Assassin’s Creed 2: Semiotic Analysis

The following document is based on the semiotic analysis that has been conducted on one of Ubisoft’s award winning video game known as “Assassin’s Creed 2”, which can also be abbreviated as AC2. In addition, the focus of this essay will mostly be on the story of Assassin Creed 2, the technologies that protagonist used in the game and above all the title given to this entertainment program, which appears to have a lot of history behind it.

Nevertheless, before heading towards the semiotic analysis of AC2, let’s understand what is the term semiotic describes? Without a doubt, there are many definitions in which the term semiotic can be expressed. But the one that can simplify the most is the definition from “Umberto Eco, who states that semiotics is concerned with everything that can be taken as a sign (Dagnino and Cinici, 2015, 171)”.

Additionally, there are two more terms that are most commonly related to semiotics. The first is signifier, which is the form that sign takes, and the second is signified, the concept that sign represents (Eilam, 2012, 129). And from both of these terms, comes classes of semiotic. There is much that can be discussed here at this point, however, the only classes that are needed to analysis AC2 are “Sign: which is the representation of communication, Denotation: which represents the most basic meaning of a sign and Connotation: that gives cultural meanings of signs (Ludwig, n.d.)”. In addition, while we implement a semiotic analysis on Assassin Creed 2, I will be pointing out what each signs meanings and what it represents in the game.

Again, before starting the practice of the above semiotics classes, let's get to know the game first. Assassin's Creed 2 basically presents three eras, the 12th century, the 15th century and the 21st century. But unlike the author of the game who has mainly focused on the era of 15th century Renaissance Italy, this essay will focus on all the timelines showed in the game.

In addition to the above statement, not only this game has three different timelines but it also has a protagonist for each of those eras, who uses daggers, swords and kunai knife to assassinate their target. And above all the idea that connects all these eras is known as animus, which is basically a device in the game that allows Desmond Miles the 21th generation assassin, and the first main character of the game, to find and gain the knowledge of his ancestors.

(IGN, 2012)

Nonetheless, coming on to the semiotic analysis of the game. When Desmond taps into the memories of Ezio, the second main character from 15th century, he starts to get some flashbacks, and therefore begins to inherit his fighting abilities from his ancestor name Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, who was the protagonist in first assassin’s creed game and the leading character from 12th century (Reparaz, 2015).

Again, as his ancestor’s name was Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, the name can be taken as signifier here, and the signified can be that, his forefather was Muslim. In addition, as Altair’s was also displayed as the leader of assassin in this game, his character appears to be giving a sign, that the idea of murdering other human beings comes from a Muslim community, which can be the denotation here, and as the way western media indirectly implying, that the reason that modern assassination exist is because of Islam (Nowbari, 2012), can definitely be taken here as connotative meaning.

Beside that, if one would research on the title of the game, the word assassin, which can be taken as a signifier, associates to an Arabic word of “hashshashin”, which can be signified, and the meanings of this word, the user of “hashish” (Grieve, 2013, 396), can be taken as a denotative meaning. Also, as hashish basically comes from cannabis, such as marijuana (Comer, 2012, 336) (Gold, 2013, 224), one can easily understand where connotative is referred in this definition.

Nevertheless, again, according to the relevant sources, it appears that the origin of the word assassin, is mistakenly connected with wrong term, which not only changes the meanings of that word but it also disrespecting the “community of al-Hassan al-Sabbah, who used to call his follower “assassiyunn”, which can be the signifier, and which means the ones faithful to the assas, which can be the signified. Nevertheless, as word also based on the spiritual meaning of the message delivered by the Prophet Muhammed (Ross, 2015, 79)”, it can be taken as a sign of denotation, and if one would observe more in complexity it can also be take as sign of connotation.

(Psycing, 2013)

Another sign that can be taken as signifier is the animus. The technology showed in the game, gives signified sign of a drug (Tyler, 2014). And the reason for taking this sign as a drug is because whenever the protagonist attacks/harms an unarmed civilian, or badly injured himself as in the video above, the scene seen starts to shake and gets fuzzy, which gives a denotative and connotative sign that Desmond is not the only one in the illusion that he is invincible, player himself/herself is also immersed in the game environment, and whenever Desmond get desynchronized from his ancestor’s life, so as the player from the game, breaking the effects of drug.


Moreover, as AC2 is an open world game, let’s observe the above image of the city in which Ezio grew up and transformed into an assassin. The buildings on the market side and on the streets seems to be bit close to each other, which seems perfect for an assassin to escape, as they contain an ability to climb walls quicker than an average person, and also are full of unique skills, such as Jumping from one building to another, which not only helps them in their escape from the enemies, but also aid them to dodge enemies’ range attacks.

Nonetheless, on the ground level of the city of Italy, Ezio had to follow the rules, as he is also a citizen. He has to show normal behavior, as he is one of the people who obey the law of the city. Thus, here, the walls or/and building in the game are their as a signifier. And the signified sign can be that the player can plan his escape any time he wants, from the rules of the city. Also, if one would observe that the author of this game also wants us to break the rules and run freely, that observation can be taken as denotative meaning here. And a sign of freedom, in which player can do whatever he/she desires, can be connotative sign.

Furthermore, the rooftops of the building can also be taken as a signifier in this game, which can have signified meanings as, it represents a safe zone for the player/protagonist. A denotation sign can be the authority to run freely without anyone in the way, which brings forth the sign of connotative, that there are no limitations.

And last the signifier, known as the apple of Eden. Without a doubt, the author named this technology very wisely, as gives a connotative sign of power and knowledge, which can be seen in the first video. Not to mention, the denotative sign it gives to the observers, is that it used to controls minds of humans, which can also be taken as a signified sign.

Thus, for the conclusion of this essay, it appears that the game has been giving a meaning, or better yet programming the mind of this generation that it is because of Muslims, the world is not in the state of peace (Nowbari, 2012). They way Altair was shown was absolutely disrespecting. Then again, even if Ubisoft might be trying to give some other signs such as freedom, the sign of a drug and illusions does not seems to be giving a positive view. True, Assassin’s Creed 2 has presented many signs, which I was able to discuss through semiotics analysis. But, it is a shame that the meanings this game presents, does not pass the one who play’s this game, and therefore, it is hard to say if the developers of this game did a brilliant work applying the ideology.


Comer, R. J. (2012). CourseSmart international e-book for abnormal psychology. Retrieved from

Dagnino, G. B., & Cinici, M. C. (2015). Research methods for strategic management. Retrieved from

Eilam, B. (2012). Teaching, learning, and visual literacy (illustrated ed.). Retrieved from

Gold, M. S. (2013). Marijuana. Retrieved from

Grieve, M. (2013). A modern herbal (reprint ed.). Retrieved from,+from+where+the+word+%E2%80%9Cassassin%E2%80%9D+is+said+to+come+from&source=gbs_navlinks_s

IGN (2012, October 26). Assassin’s creed in 5 minutes Retrieved from

Ludwig, K. Semiotics vocabulary. Retrieved from

Nowbari, R. S. (2012). Assassin’s creed, origins and downfall of Islamic terrorism. Retrieved from

Psycing (2013, June 16). Assassin’s creed 2 - DESYNCHRONIZED Retrieved from

Reparaz, M. (2015, October 22). What each assassin’s creed brought to the series - UbiBlog - Ubisoft?. Retrieved March 4, 2016, from Assassin’s Creed,

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Noaman K.

Product Manager | Graduate Student | Proudly Neurodivergent

8 年

Great analysis . An interesting article to read .



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