Aspen Biosciences Newsletter July '23
Aspen Biosciences
Aspen Biosciences is a leading provider of customized software solutions for the life sciences industry.
This quarter has been nothing short of exciting, as we've rolled out a plethora of significant ?updates to Pipeline's Assay Request Management (ARM), Project Management, Protein Production, Metadata and Registration modules.?
Assay Request Management (ARM)
Experience a whole new level of convenience with the updated Notification feature across ARM, Protein Production & Registration!?
ARM lets you define notification templates and designate the people who should be receiving them based on their roles.
In addition, ARM now lets you define an assay data template that you can use to capture assay data information. Simply upload a sample data file, and the system will automatically map the fields in the spreadsheet to the fields in Pipeline’s Field Library. From then on, anytime you upload data using this template, the system will automatically parse it and load it into the database.
Project Management
Introducing the fresh, new calendar view in our Project Assay plan, making milestone dates and holidays pop, so you can effortlessly manage your assay activities!?
Protein Production
Discover the exciting upgrades in the Clone Target Form, Workflow, and Pipeline, featuring advanced search and filtering options for sequence elements like tags and linkers. Easily create a Clone Request, monitor its progress, export it as an Excel file, and send it to your service provider without breaking a sweat.?
The Protein Production module has always offered customizable workflows, but now with this latest update, you can effortlessly gauge the progress of any protein request. Each step in the workflow showcases a color-coded Status field that the system uses for visualization. So just by glancing at it, you'll instantly know which steps are completed, in progress or yet to be started.?
Keep an eye out for our upcoming Genscript API integration later this summer; designed to provide a seamless custom clone request submission and tracking experience like never before!
Exploring the Field Library is now a breeze with our sleek and enhanced interface! Field tagging allows you to easily manage and filter fields based on common tags. Plus, effortlessly import field definitions from widely-accepted industry ontologies. Map fields in SD files and Excel spreadsheets to field definitions in the Field Library to keep everyone on the same page and reduce communication errors with CROs and collaborators and internal teams
Great news! Our Registration module has been upgraded to support registrar-driven and submitter-driven workflows. If your organization employs registrars to curate substances prior to registration, you can now streamline registration requests into a queue, allowing the registrar to review and unify metadata for items before registering them. No dedicated registrar? No worries! Items can be conveniently registered directly in the system.
Experience the simplicity of compound registry configuration by effortlessly uploading a sample SD file to extract and map the essential fields for your brand new registry. You can now easily filter registered substances and view registration notifications in your personalized activity feed.
We're also proud to announce the recent addition of biologic registration support. Now you can configure a series of connected registries and a well-structured numbering system that unites them all. For instance, create clone, expression, and purified protein registries, linking the clone to its biomass expression and proteins purified back to their biomass. This feature makes tracing a purified protein back to its source clone a piece of cake!
In line with our biologic registration enhancements, we've also incorporated protein complex registration support. You can now seamlessly register subunits for a protein complex and register the entire complex in one smooth step.
A big shoutout to our Early Access customers who continue to play an indispensable role in refining Pipeline's features! Interested in joining the Early Access program? Get in touch with us at [email protected].
Projects: Empowering you to accomplish tasks with unmatched efficiency and cost savings!
This quarter, we're taking our customers' drug discovery workflows to new heights by maximizing efficiency. Discover how we can supercharge your team's processes and make a difference!
Upcoming Events:
Discover the future of biotech at the CLSA San Diego Open House & Solutions Showcase!?
Swing by our table and explore how our expertise can supercharge your workflow by eliminating technical barriers and streamlining system integration.
Join the innovation celebration with us! Learn more about Pipeline, the game-changing software application tailored to revolutionize drug discovery. Why is it perfect for you? It's modular, adaptable, and compatible with most 3rd party systems.
For more information, contact [email protected] and let's revolutionize the world of biotech together! #Biotech
About Aspen Biosciences
Aspen Biosciences has a wealth of expertise in life sciences, drug discovery and software development. Our mission is to boost the efficiency of your research and discovery initiatives. We provide services ranging from informatics roadmaps and customized software solutions to ELN/LIMS implementations, system integrations and lab automation. Whatever the requirement, our solutions are designed to expedite discovery cycles, optimize project scalability and streamline data management for drug discovery programs.