Aspects of self-care

Aspects of self-care

When I first started to delve into this most intriguing subject of self-care, I had no idea how much and how many areas it involved. In this article I will mention different areas of self-care, as well as some ideas and examples for you to consider as you are working towards better health physically, mentally, and spiritually.

There are a variety of different ways to practice self-care;

Self-care is a personal matter, and one size does not fit all. That’s why everyone’s approach will be different. It relates to what you do at home, at work and in your social settings to look after your holistic wellbeing so that you can meet your personal and professional commitments with more vitalityand more effectively.

Self-care can be practiced in many different ways: 

  • professional
  • Physical
  • Psychological
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual
  • Relationships.

I will touch on each of those areas to give you some insights and ideas that might assist you in discovering the different aspects of self-care that speak directly into you, so you can start to think more intentionally about creating your own self-care plan, which I will talk into later in the series.

The suggestions and activities below are there to give you some ideas. Choose activities that are meaningful to yourself and your own goals.

Workplace or Professional self-care:

This involves activities that help you to work consistently at the professional level expected of you. For example:

  • engage in regular supervision or consulting with a more experienced colleague
  • set up a peer-support group
  • be strict with boundaries between clients/students and staff
  • read professional journals
  • attend professional development programs.

Physical self-care

Activities that help you to stay fit and healthy, and with enough energy to get through your work and personal commitments.

  • Develop a regular sleep routine.
  • Aim for a healthy diet.
  • Take lunch breaks.
  • Go for a walk at lunchtime.
  • Take your dog for a walk after work.
  • Use your sick leave.
  • Get some exercise before/after work regularly.

Psychological self-care

Activities that help you to feel clear-headed and able to intellectually engage with the professional challenges that are found in your work and personal life.

  • Keep a reflective journal.
  • Seek and engage in external supervision or regularly consult with a more experienced colleague.
  • Engage with a non-work hobby.
  • Turn off your email and work phone outside of work hours.
  • Make time for relaxation.
  • Make time to engage with positive friends and family.

Emotional self-care

Allowing yourself to safely experience your full range of emotions.

  • Develop friendships that are supportive.
  • Write three good things that you did each day.
  • Play a sport and have a coffee together after training.
  • Go to the movies or do something else you enjoy.
  • Keep meeting with your parents' group or other social group.
  • Talk to you friend about how you are coping with work and life demands.

Spiritual self-care

This involves having a sense of perspective beyond the day-to-day of life.

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  • Engage in reflective practices like meditation.
  • Go on bush walks.
  • Go to church/mosque/temple.
  • Do yoga.
  • Reflect with a close friend for support.

Relationship self-care

This is about maintaining healthy, supportive relationships, and ensuring you have diversity in your relationships so that you are not only connected to work people.

  • Prioritise close relationships in your life e.g. with partners, family and children.
  • Attend special events of your family and friends.
  • Arrive to work and leave on time every day

Many people believe that self-care is simply about relaxing, going out for a meal once in a while, watch television, going to the gym on a Saturday morning, or lie in the bath for half an hour listening to amazing music. Although those things are important, there is a lot of more to this than meets the eye, as you might have seen in this session.

The idea is, to gain more awareness of those different areas, choose what will support your journey of Self-Care, put it in your plan and follow it while also supporting those around you with their plan, which, most likely, will be very different from your one in many areas.

Self-Care is not a quick fix of something that has deteriorated possibly over many years; It is a journey…. A journey of discovery, a journey of recovery, a journey towards improved health and well-being.

Enjoy your journey as you are worth it!

Jan Robberts

Here is also the video link about this article:


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