“ASPIRATIONS” Life series –299”

“ASPIRATIONS” Life series –299”


We are ruled by our limiting beliefs..

Too often we believe we are not good enough; something is not working for us and it needs to be fixed; something is missing; and something special needs to be added to make it worthwhile. These limiting beliefs often hide the wealth within.

This?story will explain...

A young man inherited a statue of clay, which was in the possession of his family for ages. He was feeling ashamed to show it up proudly to anyone. Wished it was of gold, so when he did earn some wealth, he had the statue gold plated, as it was made to look the way he wanted.

Over a period of time flakes of gold started peeling off from the statue. He began to spend more and more time and money on maintaining it. Was growing very frustrated.

One day his grandfather came, the young man showed him the statue, feeling rather embarrassed and ashamed because of it disheveled appearance, of clay somewhere flakes of gold somewhere.

The grandfather who knew the statue well, recognized the statue and started to rub it with moist cloth. After roving the clay, he said, "Many many years ago, this statue must have fallen in mud and clay, to cover it up completely and they must have forgotten to wipe or wash it, and so it must have become covered. You wouldn't know."

Saying this he began to rub the statue even more vigorously and as he did so he began to remove the stuck clay and the bright yellow metal started to appear.

"The grandfather then told the grandson, "Underneath the clay statue has been one of solid gold from the beginning. You didn't have to put more gold on it. From now on all you have to do to show up gold is to remove any clay or dust that settles on it."

Like the clay on the gold statue, poor vision, limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, self-doubts, poor excuses and habits hide the wealth within which undermines our desire and ability to perform well, to succeed. These obstacles are like the anchor at the bottom of the sea, holding up everyone we make. Removing them sets our inner resources free.

Performance is better more often by understanding ourselves well from within, and from constantly - learning, unlearning, relearning, being curious, creative, innovative, being interested and by being present 100% every moment.

What are you waiting for then, start unearthing the gold lying hidden inside each of you.



?Jaideep Mirchandani,





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