What is ASP.Net?

ASP.Net is a web development platform provided by Microsoft. It is used for creating web-based applications. ASP.Net was first released in the year 2002.

The first version of ASP.Net deployed was 1.0. The most recent version of ASP.Net is version 4.6. ASP.Net is designed to work with the HTTP protocol. This is the standard protocol used across all web applications.

ASP.Net applications can also be written in a variety of .Net languages. These include C#, VB.Net, and J#. In this chapter, you will see some basic fundamental of the .Net framework.

The full form of ASP is Active Server Pages, and .NET is Network Enabled Technologies.

ASP.NET Architecture and its Components

ASP.Net is a framework which is used to develop a Web-based application.

The architecture of the.Net framework is based on the following key components

  1. Language – A variety of languages exists for .net framework. They are and C#. These can be used to develop web applications.
  2. Library - The .NET Framework includes a set of standard class libraries. The most common library used for web applications in .net is the Web library. The web library has all the necessary components used to develop.Net web-based applications.
  3. Common Language Runtime - The Common Language Infrastructure or CLI is a platform. .Net programs are executed on this platform. The CLR is used for performing key activities. Activities include Exception handling and Garbage collection.

Below are some of the key characteristics of the ASP.Net framework

  1. Code Behind Mode – This is the concept of separation of design and code. By making this separation, it becomes easier to maintain the ASP.Net application. The general file type of an ASP.Net file is aspx. Assume we have a web page called MyPage.aspx. There will be another file called MyPage.aspx.cs which would denote the code part of the page. So Visual Studio creates separate files for each web page, one for the design part and the other for the code.
  2. State Management – ASP.Net has the facility to control state management. HTTP is known as a stateless protocol. Let's take an example of a shopping cart application. Now, when a user decides what he wants to buy from the site, he will press the submit button.
  3. The application needs to remember the items the user choose for the purchase. This is known as remembering the state of an application at a current point in time. HTTP is a stateless protocol. When the user goes to the purchase page, HTTP will not store the information on the cart items. Additional coding needs to be done to ensure that the cart items can be carried forward to the purchase page. Such an implementation can become complex at times. But ASP.Net can do state management on your behalf. So ASP.Net can remember the cart items and pass it over to the purchase page.
  4. Caching – ASP.Net can implement the concept of Caching. This improve's the performance of the application. By caching those pages which are often requested by the user can be stored in a temporary location. These pages can be retrieved faster and better responses can be sent to the user. So caching can significantly improve the performance of an application.


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