Assessing Your Approach to Risk Management
Forestry Mutual Insurance Company
Setting the standard is what sets us apart.
By Greg Plumley, Director of Loss Control - Forestry Mutual Insurance Company
In the realm of accidents, the age-old adage states, "Accidents will happen." Yet, is it accurate to believe that all accidents are entirely unavoidable? Another familiar saying contends, "There's no such thing as an accident." Perhaps, while some instances of misfortune may be destined, it is essential to acknowledge that we have all likely contributed to an accident through our own negligence, if we are truly honest with ourselves.
Nobody should lead a life so steeped in risk aversion that they find themselves holed up in a bunker. Nevertheless, cultivating an awareness of potential hazards and being attuned to one's surroundings can undoubtedly aid in navigating a day devoid of accidents. Embracing a more conscientious "safety attitude" could potentially save lives.
To gauge your personal safety attitude, it is worthwhile to ponder how frequently you contemplate safety in your work environment. If your response leans towards "not very often" or "only when a colleague is injured," adopting a fresh outlook on safety may be beneficial. Here's a recommendation: Identify what, within your operation, constitutes a high risk and cultivate a mindset geared towards recognizing and mitigating those risks daily.
Forestry Mutual has pinpointed six key areas that substantially influence daily risk levels. Prioritizing these six facets will not only decrease your risk exposure but also foster an overarching culture of safety within your workforce.
Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact your Forestry Mutual Field Representative, who is ready and willing to assist you. Education equips you with the knowledge needed to shield yourself from the ever-growing risk levels and daily liabilities you encounter.
Remember, "Safety is a full-time job; don't make it a part-time practice."