in 5-10 years, which is difficult to correlate with the guilty restaurant. I received 33.9% of 100%. From my point of view project targeting 100% industry and solving the problem of hygiene is 100% grade. UKRI assessors comments are irrational. When I have time I publish more of it.

UKRI project dated 27th Sept-2022, web-platform for books, (submitted on 17th-Jan-2023, on 2022 was late to submit because of some test jumping the last minute, and because McDonalds switched off electric) ought to broaden book publishing industry 30 fold by connecting sales to another outlet; which realistically should boost other outlet sales too.

12 UKRI projects submitted from Aug 2020 until July 2023 were creating new urban agriculture market (i.e. targeted 100% of market among the first, and there were many collaboration points with all other types of urban-agriculture). Sustainable city is the future task.? Ellen MacArthur Foundation, CEAP?[EU circular economy plan], European green deal , GACERE, UNEP, UNEA, World Economic Forum, Center for Nature and Climate - in a circular scenari prioritize?local,?fresh,?organic,?high-nutrient?food.?The task?is to develop a?regenerative,?resilient,?non-wasteful, and?healthy food system with the?nutrients loops,?preserving natural capital, using?regenerative agriculture practices and?minimizing/removing fertilizers.?Nevertheless, it was not defined?how to achieve such??12 UKRI projects as a response to Covid-19 described dozen breaking-through innovation brings solutions to the formulated tasks, the circular scenario qualities [These projects wasted 7 months, and professional complaints writing wasted 5 months on top. I went to the court with Start-Up loans because UKRI did not provide the money ].

University Vacational project broadened tourism market bottlenecks many times, because this market wastes a lot of time to chaise for the customers, and increased service quality many times, because tourists at present may waste weeks to arrange a perfect schedule; and all vacations maybe ruined any-time. It targeted 100% tourism market too. The project stuck for three years, because Start-Up Loans scheme required to have the stable address, but London hostels were evicting me and relocating. Finally, I applied using charity address, but scheme staff discarded the application because of address. Further complaints and court wasted two years full time from 2021 Sept until 2022 Aug; and kept me in uncertainty on 2020. [ innovation fund wasted 3 years of my life rising address requirement, the court wasted 3 years on top, it lead to that i am homeless and childless. ]

I was walking with this project to World Travel Market since 2018, 5 years I was speaking to more tan 1000 participants annually (with break on 2020-2021 because of Covid19), being afraid that they make this instead of me. It is not done yet. It means that the professionals in the field may not understand the innovation, until it is not explained very clear; which i did not do. I did not use terms like bottleneck, sales increase, percent of market targeted, etc... I used wording "to fulfill tourists wishes".

All these projects have many more good impacts.


Human Rights Act is the main law regulating tax-payers money and gov activities. Intellectual Property assessment breaches two Human Rights, and sometimes more:

1) HRA Schedule-1 Part-II, Protocol 1, Article 1: Protection of property

Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law.

The preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair the right of a State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest or to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties.

The Intellectual Property is a type of property which is lost when it is revealed. Can you imagine that you loose a house, 20y work result, if you tell where it is? In most case Intellectual Property values is thousands of houses, i.e. billion. Intellectual Property assessment is equal to revealing Intellectual Property. It affects not a single innovator, but all his family, friends and culture.

2) HRA Schedule-1 Part-I, Protocol 1, Article 6: Right to a fair trial.

Right to a fair trial is a fundamental justice which includes concepts such as proportionality, rationality, correct procedure, compliance with laws.

2a) Intellectual Property collection breaches proportionality:

billions worth Intellectual Property

realised after 20y work (£500,000 value if taking 40h per week, but often innovators work A-level 70h per week)

is collected in exchange to £300 - £100.000, but often discarded

2b) Intellectual Property assessments is often irrational, because

it is assessed by less skilled, less focused, having no relevant education and experience people;

assessment takes months in hourly changing markets;

many competition criteria do not correspond to the business reality.

a) It is not that the schemes assess the innovation, but they assess a short description. The applicant must know the scheme rules and adapt. The first time, it took a month to reduce 70 pages of text to 400 words to pass UKRI template [ ].

b) they do not provide the right amount of money in time, so they spoil real business by creating waste of time and hanging as if illusion, which innovator seeks, because he has 20y underpaid and he has billions worth innovation. After all these 20y I want to make billions that other like me would not suffer, and that other like me have children. The gov scheme prevented me from this, and dislocated billions to other cultures.

3) Economical competition law. Fair

economical competition is then everybody is given a chance to compete, to study, manufacture products or services and sell them. At present, after 5-20y diligent studies and unpaid-work is it is given a chance to compete on paper, i.e. to be assessed by less skilled waged assessors. Additionally, one of schemes after spoiling the business, gives £360pm for the innovator having 20y of studies underpaid-word and £1000 for the landlord. In my case, the landlord is so stupid, that made for me a lesson - send viewing once, I did not come bcs I was busy preparing for the International conference - he did not send the second viewing as a penalty leaving me on the street. I mean he gave me a lesson to obey his viewings, etc...

4) Criminal laws. Gov competitions endanger to theft in many ways, and various damages by thieves. [].

Additionally, gov assessment creates waste of time such, that the business is spoiled and innovator is damaged.

Conclusion :

  1. For innovator and a leader gov funds create years waste of time. After 12y project writing, i manage to write them in 1-2 days, and I do not waste my time anymore; but, i am childless and homeless.

2. Seems, the funds are infiltrated by criminals who steal IP or tax-payers money, and maybe mentally sick people who write 0 grade for 100% grade projects, because "they are not stupid". I am sorry, most probably the rules are assessment procedure are stupid; maybe IP thieves or different cultures persecute me in Innovation funds and any other step depriving from money. The staff which deals with IP has no any penalties, and do not experience any harm, do not carry any responsibility.

3. After 15y of diligent studies and research from 5-9am until 11pm-3am weekends including, I experienced 12 waste of time by writing projects or struggling in part-time not-skilled jobs. The government did not give a penny ( I received approx £1000 from one scheme, but it was after three most efficient months waste of time, I mean £1000 is not adequate compensation. And, after all the damages, I can apply for housing benefit to pay for the Landlord £10.000 ).

The solution is :

  1. to make gov scheme, that businessman could borrow anytime as much as he is eligible, and than a competition for reasonable business expenses and time not to be returned.

2. to make infrastructure to work for businessman and innovator: access to research facilities, free (no-visa) movement, living in cars and public spaces, cheap hostels with diverse communicates.

p.s. Damages: to be written. Innovations arise after 5-20 years of diligent studies, work and independent research from 5-7am until 11pm-3m daily, weekends including, most of time not-waged. Most countries do not pay for diligence and this work. Innovation funds assessors discards this result for many reasons being waged.

Less than 1 of 10.000 researchers arrives to idea worth billions. Each lost billion affects 40,000 people. Business value was to put profit back to my culture (traveling, technologies, arts, democratic politics, natural nature), to enable my culture people to enjoy making money and to build 24/7 spaces for creative people. I do not know where Intellectual Property thieves or third parties may use the billion. They for sure do not build the same as my business and stakeholders.


Ellen MacArthur Foundation [?], CEAP [?,?EU circular economy plan], European green deal [?], GACERE [?], UNEP [?], UNEA [?], World Economic Forum [?], Center for Nature and Climate [?] -

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