Assessing Progress and Planning Ahead: A Guide to Quarterly Review

Assessing Progress and Planning Ahead: A Guide to Quarterly Review

As we approach the end of the first quarter of 2023, it is important to reflect on our progress so far and to evaluate how we can improve going forward. In order to do so, I have compiled a list of key questions to consider during our quarterly objectives goal review.

  1. Check in on your yearly/quarterly objectives: At the beginning of the year, we set out our objectives for the quarter and the year. Now is the time to review them and see how we are tracking towards achieving them. Are we on track to achieve our goals, or do we need to adjust our strategy?
  2. What are your major wins: Celebrating our successes is important, both for morale and for identifying what has worked well. What were the biggest achievements of the quarter, and how can we build on them going forward?
  3. What projects emerged and what got displaced: Inevitably, new projects and priorities arise throughout the year. It is important to assess which projects have been successful and which have been deprioritized or delayed. This helps us to adjust our priorities and make better decisions in the future.
  4. What are new/sustained best practices to continue implementing: Part of our continuous improvement process involves identifying new and existing best practices that we can incorporate into our work. What practices have been successful and how can we ensure they continue to be implemented?
  5. What are your growth edges based on what happened in Q1, where do you feel there is room for growth: Identifying areas for growth is crucial to our ongoing success. Based on our experiences in Q1, where do we need to focus our attention in order to improve?
  6. What are your places of stagnation: On the other hand, it is also important to identify areas where we may have become stuck or stagnant. What areas of our work have not progressed as we had hoped, and why?
  7. What are your places of strategic uncertainty: There may be areas where we are uncertain about the best way forward. These areas require additional attention and consideration in order to determine the best course of action.
  8. What are you doing going forward: Finally, based on our analysis and reflection, what specific actions will we take going forward? What changes will we make to our strategy or approach in order to achieve our objectives?

By taking the time to reflect on these questions, we will be better equipped to make informed decisions about our Q2 plan. This will help us to stay on track, build on our successes, and continue to improve our work.


