Leaders: Imminent Bio Assassination Dangers
Hon. John Norris JD, MBA
FDA Former #2; 20x Board Member; Executive Chair Safely2Prosperity; formerly managed ~14,000 EEs and ~$6B budget; ~30,000 LinkedIn followers; Former Harvard Life Sci and Mgt Faculty Member; facilitated raising $Billions
Leaders: Imminent Bio Assassination Dangers
By, Dr. John Norris
Dr. John Norris is a former FDA COO and Harvard faculty member. He is a successful entrepreneur and expert in risk management for the spread?of pathogens resulting from bio attacks, whether nature-made or human-manufactured. He has written over 120 articles and posts on this topic's various aspects, perspectives, and concerns. He and his teams were also visionaries and pioneers in (1) highly automated surgery, (2) telemedicine, (3) medical knowledge processing, (4) streamlined regulatory processes, and (5) health law. On behalf of all people everywhere, Dr. Norris and his current team have self-funded $1 million in cash and invested over $2 million in sweat equity to create the world’s best infectious disease-spread risk-management and adaptive-recommendation software platform: VirusVigilant.
Their mission is to save up to a million lives by the decade's end. They have their "fingers in the dike." But look to other "US and global patriots" and many others to help fund the preparedness of the US and the globe for imminent bio attacks. Ask what we can do together to protect ourselves, at the same time we protect all of humankind. Please join us in forbidding and preventing any other result. We must fulfill this duty now. Let our employees (especially our high-risk front-line workers) and their families--and history--judge us well. We hope these few words inspire you to help. We are using our money and energy to protect one and all. We ask you to do the same for your own benefit and the benefit of millions of others.
In the midst of an ever-changing world, where technological advancements have brought both progress and insecurity, it is vital for CEOs and COOs worldwide to be aware of the potential risks posed by assassination bio attacks. As assassination methods become increasingly sophisticated, the threat of bio attacks looms large, impacting not just the safety and well-being of employees but also the operations and stability of businesses--and the lives of CEOs, COOs, and their families.
Dr. Norris said, The risk of assassination bio attacks is just one more challenge faced by overworked and overstressed business leaders, who are prime targets for attack. Hostile nations and their proxy terrorist groups know they can inflict maximum damage for each aggressive act on a target country by eliminating its business executives. Top leaders with the right skills and experience are not easily replaced. National security and national defense capabilities could be vastly reduced by "putting out of action" just a few dozen CEOs and COOs.
With "assassinations" and "bio dangers" so much in the news, it would be no surprise if the rate of assassination bio attacks increased dramatically this year and in the years to come. We believe such attacks will represent clear and present dangers for CEOs, COOs, and their families for the rest of the decade, if not longer. It's still a controversy. But in spite of purposeful recklessness among politicians and other leaders, change is coming to America and the world, and we are not in control. Our hostile nations and their proxies are. The best we can do is mitigate the negative consequences of the change.
Think you are not at risk? It’s time to wake up.
The Dark New Reality: Assassinations via Bio Attacks are Here to Stay
In recent times, the concept of assassinations has expanded beyond traditional methods of incapacitating companies and nations. While bullet-laden physical violence and threats still persist, there has been a concerning rise in the use of assassination bio attacks or threats as means of targeting top executives. Most of these, in the hundreds, have been scary false attacks or non-deadly attacks. But the same people can transition. They can readily change the contents and delivery system they use to make their attack deadly for the executive or those around them or, far more scary, their families.
Dr. Norris said, This alarming trend necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and effective measures to help protect business leaders, their families, and their organizations and affiliates, including their investors, customers, vendors (such as banks and insurers), and suppliers. Strong economies are dependent on strong companies. And strong companies are dependent on strong leaders--and the healthy workers, families, investors, and affiliates they help to sustain.
We believe bio weapons will be the weapon of choice for would-be assassins during large indoor meetings or office visits. Handguns, rifles, and bombs are far more difficult to smuggle into a large indoor meeting. And for those conference room/indoor stadium and office visits, indirect transmission through a purposely infected staff member, visitor, or family member would work just fine.
The Silent Threats Against Executives
Assassination bio attacks encompass the deliberate release and transmission of harmful biological agents directly or indirectly onto CEOs and COOs. They present a unique challenge due to their stealthy, lethal, largely undetectable as-to-source, and small-scale but highly targetable nature--and the fact that the staff member, visitor, or family member can, unknowingly to both, "carry the bullet" to the executive in the initially targeted and infected person's breath. Unlike traditional forms of violence, such as gun-related incidents, bio attacks are often hidden, making them difficult to detect quickly and thereby prevent, mitigate, and control the spread of their pathogens. These characteristics call for heightened vigilance among CEOs and COOs, as their positions may make them prime targets for such attacks, and without "preparedness," they are likely to be killed or otherwise significantly harmed when they are.
Dr. Norris said, Assassination bio attacks can be direct or indirect. Indirect attacks involve infecting staff, visitors, friends, or family members—or more than one of them—in one way or another. The ways and means of doing this are matters of national security. But we assure you there are many ways and means by which they might work, and, furthermore, they can easily be tailored to meet specific circumstances. They are ideal. It's a wonder they have not been used more in the past.
While the precise details of assassination bio attack methodologies remain undisclosed for national security reasons, it is crucial for business leaders to gain a few insights into the potential mechanisms that might be deployed and understand the nature of preparedness required to help protect their employees, families, investors, and other constituents--and themselves and their families.
The Urgency: Minimizing Assassination Bio Attack Impact by Protecting CEOs, COOs, and Their Families
For politicians, government agency heads, and business executives, the greatest responsibility for protecting the workforce and minimizing the impact of bio attacks falls upon their most senior leaders, including Chairmen, CEOs, COOs, Commissioners, Directors, and their Principal Deputies. This article will focus on attempts to use bio attacks to assassinate CEOs and COOs or members of their families, but the content applies to all leaders and their families worldwide.
Dr. Norris said, CEOs and COOs must be prepared at all times to prevent bio harm to themselves and others. Effective preparedness comes from using the best bio attack spread risk management strategies and tools of the day. For these senior leaders, their moral, ethical, social, and legal duty is to ensure the safety and well-being of their workforce, families, and investors first. But they cannot do that well when they are disabled by an infection or in a high state of fear of significant harm to themselves and or their families. So, preparedness to avoid or mitigate physical illness is paramount. But preparedness to mitigate their fear is very high on the list as well. This means they should have the same protections in place as others, plus more biosecurity surrounding them at the office and when out and about.
A major part of those protections will be installing, implementing, and fully operationalizing strategies, plans, programs, systems, tools, and other infectious disease spread risk management mechanisms as soon as reasonably possible. It's the "spread" that kills millions.
Dr. Norris said, The implications of a bio attack, even a small one focused on assassinating the CEO or COO, will likely extend far beyond immediate harm, impacting the stability and continuity of operations, stakeholder confidence, and the overall reputation of the organization. If the CEO or COO is killed or otherwise significantly harmed, things might become geometrically worse. Fear of death or other significant harm to family, especially children, is a highly destructive force. Even just a viable threat of a bio attack can wreak havoc with an enterprise if its leaders and their enterprise are not appropriately prepared--and known to be fit and primed to adaptively exercise sound protective judgments in the middle of a bio attack crisis, should one materialize.
Adopting a proactive and comprehensive approach is essential to minimizing the impact of infectious disease-spread bio attacks on business executives and operations. Just like on airplanes, when oxygen masks are dropped, leaders must put their "masks" on first—and then lead. There is absolutely no shame in doing this. More lives will be saved.
Saving lives here entails implementing robust risk assessment protocols, developing insightful crisis management strategies, and investing in cutting-edge technologies to prevent, mitigate, control, detect, and respond promptly and effectively to potential or actual threats or outbreaks of bio attacks and the "spread" of deadly pathogens from materialized attack threats. Inexpensive software platform products are available now to help executives protect their employees, families, investors, and other constituents—as well as themselves and their families.
The Call to Action: An Open Letter to CEOs and COOs Worldwide to Beware
In light of the growing concern surrounding bio attacks worldwide, especially concerning the bio assassination of CEOs, COOs, families, and investors, we issue an open letter to CEOs and COOs worldwide urging them to prioritize the safety and security of the people for whom they have a moral, ethical, social, and legal duty to protect—including themselves and their families. Without skilled leaders such as them at the helm, chaos will result.
This open letter serves as a call to action, providing insights, recommendations, and resources to equip business leaders with the necessary "strategies and tools" to protect themselves, their families, their investors, their other constituents, and their organizations.
Safely2Prosperity LLC
Dear CEOs and COOs --
These are dangerous times for leaders and their families--and they are about to become more dangerous in terms of deaths and other significant harm from bio attacks, including the harm from the mental, psychological, and financial impacts of "viable threats" of bio attacks associated with the extensive fear they create. Fear is a "force to be reckoned with."
There is no perfect protective solution, but several companies have invented and developed good solutions that will help you protect your employees, families, and investors while protecting yourselves and your families.
In this brief open letter, we will examine just a few aspects of the challenges and their solutions. In doing so, we will include seven key action items and insights on which CEOs and COOs should focus most.
Key Action Items and Insights
Taking a unified preparedness stand against all forms of bio attacks, and their consequences will make a significant difference here.
In conclusion, the risks posed by all three types of bio attacks--(1) assassination, (2) small regional, and (3) global--demand immediate attention and action from CEOs and COOs worldwide. It is imperative to acknowledge that these threats extend beyond physical harm, impacting the entire organization and its stakeholders--and whole economies.
Fear defeats (1) productivity, (2) the willingness to come to work, and (3) the willingness to work at all at a company that is not fully prepared--where defense of spouses and protection of children play the biggest role.
What employees and their spouses fear most is the possibility that when working in an unprepared company, the employee might bring a pathogen home from work that kills or otherwise seriously harms one or more of their children. This is true for CEOs and COOs as well. For every astute executive, it is "safety first." And letting everyone know you are doing your moral, ethical, social, and legal duties to your workforce and their families. To do otherwise is reckless, and there will be significant negative consequences when people find out.
With a united front and a commitment to proactively address and mitigate the risks of all three types of bio attacks, business leaders can (1) ensure the safety and welfare of their employees and families, (2) protect the continuity of operations, and (3) safeguard the long-term success of their organizations--all to save employee jobs, investor funds, and the ongoing success of other constituents--while protecting themselves and their families. All are noble goals.
Executive Chairman Dr. John Norris
A Public Service Announcement by Safely2Prosperity and Its Executive Chairman, Dr. John Norris
We are pleased to often cover the well-hidden story of bio attack reckless unpreparedness as a public service for the sake of our readers and all the people of the US and the world. We aim to have informed, educated, and committed leaders in the US and worldwide at all levels of society. We hope they buy our solution because it is the best. But if not, they must purchase "a" solution. Three alternative solutions are almost as good as Safely2Prosperity’s (S2P's)?VirusVigilant. Our mission is to save up to a million lives by the end of the decade.
S2P provides a "comprehensive infectious-disease spread risk-management solution," VirusVigilant, for politicians, business executives, government-agency heads, and other nation leaders to protect their people, employees, families, investors/taxpayers, and others. S2P's VirusVigilant "Infectious Disease Safety Program" (like a now-ubiquitous "Fire Safety Program" but much more sophisticated and complex) combines a SaaS platform with customized risk management tools (AI is to be added soon) for overseeing add-on packages of vaccinations, testing, therapeutics, isolation (if infected), quarantining (if exposed), and tracking technologies, among many others, for up to 24 infectious diseases and their most significant variants.
These tools help such leaders meet their moral, ethical, and legal responsibilities while protecting and enhancing population, workforce, family, and investor/taxpayer safety and productivity. Thereby, VirusVigilant helps assure (it's not "insurance," but "assurance," for leaders, so "they can sleep at night") at?1,000 times less the cost?(Yes, 1,000 times less) than health insurance, high levels of (1) business continuity, (2) revenue, (3) profits, (4) investor and insurer financial protection, and (5) the overall effectiveness and survival of the enterprise and its workers, families, and investors/taxpayers. With a focus on proactive measures, S2P offers a cost-effective, low-cost (as low as pennies per employee per month), intuitive solution for risk-managing infectious disease spread.?"It's the “spread” that kills millions."
Dr. John Norris is a former FDA COO and Harvard faculty member. He is also a successful entrepreneur recognized as an expert in preventing, mitigating, controlling, and otherwise risk-managing the "spread" of infectious diseases. He has often published on this or related topics in a wide variety of publications, including as editor-in-chief of two academic journals, one at Harvard (the most successful publication of its kind worldwide, which he founded at Harvard some 50 years ago) and the other at Cornell. And gave many presentations on the need for change in health and healthcare systems, including some 300 presentations worldwide. Also, he helped reform the "regulatory procedures" used by the Joint Commission (which "regulates" hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes and the services they provide) and the US FDA (which regulates drug and medical device developers and the products they develop). Finally, he is a successful businessperson and entrepreneur. He and his former teammates sold one of their last start-ups for almost $2 billion in today's dollars.
As the historically world-renowned diplomat Benjamin Franklin said as he signed the US Declaration of Independence from England (the first, most costly, and most dangerous step in forming the United States as a country, but a critical step): "Gentlemen [and Ladies], we must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Thoughtful and aggressive "preparedness" is the first and most essential step in protecting our people and those of our allies from the devastation of a bio attack by a terrorist group, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, or Lebanon, or a hostile nation, such as Iran or North Korea.
Preparedness costs?as little as 60 cents per employee per month (again, 1,000th the monthly cost of health insurance). Yet bio attack risk management might prove far more valuable to nations, government agencies, employers, workers, families, and investors--and eventually in far more demand across the board. Therefore, politicians and other leaders who desire to retain their jobs will want to ensure such creative and transformative innovations are always in place and fully operational. Any leader who fails to protect those for whom they are responsible from the ghastly physical, mental, psychological, and financial damage of a bio attack is likely to be found negligent or, worse, “reckless." No leader at any level of society can survive if they are found to be the latter.
If you want to learn more about?VirusVigilant, please get in touch with Dr. John Norris by text at 617-680-3127 or by email at?[email protected]?(mailto:[email protected]). S2P's website is?safely2prosperity.com?(https://safely2prosperity.com/).
? 2024 Safely2Prosperity LLC and Dr. John Norris, Executive Chairman. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
FDA Former #2; 20x Board Member; Executive Chair Safely2Prosperity; formerly managed ~14,000 EEs and ~$6B budget; ~30,000 LinkedIn followers; Former Harvard Life Sci and Mgt Faculty Member; facilitated raising $Billions
7 个月I thank my readers on all my venues for their strong support. Best, John
CSO of MaaS Health Systems LLC dba MaaS Nanofilms and Trillium Ferroics
8 个月What would be most effective is if US agencies declassified what they know about past bioattacks. Keeping the lid on the pot to avoid panic was absolutely the wrong choice.