Last week I introduced the idea of my version of S.M.A.R.T goals, if you missed that blog post please be sure to check it out, Coach Dale’s Renovation of S.M.A.R.T. Goals. My premise is that if you understand the “why” behind your goal you will have a higher likelihood of reaching your goal.
That is why the A for aspiring is at the top of the graphic I shared last week. It’s at the top because in my mind everything flows from that. If you think back on goals you have set in the past, and if you have been successful or not, did you know your why?
When you connect with your true “why” then you will usually see it tie into your purpose or calling. Your why is internal while your purpose or calling has more to do with what God has created you to do.
One way of looking at it would be:
- Purpose = body
- Calling = spirit
- Why = soul
In my experience, most people miss the mark on setting goals because they focus on the outcome rather than the why.
Here is a good example of that:
What is your goal?
I want to lose 20 pounds.
Why: I dont like my weight on the scale.
Why: Clothes don’t fit anymore…
Why: Not as healthy as I want to be
Why: Want to live a long life
Why: I want to see my kids/grands grow up
Why: I want to play with them/run – be active
When you continue to dig a little deeper (asking yourself why 5 or more times) you will see, it is not about the number on the scale. When you start to feel the emotion welling up, that is why you are getting to the real why. When you connect with the real why I truly do believe you will have a better chance at reaching your goals.
Here is the question I would like to leave you with for this week:
What is the current goal you are working towards? Will you commit to taking some time to think through your why for your current goal and then recommit to your goal? Doing this simple exercise could be the difference between you reaching your goal, or not.
Coach Dale
Schedule a “get to know each other” Zoom meeting!
Playlists — music can change your mood, enjoy some of the songs that encourage me.
The Identity Key — you can purchase my book on Amazon.