Aspiring towards a promising renewed renaissance
Oman has just marked one year of mourning after the passing away of Sultan Qaboos, the architect of the 50-year long Blessed Renaissance. On the other hand, today the Sultanate is observing the first anniversary of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik’s ascension to the throne. Being the successor of the Sultan Qaboos, the whole country is on cloud nine for the new Sultan as he has been recommended by late Sultan Qaboos.
Upon ascension to the throne on January 11 last year, His Majesty in his first speech, said: “Dear people of Oman, words fall short of articulating a eulogy for a Sultan as great as him (Qaboos bin Said), or describe his good deeds and accomplishments. Our only relief — the best with which we can eternalise his achievements — is to pursue his rightful legacy and derive impetus for the brilliant steps that he took with full confidence and determination, to preserve the gains that he made and to build upon them”.
While aspiring towards a promising renaissance, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik assured to pursue the legacy of the late Sultan. He stated, “This is what we are resolved to execute, God willing. We shall march forward on this road so that Oman could attain and maintain its prominent place in which (His Majesty Sultan Qaboos) wished to position it and for which he stayed on vigils to realise that goal, and, alas, he was granted success in his endeavours”.
On the ascension day, history repeated itself, recalling the day when the late Sultan Qaboos came to throne in 1970. In his first speech delivered to his fellow citizens, His Majesty called upon Omanis to shoulder the responsibility along with the government to build the new Oman, so this would accelerate bringing the bright future, which he promised Omanis with. Alike, His Majesty Sultan Haitham addressed the people of Oman in his first speech, urging them to contribute to preserving the legacy of Oman and marching towards the new era.
In this regard, His Majesty benevolently pointed out, “People of Oman, the trust thrust on our shoulders and the resultant immense responsibilities require us all to work together for the sake of our country’s magnificence, with a persistent resolve to promote it to the loftiest levels. This cannot be realised without your support, cooperation, and combination of all efforts to achieve the desired supreme national goal. Your contribution to enrich all efforts of progress, development and prosperity will be highly appreciated”.
Both the Sultans have placed their confidence on their countrymen to be part of the nation-building march, from their first day of ascension. This was a key success factor towards building the mutual trust and cooperation between the leader and his people. This gives Omanis the confidence and sense of belonging, so they devoted themselves and direct their attention towards building the nation for themselves and the new generations to come.
Accordingly, with the Sultanate is undergoing an era of a renewed renaissance, Omanis are expecting new reforms to take place in various walks of life. In fact, what thrilled them more is the quick announcement of a successor to late His Majesty Sultan Qaboos. The smooth transition of leadership that took place a year ago was a kind of relief reflecting the sense of unity, continuity and stability of the nation.
Generally, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik assured his fellow citizens from the first day of ascension to throne that Oman will always remain the same, which they have been living in during the reign of late Sultan Qaboos. Reflecting on the promising and reassuring first speech of His Majesty, Omanis had believed that the new Sultan is a great successor and a man of mission to carry on the Blessed Renaissance of Oman.