Assessing Pressure Ulcers
Carsten Scheibye
Orthotics I Biomechanics I Gait Analysis I Diabetic Foot Care I Foot Posture I Orthopaedic Rehabilitation I Foot Insoles
The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) describes pressure ulcers as localised injury to the skin, underlying tissue, or both, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure or pressure in combination with shear.
In the case of foot pressure ulcerations, such as diabetic ulcers, the aetiology tends to be multifactorial involving risk factors as varied as peripheral sensory neuropathy, increased plantar pressures and micro-trauma.
The EPUAP classifies the different stages of pressure ulcers as – Stage 1: Non-blanchable Erythema, Stage 2: Partial Thickness, Stage 3: Full Thickness Skin Loss, Stage 4: Full Thickness Tissue Loss.
International pressure ulcer prevention guidelines recommend the use of a risk assessment tool to identify high-risk individuals and to implement early successful preventative strategies for ................ Continue reading on Assessing Pressure Ulcers
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