Assessing the 2023 and Setting intentions for 2024
Millen Livis
Helping Women Be Financially Independent | Book Me as a Financial Speaker | Author | Investor | Entrepreneur | Wealth Retreat Leader
Traditionally, during the holiday season and the end of the year, people look at their best moments, the highlights of the year… ?
But the reality is… 2023 has been challenging for many, including yours truly. ?
However, I really believe there’re miracles (aka gifts) in every challenge... if you?look at your challenges from a "miracles’ perspective." ?
The lessons that were presented, the teachers that appeared in your life, the toxic relationships you released, the sabotaging perceptions you busted, and incredible opportunities you created... ?
So,?in my last newsletter this year, I invite you to take time and write down all the blessings and miracles you experienced in 2023, especially those that masqueraded as challenges or losses. ?
I realize it may feel like a pretty radical positive perspective on your really?challenging, possibly very painful, experiences… ?
But please bear with me… ?
Because it’s a truly healing, uplifting and life-supporting exercise. ?
Here’re some of my miracles in 2023…. ?
... February 1st?was one year since I lost my mom to a fast-raging undetected cancer. I miss her every day and feel nostalgic for the important part of my life that is “no more”…
However, if I think about her not being with us in a physical form from a "miracles’ perspective", I feel blessed. ?
Blessed that this truly amazing woman – kind, generous, carrying, wise - was my mother… and, frankly,?blessed that she left this turbulent world before?the?horrible?war in Ukraine, before the Hamas terrorists tortured, raped, burned, and killed innocent civilians in Israel, and before the uprising of evil in her beloved America.???
... Health challenges… I had a few?in 2023. ?
…Had to do an unbearably painful biopsy of my tongue and was diagnosed with rare autoimmune diseases…?I count this as a challenge. ?
However,?it made me?feel grateful?that it was not an oral cancer?and that I was able to heal and enjoy speaking and eating again. Yeh, simple things feel so magnificent after painful experiences. ??
... Invested?a LOT of money in myself... again. It?helped me become more intuitive, engaging and impactful speaker. ??
... Spent?a lot of hours working in my business to the point of physical and emotional tiredness.
This experience?made me?dare?to pause?and take a sabbatical, so that I have time to upgrade my own spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing. ?
Feel grateful and blessed that I can afford this choice. ??
... High inflation and uncertain economic environment?motivated me to implement and teach low-risk, safe investment strategies and practice patience and caution. ?
…Witnessed?lack of moral clarity, hypocrisy and ignorance of some people in my life. This led to?feeling disappointed and frustrated. ?
However, I feel blessed now because these experiences clarified (and solidified) my own values and priorities, and?helped release unsupportive relationships and responsibilities. ?
And releasing some people from my life made me love those who I kept even more. ?
Yes, I had a few miracles in 2023…??? ?
How about you? ?
Write down YOUR 2023 assessment from the "miracles perspective".?? ?
Next, get clear about your intentions for 2024. ?
Clear intentions combined with elevated emotions (e.g.?feeling grateful, blessed, joyful, happy, excited, loved, etc.) and aligned actions lead to experiencing the results you never thought could be possible.
As for me… I intend to… ?
...have more?time?with loved ones, more speaking engagements, more good investments with great ROIs, more opportunities and adventures, more laughter, joy, ease, and allowing…
...have less?time?spent in front of computers, less visits to the doctors, less tolerating toxic people, less stress, and less pressure of any kind.
All those intentions are going to be part of my 2024.
How about you?
Get a pen and a journal and start jotting down YOUR intentions for 2024.
Intentions are powerful. Once you get clear on your WHAT and your WHY? (e.g. why it’s non-negotiable for you),?the HOW will follow.
And that brings me to?my intentions for you…. ?
May you have a very Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) with your loved ones by your side.?? ?
And may your 2024 be Healthy, Peaceful, Prosperous, and Blessed with Many Miracles.???
Millen Livis ??